Goals for 2012
Well, we missed our Christmas blog post and have almost missed our New Year one too! We trust, though, that everyone had a blessed and merry Christmas and quality time to reflect on the birth of Christ. The passage of two thousand years has not dimmed the significance of God sending his own son into the world.
As you think about your goals for 2012, consider setting yourself a memorization goal. In an upcoming release we will make it easier to see how many memorization sessions you have completed this year. Since it's difficult to know exactly how many verses it's possible to commit to memory in 366 days, consider setting a goal of completed memorization session. My personal goal is 250 sessions, or five per week. Let us know in the comments what your goal for 2012 is. Make it attainable.
Finally, a sequence of events over Christmas reminded me again of the importance of coupling memorizing with understanding. We continue to feel that memorizing Bible verses is most valuable when it is a discipline combined with a deep study of the meaning behind the word. Read Proverbs 2 for details. Even if you are memorizing select verses from a passage, please make it a habit to read and understand the full context.
If you're memorizing Matthew 2:11, more than memorizing which three gifts the Magi gave Jesus, it is important to understand why Matthew includes this account in his gospel. What does this tell us about Jesus' message to first century Jews? How does it introduce a major theme of Matthew's gospel? What light does this shed on Jesus' cleansing of the temple? How does this inform our eschatology? Combining your Bible memorization with deep study will give you a much richer understanding of the King we serve.
We look forward to hearing from you on December 31st, 2012. Memorize with a friend. Find support in a group. Be encouraged by the global church.
63 responses to Goals for 2012
I am hoping to get 4,000 verses memorized this year. Also hoping to get Romans and 1 and 2 Peter memorized.
I'm hoping to have at least 200 memorized verses by the end of this year, and I really wish that I can refer someone. I also want to get over level 5. :| I've been stuck on it for over a month! :(
I hope everyone's goals (including mine) stop bugging them by the end of this year! :)
Have a good New Year everyone! :)
I hope to refer someone so that I can get past level 5 and that I would finish memorizing Romans and Elijah. I also hope to memorize at least 700 verses.
Happy New Year, Everyone !!!
Catch up on Romans!!! :-)
I hope to create a Proverbs Project when I'm finished with Romans and "Elijah."
I also hope to memorize more verses than Wretched Man, who is always trying to catch up to everyone. (Well, obviously that's not one of my main goals. I know Wretched Man from church, so it's just a friendly competition.)
Sorry my comment is in bold. Something happened in a comment that affected it, and I can't get it back to normal. But that's okay. :-)
My goal for 2012 in memorization sessions is +366. For memorized verses - at least 1,500 - preferably 2,000. (And not just on MemVerse, because some of them might be marked as learning.) I too, wish to finish Romans.
This is well, sort of relevant, but I thought I'd put it here anyway, because it is interesting. In the post, the magi are mentioned. While we don't know how many there were - Marco Polo and Rustichello's book, The Travels of Marco Polo, written in 1298 talks about three Magi who came to Jesus with gifts. According to the story, the first man entered to see Jesus, but when he entered, he met a man who looked exactly like himself. (In the story this was Jesus.) The same happened with the second and third man. Finally, they entered together, and met a baby that looked like it was twelve years old. They gave him gifts, and he gave them a casket. (In this case, a small box as for jewels.) They then journeyed back to their homeland, and on the way, they decided to see what was in it. When they opened it, there was a rock inside! In the story, this was to symbolize the solidity of their faith - but they didn't know it, so they threw the strange present in a well - but then fire came out of the well! (There is a little more to the story, but the rest is irrelevant.) Marco Polo says that he heard this for himself and it is absolutely true. (I have no idea if it is or isn't, but it is quite interesting.)
I would like to reach 3000 memorized verses by 2013, and more if possible, but I don't wamt to make my goal so big and then not reach it. I am working on memorizing all the epistles (minus 1 and 2 Corinthians and Romans -- if those are considered epistles...) by the New Year also. All the epistles are only 1067 verses, which is less than I memorized for the Bee; and it works out, that you only have to memorize 3 a day.
My goals for 2012 are to begin memorizing Romans, 1 & 2 Timothy, and most of the Pauline epistles, finish "Elijah", memorize 500 verses, and be regularly completing memorization sessions (something that has been a little difficult for me).
May God bless all of your endeavors.
Have a Blessed New Year!
I'm pretty new at this, but I sure appreciate all the encouragement. Sometimes it's just good to know there are other people "out there someplace" who think this is important. I'm shooting for 100 new verses this year and working to start Scripture memory in our church. God Bless!
More of my goals that I forgot to post: Finish Elijah, John and 1 Verse from all the New Testament chapters. I might start Proverbs with OCTSRIS, or maybe Esther (talk about faith!), or Hebrews - or all of the above!
Similarly to Bethany Pentimone, I am planning on memorizing all the New Testament books that are 6 chapters or less by June (the start of the Bible Bee), and then possibly Romans or Hebrews (or maybe an Old Testament book) after the Bible Bee, hopefully before 2013.
My cousin and I made a goal together to memorize all of Psalm 119 this year, as well as keeping up with our current verses/chapters.
My goal is to have memorized 500 verses on memverse and to finish 1 Peter, Elijah and maybe memorize James or 2 Peter.
I'd like to finish memorizing Romans, complete @300 memorization sessions, do the 1 verse from each NT chapter challenge, and I'd also like to work on some other random ideas I have..
My goal for 2012 is to memorize at least 1200 new verses (100 per month on average), including James, the story of Elijah, and the memory verses and study books for the Bible Bee. I'm also considering studying and memorizing Habakkuk in the spring. I want to memorize more in the Old Testament.
My goals are to memorize 1 Peter, memorize more Old Testament verses that prophesy about Christ, encourage others to memorize Scripture (whether or not they use Memverse - though I'm dying to refer more so I can move up a level!) and to become a better intercessor. :-)
My goals are to finish 300 memorization sessions at least, memorize my 1,500th verse, and memorize Romans, 1 and 2 Peter, the 2010 Bible Bee (Junior) verses, James, and whatever I am given for the 2012 Bible Bee. I kinda doubt all of these will happen this year, but prayer can do a lot! (I'll be praying for myself, but some prayer from you as well could help... thanks. :) )
P.S. InSoloChristo--Marco Polo has been known to tell some pretty exaggerated stories, so I don't think that would be very trustworthy... Also, the Bible doesn't seem to indicate anything like that happening, nor does it really make sense. But I guess we can't ever really know here on earth...
My goals for 2012 are to memorize all of the NTOYC verses, reach at least 2000 memorized verses, read through the entire Bible, finally memorize all of the verses from the 2009 Bible Bee, and maybe memorize another epistle such as 1 John or Philippians.
Lately, I've been slipping out of MemVerse, so this year, I'll make it my goal to do MemVerse every day when there's not something else going on. I'm not sure if I'll make it, but I'm definitely going to try, because MemVerse has been a great blessing and I want to get into it again! =)
Prayers for everyone else's goals.
This doesn't have to do with this post, but thank you Andy or Phil or whoever changed the "ratings" so that I have to click twice! I'm so thankful that I can click confidently, knowing that I can always change it if I accidentally click the wrong number! Wow! Thank you!!
Jael - That was actually unintended; we fixed an issue with the tooltips for the rating numbers and tested on regular browsers but not on the iPad....
Some goals for this year... 400 total memorization sessions (280 to complete in 2012), memorizing all of the NTOYC verses, bringing my referrals up to 5 active Memverse users, and hitting 1,200 memorized verses on Memverse. I have other ideas on memorization projects, mostly scattered chapters, books, and lists of verses, but those may shape themselves throughout the year into more tangible goals.
My goals for this year - hmm......takes some thought. I want to reach 700 memorized verses (and/or including all of 1 Peter and Psalm 37 - my chapter for the year). I would like to reach level 10 by the end of this year and refer 3 people - I'm starting from scratch:)
P.S. These are most-likely subject to change:)
Also - in my memorization time - I desire to really meditate on the living words of the living God. Do we really have the word of God constantly on our lips? (or as my pastor says it - do we murmur the word of God?)
Thanks everyone for sharing. I hope we can greatly encourage each other in our love for God!
@Wretched Man, I think I will join the Romans Project after I finish
Elijah. InSoloChristo will be doing the same (I think), so that should be a good boost for Romans on the group leaderboard. ;-)
my goal is to complete 450 memorization sessions and have 100 verses memorized or have more memorized verses then my older brother Sean;). and get some referrals.
Lord willing, I hope to achieve two memorization goals for 2012:
1) Complete memorizing all 16 chapters of Romans by December 31, 2012; and
2) Catch @SavedByGrace in memorization totals by December 31, 2012. (And, @ChiefofSinners, you better be watching over your shoulder for 2013. You will be next! RUE THE DAY!)
I'd like to complete 220 sessions: average of 4/week - that should allow for the time I spend out of the country, when I can't get on Memverse every day! I'd also like to get 1 Peter down, and a lot of scattered chapters... I'd like to do a lot more Old Testament Scripture too - until I saw the verse breakdown on my Dashboard, I never realized how little I've memorized in the historical and prophetic books! Over the last 20 years I guess we've focused on NT and Psalms.
@ Zachary Great Job in getting your 1,000th verse memorized. @ every one on Memverse I really want to point out that it is not the amount of verses you have memorized or any thing else that can earn you a relationship with God. But it must be a personal relationship. I pray though that God will use these verses to teach you more about Him and to draw you closer to Himself.
One of my memorization goals (not necessarily all in this year) is to memorize the book of Proverbs> It's overwhelming, but I think it will be well worth it. (I LOVE PROVERBS!!!)
@Courtney - Proverbs is a wonderful book...and one of my favorites! Maybe once I finish all my other memory projects, I could join you in memorizing it.
@ Courtney - that is one of my favorite books! :D I also have a goal to memorize that in my life time :)
My (Lord willing realistic) goals for Memverse in 2012:
5,000 active members using Memverse including 500 from the Philippines and 1,000 from Indonesia. I would also love to see a breakthrough in at least one other non-USA country and help inspire, encourage, support them to get 500 active users in their country. Does anyone know of someone outside the USA who loves Scripture and loves spreading a passion for Scripture to others?
500,000 total verses memorized on Memverse by Dec 31st, 2012.
Hearing of and endorsing (at least spreading the word) on Memverse of at least 10 awesome Scripture Memory initiatives like the USA National Bible Bee, the Scripture Memory Fellowship (Jim Woychuk) Scriptorium in Hannibal, MO in July; the local Bible Bee in TX that Matthew Minica is involved with, etc.
Seeing several breakthroughs with current Scripture Memory groups or programs such as Awana, Beth Moore Scripture Memory; Compassion International Scripture Memory, Children's Evangelism Fellowhip (Good news clubs); Navigators; Scripture Memory Fellowship; John Piper's church and others using Fighter Verses; Bright Lights; Scripture Stickies, NIV Kids Club, Impress Kids, Campus Crusade, Intervarsity, and countless other college ministries, Prison Fellowship, etc.
Having at least 20 Christian colleges, seminary, Bible Colleges, or Christian groups on secular campuses listed on Memverse. This one is not only a Memverse goal of mine, but one of my biggest burdens and prayers as it kills me how we are ignoring Scripture where it should be most treasured, discussed, meditated on, and dared to be trusted. Instead we are graduating and sending out Scripture trivializing, and Scripturally ignorant professing Christians to be parents, preachers, teachers, ministry workers, and even missionaries to negatively influence those they impact rather than bring God glory by spreading a passion for His Word. Do you know of anyone on a college campus or seminary with a passion for Scripture and a desire to share that passion with their friends?
Having a blast with the incredible Live Quiz program Andy and Alex made and are working with Emeka on improving.
Personal goals:
Getting my score up to between 50% and 80% on Memverse's riduculously difficult and unforgiving accuracy test (this may involve me needing to improve my spelling and learn what verses from Psalms end in previously ignored by me "Selahs")
Being able to quote at least 1,000 verses in one sitting (figuratively speaking - I may get up to stretch my legs, grab a snack, etc.) without any helps or list of references and with knowing the verse breaks of any long passages I include.
May God get all the glory as we get to know, love, praise, trust, and obey Him better and better through His Word in 2012 and as we share a passion for Scripture (on or off Memverse) to those we know, and pray for a revival of Scriptural truth in our churches.
@Mr. Walker
This is kind of off-topic but you mentioned that one of your goals is to have some Christian colleges and Bible colleges listed on Memverse. I am currently enrolled in a program which you may be interested in called CollegePlus. It's kind of difficult to explain to people who have never heard of it but basically CollegePlus is just a Christian program that helps people earn their college degree from home. Anyway I am saying all this to say that many of the CollegePlus students would probably be interested in Memverse. As a student I have access to the student forums where I could post about Memverse if you want (although I've never done anything like that before so I might not be a good one for the job). Anyway if you're interested in what the program is all about their website is www.collegeplus.org.
@ Darcy: I am also enrolled in College Plus, and I created a thread on the forum and plan to actively promote memverse to all college plus students! :D
Oops! (sheepish grin here) Guess I should have checked for that before I wrote that comment. I was pretty sure that I had seen you and your brother on the CP! forums commenting about the Bible Bee but I never looked to see if you had said anything about Memverse.
{off topic} @Darcy and Sarah - Our family just heard about CollegePlus! because they were at our homeschool convention last year!
@ Darcy: Doesn't matter. The more Collegeplus students who advertise memverse the better! ;)
@ Bethany I'm glad you heard of CP! what do you think of it?
@Sarah - I LOVE it!!! We went to two of the workshops they had.
I think I am changing my goals for this year. I said before that I wanted to have 100 verses memorized, but I think I want to have at least 200 verses memorized and refer at least 5 more people.
Darcy and Sarah, I would say sharing about Memverse at CollegePlus is very much ON TOPIC. I praise God for you letting me know about it and look forward to checking it out when I have time.
Any help you and others can give in spreading the word about Memverse there would be greatly appreciated. I would love to see CollegePlus show up on the group leaderboard!! (It takes 3)
@ Bethany M - great to hear about your renewed goals. I and Jacky will pray for your 5 referees to be MARK 4:20 "Lifers" who love Scripture and in turn spread the word about Memverse on to others they know.
Phil, I am hoping to promote both the National Bible Bee and Memverse at our local competition in May. We may not get too many more Memverse members because most of the contestants are Primary age or younger, but I hope to recruit a lot of people to compete in the NBB.
Speaking of "Goals for 2012," I was blown away by the HUGE spike in active users!! It seems that a LOT of New Year resolutions were made! Praise the Lord!
I'm a little late but I just saw this post - my goal for 2012 is to memorize at least the first 7 chapters of the gospel of John. Then over the next couple of years - 2013/2014 I would like to completely memorize John. It has been a huge blessing as I've worked my way through the first chapter and am almost halfway through chapter 2.
I'm going to change my goal for 2012 a little.
I am hoping to memorize 900-1000 verses or more by the end of 2012.
I also hope to get past level 5.
Can we have a blog just for questions and suggestions? If there already is one. please let me know.
Here's one suggestion: is there a way to have a warning system when you get down to 25, 10, and 5 verses learning during the memorization? When it says congratulations you just memorized John 1:1 That was your tenth verse!
Could it say something like
Congratulations you just memorized John 1:1 You only have ten verses left to memorize we suggest you add a few more to keep learning God's Word!
You don't have to use it, but I thought it would be nice. I just finished memorizing all of my verses on this site and din't know I was getting down that far.
Thanks, Claire
I am so thankful to the Lord that there is memverse to help me memorize my verses! I have been enjoying it a lot! Praise the Lord!
I'm hoping to memorize my 1,000th verse on the next New Year!