2014 Bible Bee Micro Practice Tests
This year, fellow Bible Bee participants, led by Matthew Minica, have put together micro quarter-length practice tests (25 questions for Primary, 50 questions for Junior and Senior), intended for local events this month. Full length tests should be available in early August.
Tests are available as PDF files: Primary | Junior | Senior. The answers (no peeking!) are available here.
See here for a bubble sheet to make the practice test experience as close as possible to contest day.
Please note that these practice tests were created by volunteers and are in no way endorsed by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, which hosts the National Bible Bee.

57 responses to 2014 Bible Bee Micro Practice Tests
Only 3 wrong!!!!!
On #24, in my translation, 3 answers are correct. Of course I chose one that was NOT the answer the makers said. XD
Thank you so much for making these!
I got 14 wrong-- Yikes! Need to work on those cross references! : ) Nice job Mommy's Helper!!!
@Hannah: How are Junior #13 and 17 the same? And what's the mistake in #27 B? Sorry I'm missing it. xP
Yay! :) I plan on taking all three...so far I've taken the Primary one, and got them all right.
Can't wait for the full version!!
@Emily - on Q27, maybe that "Bring out of darkness" should be "Bring people out of darkness," or something like that?
*rolls eyes* 17 wrong. for Junior. No wonder, I'm Primary.
Sorry, was looking at #13 Primary and #17 Junior.
What Bethany said
Okay, interesting. I thought might be both because the whole story is about what happened to Jonah as seen through the eyes of Jonah, but God is sovereign and in control the whole time. :)
The Primary Sword Study never actually said that God was the main character, but it said, "Did you know that Jonah is not the main character in Jonah?"
How can these tests be thorough when no one has completed the SS yet? Or have some people gone through the SS and made questions from it?
Answered! Thanks!
Zachary, these only go over the first couple weeks for the SS, the complete version will be posted later.
I can't open the test PDFs. It says the page is not found. It was fine on the 17th, but not now. Hopefully someone sees this and can fix it, since it is a great help!
Someone just contacted me about this; it's fixed now. Sorry the files disappeared for a while.
Please feel free to reach out via "Feedback" tab on the right, as we check that more frequently than blog comments (it goes to our emails). Thanks.
On question 24 for the Primaries, it says that Psalm 145 says that God does not have anger, but the verse actually says he is "slow to anger."
We just played Bible Baseball using these questions instead of our game cards. It was great! :D
@Gloria - Bible Baseball is a board game played like baseball - for every Bible trivia question you get right, you either get to move ahead one base, two bases, three bases, or you can get a homerun. If you get three questions wrong in one "inning," it is the other team's turn to "bat." It's really fun, especially when it's played with Bible Bee questions! ;)
I am having the same problem. I was planning on sending these to friends but now the links do not work...Help, please? :)
The tests should stay accessible now. Sorry for the glitches. Please note the URLs for the tests and answers have changed, so don't panic if you refresh and they are gone. I have updated the post to include the new URLs.
Thanks so much!!! :D