B.R.I.G.H.T. LIGHTS on Memverse
Bright Lights is a young ladies discipleship's groups. BRIGHT stands for "Being Radiant in Godliness, Holiness, and Testimony." There are groups across the USA and the members get together every so often, and have a Bible study or something similar. They have conferences with a lot of the groups. You can learn more through their website.
Marie Morris, a member of the Memverse Marketing team (this team has nothing to do with money, but exists to spread the word about Memverse and help others get the most out of using Memverse with their groups) is a BRIGHT LIGHTS group leader who is excited about seeing BRIGHT LIGHTS groups and members use Memverse to inspire, encourage, and equip them to memorize Scripture in their pursuit of Godliness and Holiness in their Testimony.
It has been neat to see the discussion on BRIGHT LIGHTS on the Elijah page. (Andy or Alex, is there a way to transfer those comments here?) We hope this page will lead more Memverse members to learn about and enjoy BRIGHT LIGHTS. We also hope that other Memverse members will join Marie and letting BRIGHT LIGHTS groups and members know about Memverse.
Personally, I was excited to see that the BRIGHT LIGHTS team has been to Singapore and Malaysia (2 countries close to the Philippines and Indonesia where Jacky and I are most focused. Malaysia even shares esentially the same language as Indonesia.)

60 responses to B.R.I.G.H.T. LIGHTS on Memverse
Looking forward to seeing 'Bright Lights' on the new Group Leaderboard! Thanks for spearheading this, Marie.
I was really suprised to see this as an actual blog post!!
If any other girls are in Bright Lights and would like to join this memverse group please do so!!
@Marie Morris- Although I participate in a Bright Lights group, I think I would like to stick with my church- Heritage Reformed Baptist Church. Thanks for the offer though. I was very suprised about it too.
Hey, this is cool. I have been to a conference from bright lights before, but I would rather be in the Bible Bee right now.
thanks anyways,
@Marie Morris- Oops! Sorry. I didn't see that there was now also a group leaderboard. So just to let you know, I joined the Bright Lights group on the group leaderboard.
I have a question.
Do you have to be a member of B.R.I.G.H.T. Lights to join the group on MemVerse? If so, then I will join the "MemVerse Users" group.
Sorry that this is off the topic, but I have a comment on the Memorize Elijah post that I decided not to put there. I wrote,"Deleted be Mommy's Helper," but no one deleted it. Mr Walker, Andy, or Mr. Watt, can you please delete this?
P.S. Merry Christmas, everyone!
I had not heard of Bright Lights before! Did some research on the internet, it sounds so awesome! I wish there was a group near me as well! There was one but, they stopped doing it! The woman said she started using the Bright Lights curriculum for the group and then switched and started doing her own thing. I really like the mission statement and ministry of Bright Lights as I see it online. I would love to get my hand on some of their education material to look over and maybe we could start something where I live.
@Rachel- I like your new picture! Who is it?
I will pray that God would start a group near you. I know that you would like it.
Rosie - Thank you! My new picture is of my little baby brother, Micah :D Thank you for praying. There is a Bright Lights group an hour away, but that is kind of far. :( By the way, how old are you?
Marie, would you like me to contact the National office of BRIGHT Lights to see if they want to get involved in encouraging the partnership between BRIGHT Lights and Memverse?
Rachel- How old is your baby brother? He is very cute!
I am 11 years old. I will 12 in February. And I think I've heard that you are 14. Am I correct?
Hi Ruth,
Just joined after BB!!
@Phil : Bright Lights does know about Memverse I gave them the Memverse flyers that I got at BB.
Ruth , do you and Kelly want to Join Bright Lights on the group leaderboard?
Right now it is just my family and one other girl.
For anyone interested in Bright LIghts please go to www.brightlights.info and mention you heard about it through memverse.
No, I am in OH.
Have you gone to a Bright Lights conference? If you have, then you might know my Bright Lights leader.Her name is Danielle Sobie.
Yes I have helped lead at BL conferences.
Yes, I have met Danielle briefly at one conference.
In 2004 I attended a BL conference in OH!!
Maybe we met there. :)
Really?! That's wonderful!!!
I was very surprised that my Bright Lights group leader was Danielle. And whats funny is that at the Strong in the Lord conference I went to last year, Danielle was my leader! I also got to talk to her at the Radiant Purity conference.
@Erika Wenzel-- Thank you so much for joining Bright Lights on the group leaderboard!! You just put us at number #3!!! Thank you! It's great to have you in the group.
You're welcome, Rosie. :) I also shared about MemVerse with my sister's BRIGHT Lights group yesterday - so I hope we will have more joining us soon. God bless! :)
That's great! Where does your sister's Bright Lights group take place? I live in Ohio, and my group is only 15-20 minutes away from my house (which is a blessing).
@Ericka what is your sisters' name ?
Would I have meet her at BL conference in MN?
Was she a leader or assistant at the most recient MN conference back in OCT?
Yes, my sister Gabriella (age 11) was at the MN conference in October as an attendee. I wasn't able to make it to the conference because it was during one of my semesters of Bible college. In fact, her BL group began meeting together directly after the MN conference.
@Erika Wenzel-- That must have been fun.
I went to a Bright Lights conference last year in May. It took place in Ohio.
When is your sister's birthday? I am 11 and will be twelve in February.
How old are you? When is your birthday? How many siblings do you have?
Erika, I am curious what Bible College you went to? Was there a passion for Scripture and people memorizing, treasuring, encouraging each other with, and keeping Scripture there? Any others on Memverse? One of my dreams and most passionate prayers is that Scripture memory would return to once again have an active, meaningful place in seminaries, Christian Colleges, Bible Colleges, and Christian schools throughout the USA and around the world. I believe Memverse can be one tool to help that happen.
With so many pre-college teenagers passionate about, and committed to Scripture memory here on Memverse, I am trying to figure out what would be the best support, encouragement, inspiration, or practical help I, others, and/or Memverse can give them to spread a passion for Scripture when they enter college.
I would love any ideas you have or even just some testimony of what it is like at your Bible College to help me stay current.
Rosie, her birthday is in April. I'm in college, my birthday's in October, and I have six younger siblings. Good to see you here on Memverse. :)
Mr. Walker, I attend the International Ministerial Institute. It is definitely an unusual place - the focus is not knowledge or academics but Scripture and a deep personal relationship with God. We spend two hours daily in personal meditation/time alone with God in which we meditate upon a memorized Scripture verse. During the three years there, we write our own commentary on the whole Bible, looking for and commenting on such topics as prayer, Jesus Christ and His commands, atonement/relationship, and blood covenant. It is a very tiny school in terms of numbers of students - I only know of one other student on Memverse. Because the goal is to provide an environment where we can focus on God and the Word without outside distractions, we do not have internet access during our time there - thus explaining my two yearly three-month breaks from Memverse.There is definitely a passion for Scripture and continual encouragement with Scripture between students. As for "keeping" Scripture, that is basically the message and theme of the school.
I don't have any ideas other than simply prayer and encouragement - these young men and women are simply students with a desire to know God more intimately and a knowledge that such a pursuit is crucial and well worth the three years (and many more beyond that in life). A large majority of them have been homeschooled, but not all. Each one grows tremendously through being constantly soaked in the Word. It lays a solid foundation for the rest of life.
Wow! I have six siblings too. And my mom is pregnant with our eighth. She is due on Friday. I'm hoping that it is a girl. My reason for wanting a sister is because all six of my siblings are boys. I am the third oldest.
Erika, WOW!! International Ministerial Institute sounds amazing!! It is great to hear of places like that! Students getting deeply into God and His Word off Memverse is thousands of times more important and valuable than anything that can happen on Memverse.
However, at the same time, I wonder if a high % of the students at International Ministerial Institute would be thrilled about using Memverse when they have time and access to the internet, and especially if there might be some of them who would be excited about using Memverse to promote and spread a love for Scripture to others.
I would love to see International Ministerial Institute show up on the group leaderboard (it takes 3)
Any help in spreading the word about Memverse to your fellow students, teachers, administrators, would be greatly appreciated.
I look forward to learning more about International Ministerial Institute when I have time.
I would love to get to know each of you girls who are part of different Bright Lights groups.
do you mind sharing on the blog?
i am a leader of a group in central Iowa. (actually we have 2 groups one for younger girls and one for older girls) Our groups are somewhat different as we have the mothers come with the daughters. Our group has been going since Sept 2005.
I have helped with numerous BL conferences over the years. I am almost 19.
I would love to hear from each of you!
Keep shinning for the Lord!
It's very nice to meet you Marie Morris. I would like to get to know you better too.
I am a "student" of a group in, I think northern Ohio. My group just started back in October 2011. My leader is Miss Danielle Sobie. She has been a part of Bright Lights conferences many times also.
I am going to be 12 on February 19th. I am in 6th grade. I now have seven siblings, because my mom just had a baby boy on Friday. His name is Jude Providence. He is 8lb. 14oz. and 21in. .
May God bless you!
From Marie, Josie and Kaylee's Mom!
@Phil Walker, Yes, it would be nice to see the notes migrated over to this blog concerning Bright lights. This is a great forum to encourage other Bright LIghts Enthusiasts.
And wouldn't it wonderful for your to contact Bright lights regarding a "networking" or working ministry encouragement with the Bright Lights ministry. Please feel free to contact the Mally Family. The girls and I visited their store a few months ago and talked with them about Memverse and they put some of the flyers in their store.
Thank you to all who volunteer and work for The Memverse project. We are immensely grateful to the Lord for this ministry's impact on our family.
We are also going to Scriptorium this summer and will no longer be participating in Bible Bee. We look forward to seeing some of you at Scriptorium. Is there a blog group of individuals going to Hannibal, Mo this summer? We have selected our chapters, and are using Memverse to help us stay accountable in memorizing the Word. Lord bless each of you as you continue to read and study and memorize the Word of God. May we bring Him praise and Glory.
Congratulations, Bright Lights on taking over 1st place on the Memverse Group Leaderboard. I want to announce that STT Setia plans to take over that number one spot sometime soon, but soon may be a couple of months away.
Pat, great to hear you are going to Scriptorium. Yes, it would be good to put up a blog page for the Scriptorium. It would be wonderful for a lot of Memverse people to attend and encourage each other there. Maybe the OH crew can get a van together to make the trip.
Unfortanetely, I don't believe I will make it this year. When I lived in eastern NY, a mere 1,000 miles away, it was automatic and the highlight of my year. However, being in Indonesia makes the trip a little more difficult. Maybe one of these years we will be able to return. It is an awesome weekend experience I hope many enjoy.
I would be very excited if more people from Meverse came to the Scriptorium, as my family and I are attending again this year =)
Here's the link to learn more about it if you are interested -- http://recitescripture.org/
@God's Maiden of Virtue: Hi! I like your Memverse name! :)
I am thirteen, and I would love to get to know you! I personally know Sarah, who started BL.
P.S. This profile pic is NOT what I set!!! :)
The Scriptorium sounds great! If I'm not working at the Creation Museum then, I would love to go to it.
That's interesting....it's only a few DAYS before my 15th birthday :) I've asked my parents about it, but they don't see to understand it much. Could you give me some more info on it? What happens, where it is, etc :)
@Rachel -- Please send me an e-mail. I'd prefer sharing more about it that way, instead of doing lots of blog comments. You can find my e-mail under my account.
Thank you.
Mary Danielle- Thank you! My picture used to look strange too. Infact, I had the exact same mouth you have on your avatar and I think I may have had the same shape.
It is nice to meet you! Where do you live? I live in Ohio. I have seven brothers and the youngest is almost two months old. How many siblings do you have?
Me? It's not my birthday! :) I was replying to Bethanys comment about the dates of the upcoming Scripturum :) its okay though :) my actual birthdate is July 25.
@ Mary Danielle are you Victoria Morrison's younger sister?
I met her at noteworthy music and in Fremont with the McKay's.
@Marie Morris: Yes, I am Victoria's sister. Did you know that she is going to the conducting course at Verity this month?
@God's Maiden of Virtue: I was thinking that we can talk by email, so here is my email address: merrymarymo@gmail.com
After you reply to my comment I will delete this.
Mary Danielle- That would be really nice! But, there is a problem, I'm not allowed to email people I don't know that well, I don't have an email address (I use my mom's), and I only email people for certain reasons (which isn't too often). I don't want to sound unkind, because it really is a nice idea, but the only people I talk to on the computer are people I know personally or just people on Memverse. Sorry!
Were you thinking about talking through email because you can't get on Memverse that often?
@Mary Danielle Yes I did know Victoria was going to verity. I will not be going though. Are you back in the states?
I just wanted to let everyone know about the Bright Lights conferences hosted this year. Currently the conferences in TX are going on. on Aug 7-8 and 10-11 there will be the conferences in Cedar Rapids Iowa. and later in Oct. there will be conferences in Alaska. Please check out this wonderful conferences. I hope you will be able to attend one this year. www.brightlights.info
BTW I will be a leader at the conferences in Iowa. If you will be at those conferences be sure to say HI!
Marie, thanks for your desire to see BRIGHT LIGHTS shine on Memverse. Please feel free to let me know how you want to use this page. You can email me at philjohn1558@yahoo.com with any changes or additions to the main page. Also let me know if you would like me to get in touch with the people at BRIGHT LIGHTS.
May God get all the glory as Memverse users learn about and use BRIGHT LIGHTS and as BRIGHT LIGHTS groups and members memorize Scripture and are encouraged and inspired by Memverse.