New Memverse Progression System
Hi everyone,
Today we introduced a first version of a new progression system on Memverse. It's intended to be a very complete Bible memorization program that will last a lifetime. At the moment, as evidenced by those of you who whizzed through the first six levels, it only lasts about a day! We can assure you that it will become more challenging. Our hope is that this will also help new users familiarize themselves with Memverse. It should also provide a sense of achievement for those who don't want to get too caught up in the leaderboards.
You'll notice that we've also revamped the old 'reports' section under the 'Account' tab -- the one that you never visited :) Our hope is that the new Account Dashboard page will be increasingly useful in the future.
A bit more about the Memverse Memorization Plan:
- It will encourage users to explore all aspects of Bible memorization and will require you to memorize longer passages and verses from all over the Bible. We've tried to not make it too restrictive but your feedback is welcome.
- We highly recommend completing at least the first ten levels as you'll get to explore all the major areas of the website. Many of the frequently asked questions will be answered in the reading in the first few levels.
- It will enable you to proceed at whatever pace you desire. No more frantically adding verses to keep up with the power memorizers on the the leaderboards ;)
- You will have to encourage friends of yours to join you in Memorizing the Bible. Those of you who have already reached level 6 will notice that you need to refer one person to Memverse. We'll soon add a page where people can designate you as the person who referred you. We also have plans for a fun new leaderboard where you'll get to add all the verses of the people you recruit and even the ones they recruit. See Ponzi for details.
- We will continually add levels to make sure that you never run out of things to do. It takes quite a while to add all the goals but we'll hopefully add a few new ones each week. Expect them to get quite a lot tougher as time goes by.
- We promise you that at some point in the future there will be games incorporating the verses you've memorized. If you have some great ideas, or would like to volunteer to write one, we'd be thrilled to hear from you.
- If you want to get a headstart: make sure you tag about 20% of your verses and keep telling others in your churches to join. And keep working on that accuracy test :)
Remember that participation is optional. If you'd prefer to stick with your own memorization plan, you won't lose out at all.

61 responses to New Memverse Progression System
This is cool! Thanks for making it. I like it. The referral leaderboard also sounds really cool.
I did the first six levels today and now it says that my goal is to "With humans some things are impossible!" Can I only do six levels per day or do we only have six levels that we can do right now?
@Josiah - I think they have only built 6 levels so far. I made you my referrer to Memverse because you did refer me. I was the one that got my brother on, so I'm his referrer and I also was able to get to level 6. Look forward to seeing you at the Practice Bee.
Yes, Naomi is correct. Please don't refer the same person who referred you. We've changed the software to prevent this in future because it causes problems with circular loops.
There are currently only 7 levels. It takes quite long to enter each level but we'll be adding levels over time. Once you reach the maximum level you'll hit the "impossible task" and won't be able to go any further. :)
Erin, you can refer people any way you want. Once they've signed up, they'll have an opportunity to pick the person who referred them on the 'Referrals' page (under the 'Profile' tab). There is a link where it says "Who referred you?"
It is also possible to embed your referral information in a link that you can email to people, post on your Facebook page, or link of your blog if you have one. The link would be to: (where you would replace 'yourusername' with your actual username)
That way, when someone you referred with a link signs up for Memverse, you will automatically be added as the person who referred them.
Thanks Andy! So when we hit level 8 is that it or are you going to be adding new levels from time to time?
@RiverJordan-Originally on Sunday there was just six levels so I'm pretty sure that they're going to keep on adding new levels from time to time. They said in the above post that the first ten levels will take you through the major areas of this website so I believe that there will eventually be at least ten levels.
The last level has already been designed and requires you to memorize the entire bible with 100% accuracy and perfect reference recall :)
I currently have about 50 levels mapped out which will require a few thousand verses to be memorized and about 15 complete chapters. There will definitely be enough levels to keep you occupied for many years. We're just working out some kinks as we add the levels slowly.
WOW. That's great!!!
Well I guess I'm looking forward to getting to that last level! : P
(And thanks Josiah)
This sounds very exciting but I must be missing something. I can't see anywhere on the site where I can start Level 1 and join the program. Can someone tell me where to find this?
10 minutes later - Nevermind, I found it in the Dashboard! :-)
Andy, I love the progression system. It's a great way to keep us all engaged and coming back to stay in God's Word. Just one suggestion, though. Is it possible to put a link to the Dashboard that is always accessible with a single click? Perhaps as another tab at the top or in the banner? It is a bit cumbersome to go to Profile/Dashboard each time. But then again, it's a very small suggestion and the entire program is great. Thanks for all your hard work!
Regarding the final level, memorizing the entire Bible, I calculate it should take approximately 20 years at five verses a day -- giving lots of leeway for holidays and such. I figure that's not bad at all! :) Especially with Memverse to keep me up to date with them all. Thanks again, Andy!
Laurel :)
people say that the first 6 memverse levels are easy! are they really supposed to be easy cause theyr'e not.
@Naomi, some people had already memorized a lot of verses so they whizzed through the first few levels. For those people starting out it should take quite a few months to get through the first six levels.
@Paul, good idea, I'll be adding a link to the dashboard from the front page soon.
I have reached level ten and it says "an impossible task." Does there happen to be any more levels? Thanks
You can refer pretty much anybody. If you send out a link to ten of your friends with your user name embedded in it (see one of my comments above) you'll almost certainly get a couple of people to sign up.
Hi! I am not sure if this is the proper place to ask this but, I am wondering about the leaderboards. I don't have anywhere in my profile where I can add my state. How am I going to be accounted for under Ohio? Sorry can't memorize anymore today (per memverse) so I am just chilling here! LOL! BTW thanks so much for this incredible website! I am going to refer everyone I come in contact with! I love it! I wish the youversion sight was as easy to navigate and use! :)
God Bless,
Hi Nikki - the box to enter your state will appear once you've selected "United States" as your country. I'm please that you're enjoying Memverse as much as we're enjoying working on it!
OK when do I start taking the accuracy test. I memorize pretty fast but it never lets me take a test. And on the leadership list it doesn't show that i am on level even though i met the requirements for meeting level 2.
You should check back on the 'Dashboard' page (under Profile) and it will update if you've completed all the requirements. For the accuracy test, I can't remember exactly but I think you need to have 10 verses classified as memorized.
I see that my dashboard is updated but the leadership board part isn't. When will that show I am on level 2. Do I need to finish the requirements for level 3 before it shows up or will eventually be put on there? I am still new to this memverse stuff. But I love the program and i am telling other people about it encouraging them to put up an account. Oh and thank you Andy for helping me with the accuracy test.
Katelynn - I think we've fixed the problem now. You should see the same level on the leaderboard as on your dashboard.
I just reached level 16 and I do not see what the new tasks are. I saw on an earlier post that there are 50 levels could you explain that?
Level 16 is currently as high as you can go. Though Andy said he plans on designing a total of 50 levels, the rest are still a work in progress.
When I heard that to reach level 50 you must memorize the whole bible and have perfect reference recall and accuracy, I decided to perfect my reference recall and my accuracy before it was too late, in case I did have the whole bible memorized and it would be very hard to perfect my reference recall and accuracy for the whole bible. So far, by the time I wrote this comment, I had 91% on the accuracy and 100% for reference recall. By the way, What do you have to do to reach level 17?
Joshua, that is great. I think taking both the accuracy test and the reference recall frequently is key to maintaining good habits.
Here are the requirements for level 17.
Learn 325 verses
Memorize 275 verses
Learn 33 verses from the Gospels
Memorize 28 verses from the Gospels
Learn 33 verses from the epistles
Memorize 28 verses from the epistles
Learn 16 verses from the wisdom literature
Memorize 14 verses from the wisdom literature
Learn 16 verses of biblical history
Memorize 14 verses of biblical history
Learn 16 verses of biblical prophecy
Memorize 14 verses of biblical prophecy
Maintain accuracy > 32%
Recall 70% of your verse references
Have 4 active friends on Memverse
Tag 65 of your memory verses
Joshua - I felt the same way about the accuracy and reference test, but I think like Andy said it is something we have to do consistently. I think we should look into something where if you don't take the accuracy and/or reference test for a while but memorize more verses, there is a score deduction. But maybe the old score is still saved so if you take the test again, 75% of your new score is what your old score was before deductions and the other 25% is based off the new score... The score deduction could be calculated right before it was displayed on the site and hence the "old" original score would still be saved.
Ah, I misunderstood Joshua's strategy :)
Pretty soon the levels will require one to take a certain number of accuracy tests and reference tests at each level to ensure that the score is relatively fresh.
A 'friend' is just someone you referred who is still active. Basically your referral score has to be above 4 at level 17.
I like the idea of requiring frequent accuracy/reference tests. I try to take them both very often, but I imagine it can be tempting for some to just let their score freeze at a level they're happy with.
Hmmm... If a friend is an active person that you referred, unless that includes people that people you referred referred, then I only have two friends and it still let me pass the level...
Josiah - You're right. I think what it looks for is that your referral point value is equal to or greater than 4. Andy was just saying four friends because that is the most probable thing for most people. Congratulations on being at the 800 verses milestone!
But I have zero referral points, and it still let me get to level 17! I have four referrals, but none of them are active...
You're welcome. However, I guess I will be stuck at the level with a requirement for 5 active friends for a while. :( Better start telling more people about Memverse!
@Andy or Alex - What is the possibility of getting a new level up? I understand if you are busy, I was just wondering :)
I can't wait for more levels!!! They keep me actually wanting to memorize more, as opposed to the wimpy twenty-five verses I am learning at present. But hey, at least I have 800-something memorized to back that up...
Me, for one, I hope... :) I sure am glad we're finally getting the levels on! I won't have "an impossible task" to do anymore! Who will have the highest level, I wonder?
(this is me, on my Spanish account - I forgot to log off of my Spanish account and onto my English account when I posted this.)
Wow, I'm assuming that we can reach level 50 now, by what I see on the Home page :) I did have a question about the level though, Andy. By the time you reach level 50, how many people would you have had to have referred?
Congratulations to Alex Watt for reaching level 25!
Level 50 probably won't be the last level but I think it will be enough for now. At the moment, level 49 requires 11 active referrals and level 50 requires 50 (!) active referrals. As we add more levels above 50 we will take it back down to 12.
We're also hoping to add some more variety to the quests along the way to level 50.
@ Abigail to sharpen your accuracy Scroll over memorize then hit accuracy test and it gives you 10 of your memorized verses. (if you don't have at least 10 memorized verses you can not do the accuracy test) you get just the verse reference and you have to type the verses. Then it gives you a percentage of the verses that you get right/wrong at the end of the test.
(It is almost like doing ref recall accept you just get the ref instead of the verse)
This definitely encourages me, thanks Andy and all the great memverse people that make memorizing fun!
Is it true that the first like 5 levels are the hardest to get and after that it's easier? Maybe it's just that I'm a wimp …
Is this still in play? At the beginning, under "A bit more about the Memverse Memorization Plan" What do you mean by "See Ponzi for details." What is Ponzi besides a scheme or Ponzi Spa (
Really really love this site! I love the Word, love to meditate on it - and this site helps me feast on the Word. Wow - where has this been? I saw a link to this when I searched for 'online Bible memorization'. Someone from here commented on the page, and provided a link. I followed the link, and here I am.
Thank you guys so much for putting this together.
I have a few ideas for games such as Hangman, Scramble, putting the Books of the Bible in the 'traditional' order (i.e. Genesis to Revelation) by dragging and dropping, say. the games can be timed or untimed.
Also, may I suggest changing the interface a little - to make it more interactive and user-friendly - e.g. with more graphics and animation. But not too jazzy - I think the site design should not be too fancy - else it might distract from the business of memorizing the Word!
I have a suggestion for progression levels - could we have our 'Level' above or below our avatar please - so one can see it at a glance?
Wow, your creativity and dedication amaze me. Many thanks, I will take advantage of this new feature