Print Your Memory Verses

Time Posted on December 26, 2009 User Andy

I realize that the raison d'etre for Memverse was (in part) the elimination of Bible flash cards. However, so many of you have asked to be able to print your memory verses that I have finally relented. You will now find a link to a PDF of all your memory verses at the end of the list on the 'My Verses' page. The current layout is not final but it will suffice for now.

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2 responses to Print Your Memory Verses


Thanks, Andy. I didn't think I would want this, but we will be going away this week and I don't know how often we will have internet access. This will be a perfect way for me to keep all my verses fresh so I'm not too overwhelmed on the days I'm online. :)

Kyle Brannen

Thank you for telling me andy
