Memverse newsletters
We just sent out the Thanksgiving Memverse newsletter. If you did not receive it and want to be added to the list to receive all future newsletter and news flashes, you can sign up through or by emailing Phil Walker at
Below is a copy of the Thanksgiving Newsletter.
Dear Memverse friends,
As you and your family enjoy Thanksgiving, we want to share some of the things we are thankful for:
Most of all, we are thankful for God loving us and sending His Son to die for us that we might have forgiveness of sins and a new Life in Him. We are thankful that we can deeply know God in all of His fullness through reading, meditating on, trusting, and obeying His Word! We are thankful that God led Andy to start Memverse and for all the work Andy and others who have come along beside him have put into making Memverse such an enjoyable and valuable tool for memorizing and inspiring others to memorize God's precious Word. We are thankful that God has led you to and for the many of you who are spreading Memerse on to others you know.
We at Memverse are thankful for the completion of another wonderful year of the National Bible Bee. 42 of the 300 Finalists are on Memverse. We want to congratulate all of them for making it this far and for their work in Nashville. Our heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS go to:
Seniors: Christian Alexander, Josiah DeGraaf, Laura Hedstrom, Grace Mieczkowski, Marie Morris, Bethany Pentimone, Alex Watt, Abigail Brigham, Olivia Guillard, Rachel Eaton, Prasanth Venigalla, Nina Camillone, Darcy Arnall, Stephanie Hills, Elizabeth Ledford, Angela McCain, Melody Mieczkowski, Thomas Youngman, Matthew Staley, Seth Walley, Seth Lehman, Elanee Smythe = 22 finalists
Juniors: Nicolas Alexander, Zachary Baas, Hannah Del Toro, Clara Kho, Matthew Minica, Courtney Minica, Carissa Pentimone, Hannah Teeters, Kaitlyn Vredevoogd, Emily Brigham, Ben Watt, Allison Couch, Abigail Sutton, Alethea Leonard, Kerestel Leonard, Monica Duitsman, Hannah Leary; Joshua Bontrager = 18 finalists
Primary: Kara Buckner; Abigail Lehman = 2 finalists
Among the 45 to advance to Friday's "sudden death" competition were Memverse members: Olivia Guillard, Rachel Eaton, Laura Hedstrom, Matthew Staley, Hannah Leary, Joshua Bontrager, Abigail Lehman and Kara Buckner. Out of these, Hannah, Laura, Abigail and Joshua were among the 17 to advance to Saturday's competition, and Laura Hedstrom was awarded 3rd place in the senior division!!!
I very much enjoyed taking in the competition, hearing the Scripture getting quoted and dreaming big God-size dreams of how He might use His Word in your lives. I also enjoyed meeting many of you in person for the first time. It is neat to see the impact the National Bible Bee has had on so many families. I hope many of you will be able to join again in 2012 and I also hope to have similar events someday in the Philippines, Indonesia and in other countries around the world.
We at Memverse are thankful for the milestone we reached on Oct. 19th, 2011. Memverse began February 28th, 2009.In the past 31 months, countless people have been blessed by the encouragement, inspiration, accountability and helps it provides in memorizing God's precious Word. Oct 19th, we passed the 100,000 verses milestone. A great feature of Memverse is to be able to see the current total at all times on the home page. In prime memverse memorizing time around 8:00 - 9:00am EST, you can often see the live total increasing before your eyes.
On the home page, you can see highlights people reach under the heading "Recently on Memverse" Did you know that the title is also a link? That's right.If you click on "Recently on Memverse" it shows you the exact verses that have been memorized and when they were memorized. What an encouragement this has often been to me when I see my friends and people I don't know actively memorizing Scripture I love.
KJV GENESIS 1; PSALM 119:1-16, 17-32; ROMANS 12: TITUS 2; 1 PETER 1; 2;
NKJ EXODUS 20:1-17; ISAIAH 53; ROMANS 8:1-6
ESV PSALM 33; 56:3-4; 67; 2 TIMOTHY 4:1-8
NASB EXODUS 20:1-17; JOSHUA 11:23; COLOSSIANS 1; 2; 1 PETER 1:1-12
1984 NIV JOB 23:8-12; PSALM 23; 33:1-22; 34:4-19; 119:1-40; ISAIAH 53:1-12; MATTHEW 5:1-12; JOHN 15:5-8; ROMANS 2:1-10; GALATIANS 2:20; HEBREWS 11:1-7; 8-19; 20-30;
Please let me know if you have a passage you would like to see made available to play
PS For any who have not yet heard, please use your email address rather than your previous username to access memverse.

37 responses to Memverse newsletters
Thanks for the encouragement Phil. I am so greatful for Memverse and for every one who invests time and effort keeping it functional. Happy thanksgiving everyone!
There is so much to be thankful for, yet at times it seems so hard to be thankful for what God is putting us through. But, "God works out everything for the good of those who love him," so we know that he has a purpose for everything. Thanks for the post, Mr. Walker.
P.S. I noticed that you didn't mention that both of the Primaries on Memverse made it to the Semifinals--Abigail Lehman actually made it to the Finals. :)
Yes, Happy Thanksgiving. Can everyone please pray for something? My Nana has cancer and her first chemo treatment will be on this Monday. She does not know about God, so please pray. Thanks!
Grace Harrison
SavedByGrace, thanks for catching my mistake. Please forgive me, Abigail. You did an incredible job up there in the competition!!
Mr. Walker, thank you for the great reminders and updates!
I can't remember the exact reference, but this Thanksgiving season I have been pondering the verse that says something to the effect that "God's blessings are new every morning". I am amazed at how true that verse is. And we don't even deserve any of His blessings!
Thanks again for all the helpers who made this great site possible.
Hope all of you have had a blessed Thanksgiving day!
@MR. Walker - Even though they don't post on the blogs, my friends, BonnieLeigh, Meggie, and Virginia Cruser are on memverse that I know of and they all made it to nationals. :)
@ Octavius: Could it be Lamentations 3:22-23? "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (NIV)
I didn't know where to put this but I was pretty sure that Mr. Walker wouldn't mind. Congratulations to Stephanie Hills for memorizing her 1,000th verse. She is the nineteenth person to go over 1,000 verses on memverse.
Congratulations Stephanie, on memorizing your 1,000th verse! I enjoyed meeting you last week at Nationals!
Hmm...I wonder who will be our 20th person on Memverse to memorize their 1,000th verse?!
Hey Mr. Walker. Memverse is still in the process of transition right? I haven't fully completed an accuracy test since the change, (and now reference recall:-) because of error codes.
Just asking. Thanks
I have the exact same problem as 2remember. I've tried memverse on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome, but none of them will get rid of the error codes. But my sister has gotten through several accuracy tests since the reboot. Go figure. ;)
Guys, what error codes are you seeing? It will be very helpful if you can report errors on the 'Feedback' tab on the right of the screen. If you can let us know which browser you're on and what verse you're working on when you see the error we should be able to get it fixed fairly quickly.
I'll try to do that, Andy. Sometimes GetSatisfaction won't recognize my Google login, but other times it works. I'll do the accuracy test and reference recall again and let you know what I see.
EDIT: After much effort, GetSatisfaction finally let my message through. I'm josiah914 with the problem "Accuracy Test Error". I found out that Reference Recall is working fine now, but the tests still have the same error screen come up. Thanks for your help, Andy!
ChiefOfSinners- that is probably the verse. Thanks.
BTW - I have not had any problems with reference review or accuracy test.
Andy, thanks for the smooth transition.
@ Octavius: Do you have any idea who referred Trev Noceslaf, or even who he is? It's a new name in our church profile, and my referalls page shows that one of the people I referred referred him. Could it be your brother-in-law? But why would he use the backwards "false coNverT"? It doesn't make any sense.
EDIT: I know who it is now. My dad needed someone to refer so that he could get to the next level, and since he figured he'd never be able to get another adult to come on Memverse, he decided to create a fake person and have that guy put him as his referrer. *sighs* I think it's cheating, but he maintains that it was a just action under dire circumstances. ;)
@ Andy: For some reason, Get Satisfaction isn't letting me log in, so I'll just tell you here what I was going to say there: The accuracy test went great for the first time, so I don't think I'll be having any more problems. Thanks for being willing to help though!
Did I ever mention that I am a Wretched man? (BTW, ChiefOfSinners, a.k.a. former firstborn son, your mom is now officially Beloved. SavedByGrace has officially taken your birthright away, and he didn't even have to make you any stew to get it!)
CAN ANYONE PRAY FOR MY NANA?? She has cancer and will have to go through Chemo therapy and she does not know the Lord yet!
If you still would like to update your list of Bible Bee finalists, my sister Katrina Baergen (National Competitor, Junior division) is also on MemVerse, and she also made it to the Semi-Finals.
Thanks for all your work you do for MemVerse!
Also I have noticed a couple more users who qualified for nationals - one of the Emily Hamiltons and Jake Larsen.
Thank you.
Somebody entered a fake verse! Philippians 5:1! When they entered it, all they said the verse was was just "hi there". I thought you may want to delete this.
@Mr. Walker: Congrats on your first baby! When is your wife's due date, if I may ask?
I was looking at the "Bible Bee" group page, and I noticed that there are two Emily Hamiltons affiliated with Bible Bee. Two Emily Hamiltons also made it to the National Bible Bee (Junior Division). Not sure if these are the same ones, but thought it was interesting. One of them also competed in the Semi-Finals.
Hi! I am not sure where to request a certain verse on Impresskids. But, My family is trying to memorize: Matthew 7:13-20 in the KJV. How do we register if we don't have our own paid account? Thank you for all your help!
God Bless!
We will pray for your Nana, Grace! Is your Nana in good health otherwise? God be with you and your seed sowing to Nana!
Hi Jonah, you can ask for a certain passage to be added to Impresskids on the blog "Verse Hero on ImpressKids", then you have to go to Impresskids and make an account (which is free), and then you make a request to join the Memverse group. Then, there is a whole list of passages that you can do, and you can ask for any verses you like to be added.
Grace Harrison, I will definitely be praying for your Nana!
@ SoloScriptura (Peter)
Hi, I'm one of the Emily Hamiltons. I met 'the other' Emily Hamilton at Nationals. She was in semi-finals. I don't know if she's on Memverse or not, but I have two accounts because I wanted one just for the Bible Bee. :)
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the United States! (And those in other countries who are giving thanks to God for his blessings!)
I have a question about Impress Kids. Do you have to make an account to play most of the verse hero games on the memverse page?
I also have an idea - that we make each person's name on the leaderboard a link to that person's profile. We could also have a database with links to all the active users profile's in the order they joined.
Oh, and by the way - it's neat that my username is in the picture from the recently on memverse page!
P.S.: Thanks to whoever fixed the keyboard shortcuts!