2013 Bible Bee Practice Tests
We're happy to announce that the practice exams for this year's Bee are available one day earlier than they were last year, which means, today! Cheers to Matthew Minica and the three volunteer teams who created each of these tests. Please help spread the word to your Bible Bee friends!
Primary | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Junior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Senior | Test: PDF | Answers: PDF |
Please note that these practice tests were created by volunteers and are in no way endorsed by the Shelby Kennedy Foundation, which hosts the National Bible Bee.

48 responses to 2013 Bible Bee Practice Tests
:D You're very welcome, everyone!!
There are a few things I'd like to say. First of all, though my name seems to be attached to these practice tests, they were made by many willing helpers behind the scenes. I owe many thanks to my question-makers and proofreaders for all age divisions. I'd like to thank Nathan Tappendorf, Noah Cook, Rionna Flynn, Kerestel Leonard, Marie Morris, Elanee Smythe, and Jordan Strang on the Senior team; Emily and Everett Hamilton, Bethany and Sarah Frisk, and Christiana Rugloski on the Junior team; and Caleb and Isaac Montgomery, Alethea and Shiri Leonard, Mary Marshall, and Courtney Minica on the Primary team.
There are also a few people whom I'd like to especially acknowledge.
Nathan Tappendorf and Caleb Montgomery, my commanders for the Senior and Primary divisions, I could not have done this project without you. You took a tremendous load off my shoulders in being willing to take over the development of an entire test. Thank you so much. Nathan, that was so kind of you to command the Seniors and free me up for the Junior test, even though you're still a Senior yourself.
Emily Hamilton, you were my "sidekick" on our own Junior test, and you also took over the commander position for me while I was away. I much appreciated your help, especially in the last several days when we were rushing to get the test completed. Thanks a bunch!
Alex Watt and the Memverse team, thank you so much for allowing me to use your website as the outlet for these tests.
I also want to thank my mom and dad for supporting me in so many ways. I love you!
Last, but DEFINITELY not least (in fact, /the/ most important), thanks be to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He gives me breath and provides me strength. He makes all things possible. All the glory goes to HIM!
If you by chance see any errors in any of the tests, feel free to leave a comment here on the blog. If the error is genuine, others will know and be warned. We are by no means perfect; several errors have been spotted in previous years that we simply did not catch.
Did you enjoy the practice tests? There are a couple of things you can do to help this ministry: 1. Tell as many people as you know who do the Bible Bee about these practice tests, and ask them to pass it on. 2. Consider joining us in the practice test project next year. It is a fun, edifying project that allows you to study for the Bible Bee and help others at the same time. You will be encouraged by others who are studying the same book as you are, and often you can help each other study when one sees something that another missed.
If you're interested in recieving shorter 50-question tests for local events, or if you have any other questions, please email me at the address under my account. (Click on my name above.)
I hope these tests prepare you for the upcoming Bible Bee Celebration Day, and help nurture you in the study of God's Word.
In Christ,
Matthew Minica
Romans 1:16-20
Here are some words from Nathan Tappendorf, the Senior commander:
This was a big undertaking, and I could not have done it alone. I want to give a big thanks to those who wrote questions for this test – Rionna, Elanee, Kerestel, Noah, Eden, Jordan, and Matthew. Without you all, this would not have been possible.
Also, thank you, Jordan and Marie, for proofing the test to make sure the questions were accurate in all four Bible version. Your suggestions made the test much better.
Thank you to all the friends I have met during the Bible Bee, both at locals and nationals, and the encouragement you are to me.
Finally, thank you Jesus for saving me. It is for You that we are doing the Bible Bee – all to know You better.
~Nathan T.
Phoenix, AZ
P.S. Here are two links for a bubble sheet to use with these tests:
The first one is 100 questions, and looks more like the one that is used at Locals. The second one is 200 questions.
Whoa, I think that was more than a few things. :)
Anyway, I was wondering, now that these tests are completed, is there any interest in a test for Nationals this year? I'm not really sure if it would be necessary, and I'm looking at a really busy fall right now, especially if I get to Nationals. We tried it last year but it didn't work out very well. Thoughts, anyone?
Alright, I've just finished taking the senior test, here are my notes/errors I noticed. :)
q 23: The second part of the question is not answered in the answers
q 61: some translations do not have the word “earth”, which may be confusing
q 110: should be “one time” not “once times”
q 140: I found to be very confusingly worded, just fyi
That's about it. Just a couple minor things, that did not really affect my ability to understand the test. Awesome job guys and gals. :D These are so helpful (I got 16 questions wrong, by the way.)
I'm curious - how much easier/harder do you think these practice tests compared to the *real* written test?
@ Rachel: It seemed last year that these were a fairly good representation of the actual test's difficulty. :)
Ok, I just finished the Junior test (I'll be trying the Senior one tomorrow), and I just found a couple of things I wasn't sure about.
Q. 36: I think the answer is supposed to be B, not C. 1 John 4:6 says that whoever is NOT of God does not listen/ hear us, not whoever IS of God.
Q. 155: I think A is a better answer than B. From what I saw in Ephesians 5:1-4, which is where the question was taken from, I think it would be more correct to say that God is not pleased with the thought of wickedness, not that discussing particular sins is not appropriate for Christians (which is true, but that's not what I got out of the passage). I think maybe B would be a good answer if the wording were changed to something like "Participating in particular sins is not appropriate for Christians." Just my thoughts. :)
Correct me if I'm mistaken in any of this! And again, thank you SO much for doing these test!! They are such a huge help. I got quite a few questions wrong, but that just shows me where I need to work more! :)
Hi Bethany,
Thank you for posting your concerns. On Q36, I definitely agree with you, and the answer sheet does say B. :)
On Q155, (I made this question), I can see where you're coming from. I think there is something in Ephesians 5:3 about what is proper for saints, and that is where I got answer B as being correct. Maybe I went too far with my re-wording?
@Sarah, thank you as well. I have not taken the Senior test yet, but I'm planning on it soon.
Thank you so much for all your hard work on these tests!
May the Lord bless you all as you have blessed me!!!
I've shared them with my local Bible Bee, and they will be exceedingly blessed by you sacrifice.
Thanks again!
(Excuse the rambling, it's late, but I couldn't wait to take the test!)
Thanks for the great Senior Practice Test! It was extremely well-written and was very helpful.
I had a problem with Q137. It asked how, according to 1Jo4, love is perfected. I believe the answer is B, by loving one another. Here are the 1Jo4 verses that speak of perfected love
1 John 4:16-17 ESV
16 So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 17 By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world.
It seems to me the phrase "by this" in verse 17 refers to abiding in love/loving others that John speaks of in verses 7-15, and that the second clause "so that we may have confidence..." refers to the result or consequence of us "perfecting love" by loving others/abiding in love. Confidence in the day of judgment would not, then, be how love is perfected, but a result of it and a reason why.
I hope this all makes sense. Again, it was a great test and the feedback and confidence it gave me were invaluable.
Malik-I think you're right! I hadn't even realized that was one of the questions I got "wrong." What I see to be the problem is the fact that there are two references to "love has been perfected in us": One in verse 12 and one in verse 17. There is no way to know which instance is being referred to in the question.
Thanks, Matthew and everyone who helped, for the tests! I have only taken the primary one so far....got 10 wrong :( But, the majority of those were missed because I didn't read the question carefully enough.
Matthew, I had a question for you regarding question number 32 (on the primary test). The question is "In Matthew 5:14-16, what does Jesus use as an example(s) of light? A. World B. City C. Lamp/Candle D. All of the above.
I put down lamp/candle....because that is what it seems that the verse is saying. "world" doesn't seem to be something that Jesus used as an example of light. I am correct, or am I missing something big? :) Thanks for your help! :) Overall, I'm slightly confused about the question....
Study hard, everyone! Only 4 and 1/2 days left till Locals!!! *super excited*
I missed about 43 questions on the Senior test. I missed the first one ("who wrote 1 John") because I just glanced at the answers, saw that the first choice said John, and put that down. I didn't look at the rest and realize it was John the Baptist, not the apostle. Hopefully I don't do that on the actual test! :P
Thanks Mathew and everyone who helped for the test I took have of it yesterday i'm going to take the rest today
Thank you to everyone who created the tests. I am a Local Host and this is such a blessing to help prepare for contest day!
First, I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who made these practice tests...they are very helpful - thank you so much! :)
Second, I took the Senior test, and got 181/200, which I'm happy about. :) Hope that means I'm about ready for Locals in 4 days! :o (Still can't believe that!) I'm working on taking the Junior test too.
@Malik - I thought the same thing when I took the test! Thanks for pointing that out.
@Bethany - I was not involved in the production of the Primary test, but what you're saying does make sense. Thanks for pointing it out.
I also had a problem on question 47 on the Senior test - both A & D are correct. If the passage "1 John 2-12-14" or something like that was specified, instead of only "chapter 2", it would have been better.
Thank you for making the test! I got Q15 wrong, but did I really get it wrong? If I did, I will work on it and then be more prepared for this Saturday.
15. In Ephesians 5:8, what are the children of God called? A. Children of light B. Followers of Christ C. Followers of God D. Children of obedience And it says the answer is A. I would think that the answer is B.
I hope everybody does well on the contest! I wish everybody could go to nationals. :-)
On the junior test, question 25 I think you got the loves mixed up. Question 83 says "What is the key verse for chapter 5?" and the answer given was verse 15. The sword study says that the key verse is 13.
The answer to Question 176 says that John was called to be a disciple approximately 30 AD. Another answer says 25 AD. I think that those answers are a little too close. Other than that, the test were very helpful. Thanks!
Just a few things...I was going to comment about the "key verse in chapter 5" question, as well. Also, I think that question 115 (How did Jesus want his eleven disciples to prove His existence to themselves?) should maybe be B (and not D) if its referring to Luke 24:39. Or is it referring more to 1 John 1:1??? And also, for question 141 (In 1 John 2:7,to whom does John say he is writing?) the answer was A (The Beloved) which would be right in the ESV and NASB, but KJV says "Brethren" which sounds like D (the brothers).
Anyway, thanks again for making these! They are very helpful for locals. :D
Thanks for the test!
I had a question: Where did you find the passage where James and John asked to call down fire upon the Samaritan village and thus earned the nickname "sons of thunder?" (question 14) I thought Mark 3:19 was where they got the nickname but it doesn't say anything there about a Samaritan village.
Thanks again!
@Bethany: Ephesians 5:8 (KJV) says "For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light". Were you thinking of Ephesians 5:1-4?
@Everett: On question 25, could you please clarify? Unless I'm mistaken, Phileo is brotherly love, not in the sense of physical family love but love between brothers and sisters in Christ.
On question 83, you're definitely right. Thanks for pointing that out, my sister noticed it too.
Now about question 176, I can see what you're saying. I think that option D (AD 25) is actually more correct, since Jesus' death occurred approximately AD 29. I'm sorry about that.
@Andrew - I made question 115, :) and I purposely left out the reference partly because I was pretty much referring to both passages, though the original idea came from Luke 24:39. Though, Luke 24:39 also says "Behold my hands and my feet" which makes C correct as well. As for A, after all, they were hearing Jesus speak.
You're definitely right about question 141.
@Hannah: I did not make this question, so I don't know where the question-maker got it from. Do any of the other gospels make mention of this event?
@ Hannah - Luke 9:52-54 speaks about a Samaritan village rejecting Jesus, and James and John asked Him to call down fire on the village. This was probably the verse the question was referring to.
@Matthew: In the definition of phileo it never says brotherly love, but in the definition of agape it does say brotherly love. Just look in the sword study and you'll see what I was talking about.
@Everett: Okay, that makes sense. Interesting.
I took the Junior test today and I had one comment: I just noticed that on question 194, all of the given answers are wrong. I made that question, and I'm sorry about that.
Wow, the written test was so much harder then the practice tests. I am very shocked because most of the time the practice tests are harder, but the phrase questions and weird things they where relating to1st John CRs really suprized me.
As far as the CR went, I thought that the practice tests were harder. But there was some stuff on the actual test that I think was way harder. Like where they gave a phrase and asked which teaching in 1 John the phrase loosely summarized.
YAY!!!!!! Thanks so much to all who made these! :D I can't wait to take them! =D