Last Quiz Before Local Bible Bees
At 4pm (EDT) today (Friday, August 24th, 2012) we will be holding the final online quiz before the local Bible Bees. We would like to encourage as many of you as possible to join. There is no need to be entered in the Bible Bee. There is no need to be young. If you're young at heart and love the Bible, join us.
The entire quiz will be multiple choice and, as far as I know, will predominantly cover 2 Timothy. To be clear, you don't need to have memorized any part of 2 Timothy to join the quiz.
So why you should you join? Five reasons:
- You will have an opportunity to wish the younger Memversers well as they head in to the local competitions as they attempt to qualify for the national finals.
- You will be motivated to get to know your Bible better. I've joined the occasional quiz and can assure you that you will be astounded at the depth of knowledge on display.
- Participating will restore your faith in 'the youth of today'.
- You will probably want to read 2 Timothy before the quiz and that alone is worth it.
- It's a whole lot of fun!
We hope in the future to make the weekly quizzes a fun activity for everyone. Consider this a trial run and join us.
Note: this is a live, online event. Click here a few minutes before the event starts to enter the quiz 'room'.

59 responses to Last Quiz Before Local Bible Bees
I am SO looking forward to this quiz - hopefully, lots of other people on Memverse will be able to come as well!!
Thank you, Andy, for your support to us Bible Bee'ers this summer - and to Alex, for preparing the quizzes each week! I really appreciate it :)
I am looking forward to this afternoon's quiz. They are so much fun and very helpful :)
who else has butterflies today?? =D ( just be glad we don't have moths ---JK) I can't believe that Locals is tomorrow!!!
I just want to say thank you for all the support Memverse ( and others ) has given us Bible-Bee-ers this summer (and last!) as we have been studying in preparation for tomorrow ( and possible for nationals for some! ) I know the quizzes have taken a lot of preparation and work, and thank you for putting them together, plus all the other resources.
God bless you all, and thanks again!
Wow, Andy and Alex! This is awesome of you guys to do this. Thanks a lot, and make sure you know that it's serving eternal purposes.
@Jesus Paid It All (Rachel) , I definitely have butterflies. Tomorrow is the day! Finally!
Aw man! I have to mow this afternoon. Too bad. :-(
I really would have loved to do all the quizzes, but every Friday afternoon guessed it, mowing time!
I hope I can do this!!!!!!! I have missed all of the others - for anyone who was praying for my arms, they are getting much better!!!!!!!! I missed you guys!
I'd like to echo what Andy said about not needing to be young or in the Bible Bee. In discipleship terms, Pauls (older mentors) and Barnabases* (brothers and sons of encouragement) are welcome!
*I can't figure out what the proper pluralization is of Barnabas :)
Thanks so much Alex and Andy! I can't wait! @ Jesus Paid it all (Rachel)-I do! i am so nervous since it is my first time!
@ Alex: Maybe the plural should be Barnabi, like with octopus. :P
I really hope I can make the quiz! We may have to leave soon after 4, so I don't know for sure if I'll be there, but I will do my best. SBG definitely won't be able to come, however. He is elsewhere today.
I look forward to seeing you all!
Palamino - We'll pray for you to be able to say the verses and get over your cold.
OK, here are the scores from the quiz (as requested):
Biblebee 285
Hannah del Toro 285
AstroLeah 270
Everett C. 270
Andrew 270
Courtney Minica 255
Ranch4Christ 255
AJ 255
Ben Watt 255
SavedByGrace 255
Emily Hamilton 255
David Pentimone 255
Daniel Waters 255
Kayley N. 255
ChiefOfSinners 240
JoyfulJewels4Jesus 240
Masado Ishii 240
Matthew Minica 240
Jimmy Waters 240
Hope 240
Hannah Leary 240
Ian R.2 240
Bethany Pentimone 225
mrsbiblebee 225
Elisabeth SinclairBB12 225
BibleBeeJunior12 210
Alethea 210
Project_AI 210
Because He First Loved Me 210
Jesus Paid It All (Rachel) 210
Palamino 195
Nina 195
Isaac 195
Christiana R 195
Luke Griffin 195
Conantfamily 180
Everett 180
Lauren Watt 180
Petra Heinze 180
Zach and Hannah Mustered 180
Matthew Sinclair 165
TraciMom 165
Alex Watt 165
InSoloChristo 165
It-Is-Well-With-My-Soul (OCTSRIS BB) 165
BBB ( Bethany Bible Bee) 165
run2obtain 150
Andy 135
Sarah BB 135
Phil Walker 75
Grace Kim 60
A person who is NOT ready for tomorrow 60
Lighthouse on the Rock 45
Ryan Sinni 30
Aaron 15
Congratulations all on "finishing the race" and completing your study of 2 Timothy and the verses! I pray you all do well.
Thanks for the quiz, Alex (even if you did turn off the Chat Channel for those 10 seconds, JK, JK :P) I really enjoy them, and was SO glad that you did one today! Will be praying for you all!
Did anyone else have trouble with the quiz? My sister tried it but it didn't work. She got on but nothing showed up in the chat box or the questions area.
@Alex - REALLY?! I can't wait!!! Uh, actually I can because I have verses to learn :) Thanks SO much!
I am making a Nationals Multiple Choice Question Test, and I am wondering if it will be useful to you all when I am done, or if people would like to put in some questions I could use. It will probably be done by the end of this month at latest.
Bible Bee Junior 12 did you make it to Nationals? My sister did, that's why I'm making the test, and if you did, we could meet each other!?!?!
DDQ, I'm sure we could use the questions! I just wanted to let you know that several other qualifiers and I are going to start working on making mock tests soon as well. We are working in teams in order to take out as many errors as we can. If you're interested, just email me.
What is your email?
I cannot email you, but if I have my mom's permission, I will be able to email you off of her email.
You can see the answer to that here: FYI, it's best to post questions like these on the forums, not on the blog.
Go to, click the "Create" tab, enter a bunch of text, and then click "Go" and you have it. :)
Those are REALLY cool, CoS!! You should send those to the Bible Bee Headquarters! My dad saw a wordle kinda like those on the Bible Bee facebook page.
National Quizzes - Are there questions somewhere that I could use to put together a quiz? Since I'm not going to be at Nationals this year, I'm not familiar enough with the material to write the questions... If we can get some questions, I can setup a few quizzes for October and early November. Thanks.
Hopefully some of the practice test makers will have some questions to provide before long. I myself haven't made much progress on the test as of yet, but I hope that will change.
We just couldn't fit it on our schedule this year, but I'm planning to watch the finals online and will definitely be rooting for friends and Memverse users who may be onstage!
I'll try to be there! Thanks to everyone who helped make the 'room', the questions, (that would include me, but oh well), and anything else for the quiz, and thank you, Andy, for making this post!