Hidden in the Heart
Jeremy Walker at Reformation 21 has a very thoughtful blog post on the importance of Bible memorization. His key point is that:
One of the consequences of the internet-trained brain seems to be an inability to hide very much - not much of the Word of God, to be sure - in our hearts. That results in a crippling weakness in the battle for godliness.
If we are to be holy we need to hide the word in our hearts, and that means a deliberate commitment to memorisation and meditation. It means a refusal to allow our brains to be trained by the world, a resistance to the laziness that the interweb can breed in our all-too-susceptible minds; it means a commitment to holiness that is willing to re-train and develop the faculties of our hearts contrary to the trend and tendency of the age in which we live, and to make sure that we pack into the armoury that array of weaponry necessary for the constant fight against ungodliness, temptations within and without.
It's definitely worth taking the time to read the whole post.

12 responses to Hidden in the Heart
Andy, thank you so much for the key point and the link! What encouragement to keep on with Memverse so my weapons are readily available at any moment, any place, even in a power outage.
i am thankful for memverse because it is so cool and fun its also Gods word it helps me with bible bee and its so cool learning his word~victoria faith harrison also meaning victory through faith or victory through christ
This is a little off topic....but...
Congratulations to Erika for memorizing your 3000th verse! Keep memorizing!! Your diligence is inspiring!!
I like the title hidden in the heart. The minute I saw this the first thing that came to mind was Psalm 119:11 Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you. NKJV The first time I saw this verse it has created a sponge affect in me. I want to learn scripture so when I see, hear, feel something scripture will rise up from within me to guide my answers and my ways. My husband told me about memverese and wow what a great tool. What is bible bee?
i love to learn doctrine a lot i have classes in the morning of every school day on Sunday Wednesday night and Thursday nights and do bible bee its a blessing to learn doctrine i want to be a missionary when i grow up i know some missionary's that come to our church like the:molinars the martins and moses
That's great that you want to be a missionary! Is there a particular country that you want to be a missionary to?
Wow - that's neat; I hope to be a missionary to Saudi Arabia someday too! It would probably be the hardest place to be a missionary (but maybe only second most dangerous after North Korea), but it definitely needs missionaries! I just looked at visas for Saudi Arabia, and they're not even issuing tourist visas right now. A couple of months ago I met some people from Saudi Arabia and gave them tracts!
That's a great blog post! When I read things like that, it reminds me of how thankful I am for Memverse! :)