2012 Bible Bee Study Helps
Thanks to Mr. Walker, there is a slew of resources to help you with your Bible Bee memory verses this year. In addition to Bible Bee verses he put up on Study Stack here and on Impress Kids, Mr. Walker has some PDFs of prompterized passages, complete passages, and the first five words of each passage, in all five Bible Bee versions:
Complete Passages | Prompterized Passages | First Five Words | |
NIV | |||
ESV | |||
KJV | |||
NKJ | |||
Also, Matthew Minica is working on a practice test and calling once more for volunteers. After July 4th, volunteer recruitment ends and the work commences. All willing and able-minded persons should refer to this forum thread.
Update 07/26: Jonathan Peterson, a Memverse user, also created a tool accessible here: www.memverse.com/bible_bee_tool. Thanks Jonathan!
And finally, don't forget about the quizzes as an iron-sharpening-iron experience.
We hope the tools will help you make the most of this summer's studying!

32 responses to 2012 Bible Bee Study Helps
Thanks for the resources, Mr. Walker, Andy, Alex, Matthew, etc! These will be a big help to all BB participants, I'm sure! :)
For those who are interested: the website www.scripturetyper.com allows you to practice a verse multiple times a day, It is a good supplement to studying on memverse. (I wish I had found this site when I was still in BB !!!)
Thank you very much everyone! :) Hope to use these soon!
(will you do this for National qualifier verses?)
@ God's Dancer, (I'm sorry! This is off topic, but I don't know where else to put this! :-| ), I think you're set as one of my referrals, but I don't know you! Were you referred by THE Emily Hamilton (opposed to me, THE other :D)? Because she has a different name than "Emily Hamilton" set on her profile.
I LOVE study stack, because there are so many fun games to play, which actually help you memorize verses!
@God's Dancer: If you know the username of Emily Hamilton from New Jersey, you can change it by going to your "Account: Referrals" page. If you don't, then I'm not sure how to change it.
There are several verses on the ESV sheet that are ESV 2011, not 2007, including 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Colossians 3:22-24.
Lauren and all other ESV users, sorry for not being aware of the difference. When we get a chance, we will go back and redo all the ESV verses. So the 2007 version is what the Bible Bee is using?
God's Dancer, Hover over "Account", then click on "Referrals". Click on "[Change This]" then type in {{{deleted in case she doesn't want this known}}}. Then you should have the right Emily H. :)
Congrats on being sooooooo close to 200!!! How exciting!!!
It is so awesome @ Emily Hamilton I am Gods dancer or graces sister she forgot about referring you so will tell her :):):):)::))
I fixed it Emily. Sorry. I do not know how I clicked your name. I was looking for follower of God [Hope Harrison Acts 16:31]. Woops. Again, I'm REALLY sorry!!
CONGRATULATIONS, DEBORAH UNRUH, FOR MEMORIZING YOUR 1,000th VERSE!!!!! May God continue to bless you as you memorize His Word!! :)
CONGRATULATIONS, MARCWMILLS, FOR MEMORIZING YOUR 1,000th VERSE!!!!! May God bless you as you continue to memorize His Word!! :)
Congratulations to you too! :)
EDIT--Wow, you've been memorizing a lot of verses in the past half hour! :)
Jonathan Peterson, a Memverse user, recently developed another tool for Bible Bee studying: www.memverse.com/bible_bee_tool. We're looking forward to working with him more in the future as he studies web design. Thanks Jonathan!
Thank you!