Walk through the Old Testament
Several years ago, I had picked a key verse for every chapter of the New Testament. This year, I am picking a key verse for every chapter of the Old Testament. GENESIS is done as you can see below. I would love ideas for what you think should be key verses for any of the chapters in the other books.
For those who want to memorize these key verses, we are starting an accountability chart. Every 10 verses equals 1 letter. Since there are more than 260 chapters in the OT, we will have a creative variation on the accountability chart for those who make it through Z the first time. To declare, give your first name, the first initial of your last name, the state or country you are from, and either the 10 references of the verses you memorized or a description.
I will be writing out a devotional for each of these key verses. These will be listed on the Memverse Forum. Anyone who would like to receive the daily verse with the devotional can request it by email to philjohn1558@yahoo.com
Which of the Genesis verses below have you found to be worth memorizing? Which do you already know?
We would love to list all participants as an encouragement and inspiration to others. We would also love to list all groups memorizing together.
2013 HAKOTS participants: = Angela M; Anita; Connie McLean; Daniel; Idaman; Jacky Walker; Karen F; Lee C; Lewi; Matthew Glick; Phil Walker; PrayerWarrior13; SavedByGrace = 13 people
Groups memorizing together: Walkers (Phil, Jacky, Junior), Idaman, Daniel, and Lewi memorizing in the 1984 NIV at the STT Setia campus in West Jakarta, Indonesia
Accountability Chart: Those who wish can join our chart where we will list the first name, first initial of the last name, state (or country), and progress. The first 260 verses convenently breaks down into 26 groups of 10 verses each to be declared. Verses don't have to declared in order. A sample declaration would be Zach J NY Genesis 1-10. On the chart, we will not go faster than a one verse per day pace. However, you can declare whenever you want.
Angela M OH A B
Lee C NH A
Karen F WI A B C D
Matthew G OH A B
I recommend memorizing this list of verses for Bible Bee enthusiasts, SavedbyGrace's "entire Bible" group, and any others who want a good overall grasp of the Old Testament. Others may simply want a collection of 929 powerful treasures. Please let us know if you are joining, if you have family or friends memorizing with you, and if you have any tips or ideas to encourage or support others in the group. I will be using the Memverse Forum to post my daily email devotionals I send out based on these verses. I look forward to any feedback, insights, or thoughts you have as we interact with the daily Scripture and each other’s thoughts.
GENESIS 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

37 responses to Walk through the Old Testament
@Rachel--929, to be exact. :)
@Mr. Walker--I would love to join! I won't be going at the same pace as the rest of the group, but I would enjoy doing this. These will be my first verses memorized in ESV... :)
I may try to do it, but if I do, I probably won't memorize at the same pace as everyone else. But it's good I've already memorized one of those verses (But everybody probably has) -- Genesis 1:1.
Mr. Walker, you also asked which ones are worth memorizing -- my opinion is all of them!!!!!
I'll consider this, and if I decide I want to do it, I'll email you. THANK YOU!
Happy New Year! 2013... That sounds so strange! But 2012 sounded strange too on its first day, 'cause I was used to saying 2011.
shift + 5 For Genesis 1:1
shift + 1 for most of the others probably.
Just love this cite. I just joined, but I am well on my way to having memorized 10 verses already-but not in Genesis. Of course, they don't show up as memorized yet, but they will by February. I am going to start using the verses you have indicated-and give it a whirl. So, I quess I will see how successful I am in about 30 days or more.
Cool! I would love to do this too, but I have so many other memorization projects going right now it will have to wait a while. :)
Welcome to Memverse Connie!! Glad you joined us. There is much to love here as you get to know everything Andy,Alex, Emeka and others have done to help people memorize. Lots to tools available to equip, encourage, and inspire people. I will have the HAKOTS accountability chart going soon. You can declare verses memorized there even if Memverse has not yet recognized them as memorized.
Angela M OH Genesis 1-10! I may not do all the Old Testament, but I'm going to try to do Genesis, and if that goes well, the Pentateuch, and then I'll see what I want to do from there!
The author deleted this comment, the author's account was NOT HACKED, just so everyone knows.
Actually, OCTSRIS, you're supposed to put a letter for each ten verses you memorize. :) Just so you know. :)
Karen F WI, Genesis 1-10! This has been really fun! I just love the idea of knowing a verse from EVERY chapter in the OT. :-)
Karen, great to see you joining the Accountability chart. I hope to jump on myself soon. I agree that it is neat to have a skeleton overview as well as various treasures from the OT. I am loving learning these verses.
Thanks Mr. Walker. Is there a difference between being part of the 2013 HAKOTS, and just being on the accountability chart? I was wondering because I see my name has been added to the accountablity chart, but not counted in the HAKOTS.
In theory, participation in 2013 HAKOTS is the inclusive group that has everyone on the accountability chart as well as anyone else who simply says they want to memorize some of these verses with us. However, sometimes the blog administrator is slow in updating one or both of the lists. Sorry for the confusion.
No problem. That makes sense - thanks for the explanation. :-) And I see that now my name is on the HAKOTS list. :-)
I'm caught up with Angela now. :-) Karen F WI B=Genesis 11-20! Keep up the good work memorizing all these verses everyone! Isn't this fun? :-)
I would love to sign up for the verse per Chapter in the Old Testament. I thank you so very much for going back over and doing this all again. I had looked in MANY places on the internet for a verse for each of the Old Testament chapters, but could only find them for the New Testament.
I would just love to be able to memorize a verse a day, but still feel quite new to this. \
Thank you again for the lovely verses, just looking over the first 10, they actually warm my heart !, Perhaps I am 'a strange one'. lol
Anita, nice to see you joining us and to read your thoughts. I added you to the list. To join the accountability chart, just let us know when you have memorized 10 verses. You can see the devotional thoughts on each verse on the Forum page, or to receive the devotionals daily by email send me a message at philjohn1558@yahoo.com
Praise God for the awesome foundation He gave our faith in the Old Testament!!
Matthew G Genesis 1-20. What a good way to get things in biblical order. I am really enjoying this. Although I am only doing 5 verses a week, I'll see if I can get up to the 1 verse a day, Thanks for the motivation.
I posted a reply over on the forum. Is there any difference there from here? just did not see my name on the list.
Matthew, sorry for the delay. Great to see you joining us. You are now listed among the HAKOTS members and on the accountability chart.
Karen, glad you are memorizing on. Trust you enjoyed the 10 new verses. My favorite from the group you memorized is GENESIS 29:20 So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.
It reminds me to always cherish my wife and to constantly look for times I can show her my love.
A reminder that anyone who wants can receive the daily devotional on these verses by emailing philjohn1558@yahoo.com
Mr. Walker, I just thought I'd tell you that I came in first for Bible quizzing!!!!!!!!! :) I thought you'd be excited!
Yes Elaina, I am excited and very glad you are still quizzing. Also great to see you here on Memverse. Who was on the Clinton Corners team? Anybody else I know?
We were actually on the Fishkill team with the Ferrettis, and Dani Bennet, but I don't think you know him.
Elaina, very neat that you could join the Ferrettis with the Bible Quizzing.
Karen, great to see your faithfulness in memorizing the GENESIS verses. I trust they are a blessing to you.
Matthew G NY - Genesis 21-40
Phil, Is there a list somewhere for Exodus 1-40, I am ready to add them verses to my list, but could not locate them.
PS. I was from OH but am currently in NY if you could change that. Also, I see your in the NY State Leader board, where about are you in NY?
Karen F WI - Genesis 41-50 (E) Yay! Genesis completed! :-) I'm working on some of the Exodus verses that were listed on the forum now.
Great job Matthew! It's encouraging to see that you are still diligently memorizing the HAKOTS verses. Keep it up!
By the way, you can find a lot of the Exodus verses listed on the "Walk Through the Old Testement" Forum. I'm not sure if all 40 verses are there, but at least you can get started. :-)
Anybody up for memorizing these with me? I pray that these verses will give us a good skeleton overview of the whole OT, will whet our appetite to know more of the context around these verses, and will give us wonderful gems to build our lives on.