Elijah Project Audio

Time Posted on January 04, 2012 User Alex Watt

To aid participants with their memory verses in the Elijah Project, we are posting MP3 audio files for the passages you are memorizing (1 Kings 17-19, 21; and 2 Kings 1:1-2:18). Currently, you can choose from four translations: the King James Version, the New International Version (1984), the English Standard Version, and the New King James Version. The files came from Faith Comes By Hearing and JCSM.org (no known copyright except for the Bible publishers), and we just edited the files to be one file for each translation. We listened to each of these and they seem error-free. (We removed a one-word error from the NIV; please note in the comments if you find any other errors.)

King James Version Download Here 14.5 MB
New International Version (1984 edition) Download Here 10.3 MB
English Standard Version Download Here 14.2 MB
New King James Version Download Here 12.3 MB

Thanks to Phil Walker for all the work he has been doing on the Elijah Project, and thanks to Ben for helping me compile the audio files.

The diligent Elijah memorizers are inspiring. Keep it up!

Cat Churches and Groups
Tag Elijah, audio

13 responses to Elijah Project Audio

Phil Walker

Alex and Ben, thanks so much for doing this. Listening to the Bible makes it a ton easier for me to memorize. This will be especially helpful here in the Philippines and Indonesia where English is not their native language. Praise God!! Keep it up, Elijah memorizers.

Christian Alexander

For some reason, the link to download the audio for NIV isn't working.

alma juat

thank you brother! God bless you more:)

alma juat

hope we can also download this to help Fountain of life memorized Elijah.

Alex Watt

ChiefOfSinners - Oops; thanks for pointing that out. It's fixed now.


I downloaded it in ESV and put it on a cassette tape - I've listened to it a couple times, and it seems error free. They did a really good job!

2 Corinthians 5:17

Alex - where do you get these audios? Are they free and can you download them onto USBs or CDs? I love them and think I could memorize easier with them.


This is great. I'm a little challenged here, though. I can play it on my computer, but how can I put it on a USB so that I can use it in the car? Thanks.

Josiah DeGraaf

@Duelene. To use it in the car, when you download it, select the option 'save to file.' You will then be able to find it under 'downloads' on your computer. You can then copy that to a USB stick or burn it onto a blank CD using Windows Media PLayer. Hope this helps!

Alex Watt

Rachel - I would check out Faith Comes By Hearing (I mentioned them as one source in the original post). They have a lot of free audio Bibles that you can download and use (play on your computer, burn to CD, or copy to USB stick).

Nathan Wright: Impersonator Hunter

Hey, I like this. It really does help. Thanks.
I also like the radio-drama sound FX, although it is only Scripture. Very well done!

Bethany Meckle (inactive)

I am not doing the Elijah Project but I downloaded the audio and it is so cool! It is really a blessing to be able to listen to the Bible in this way! Thanks!


I'm going to ask Daddy to put this on a USB drive for me. Thanks for putting this together Alex!
