Help Verify the New American Standard
First, I'd like to thank those of you who are helping verify verses. It truly is a tremendous help and has freed up our time to work on other components of the site. At the moment, we are short of people to help verify the New American Standard version (NAS). If you're using that translation, and if you're the type of person with high attention to detail, then please consider helping to check that translation. Just visit the verse verification page and follow the instructions. The page does take a while to load since with all the new Bible Bee verses being entered we are struggling to keep up.
verify verses, check verses
36 responses to Help Verify the New American Standard
The verification page brings up only the verses in need of verifying in your preferred translation. To change your preferred translation, mouse over Account and click Profile, then choose a version from the "Translation" drop-down. The verification page should now show the verses that need verifying in the translation you picked.
I use NAS as well and have been working on verifying. If I'm not at my home computer though, I have to go through the blog to find the link. Is there a permanent link for the verify page somewhere on the site that I've missed?
Meredith - there is not yet a permanent link to my knowledge. I just try to remember that the page is "check_verses", so: is where to go.
Say your preferred version is NKJ. You verify all the NKJ verses. You temporarily switch to NASB or another version to verify those verses. You verify those and then you switch your preferred version back to NKJ. Will the verification of the NASB (or other versions) count?
I will try to help - I will do as much as I can when I can as I am NASB version. :) BIBLEBEEJUNIOR11
I am very excited to be able to help. I have already confirmed a few of them. I have my new Bible Bee Bible so I used that (since I use NASB) and am happy that I could help others. :)
No, I do not know. Thanks for helping with verification! I know I need to work on my own version some (NIV), but I'm sure there are plenty of others, especially the ones the Bible Bee is doing.
this has nothing to do with this, but what is a friend on MemVerse? I remember seeing this in another place, but I lost track of where it was
Zachary - I totally understand. There are so many blog comments! A "friend" is an active person you referred to Memverse. :)
oic. Thank you,@ Alex.
btw - it would be neat to be able to view earlier comments on the recent comments site, like the one on the blog.
UPDATE: @ Alex - I have not verified verses yet but hopefully I will soon.
This is totally random but HOW DO I CHANGE MY PHOTO???!!!!!! I really would prefer having one other than a triangular monster. I accidentally left my bible at a relatives house and am letting my mom use my old one so I will try to help verify some more verses when I get my bible back!
Yup, I did! I didn't realise it until just last night AFTER I posted the comment. Ok, this is one I will NOT figure out - how do I delete that comment? There's not a delete button anywhere is there?
I am memorizing my Bible Bee verses in the King James Version. I tag my verses with this tag below. VVV
National Bible Bee 2011 (Junior Timothy)
I am adding new verses every week so check and add if you wish :D
I have an NAS Bible and would like to help verify, even though I am using AV as my memory text. I have clicked the " " link, and see only instructions (no verses or links to them). Is that because I haven't signed up yet, or because every single verse is verified? The last one is probably not it, unless all the KJV verses are already verified as that is the one I am using.
In fact, I believe the KJV verses are being verified rather quickly with so many people relying on word-perfect accuracy due to Bible Bee. There have been times when I've seen 100+ passages in need of approval, so keep checking back and I'm sure you'll find some.
I suppose if someone had the time and wanted to verify verses from another translation, they could set up a temporary account with another email addy and just use it to help out, no?
Laurel - Yes, that could be done. Also, you could temporarily change your Bible version in your profile.
Random question- When I saw Louis Segond 1910 as a preferred translation option, I was excited because I've been memorizing verses in French and thinking how awesome it would be to have a French option on Memverse and there it was! Anyway, I was typing in 2 Timothy 2:15 in French (which is 2 Timothée 2:15, btw) but when I submitted it I got an error saying "2 Timothée is not a valid book of the Bible." Is there a way to fix this or will I just have to enter the reference in English?
Constance - Two things to note. 1) Your profile has to be set to a language other than English to type references in that language and 2) we haven't started translating into French... If you would like to help with a French translation of the site, you can email Andy: admin [at] (convert to @ sign). Thanks!
Alex- As much as I would love to help, unfortunately I won't be able to email Andy, seeing as I am a minor, and I'm not allowed to email strangers... but, Louis Segond 1910 is the best French translation, and has it as an option, so that would probably help whenever you get around to French :)
Quick question for whoever is able to answer this - I was adding new verses into my list and when I typed the reference in, it wasn't available. So I went to bible gateway and copied and pasted - one problem: I pasted the wrong verse. Once I added the verse to my list, I noticed that it was the wrong verse, and I deleted it. I tried to add it again (the right verse) and (I guess it was because I was the first user of the verse) it added the wrong verse again. I tried once again, repeating the above process, but it always gives me the wrong verse. What am I to do??????
Anna - Easy fix. You are apparently the only user memorizing this verse, so try going to the My Verses page and locating the reference in the far left column. Then on the far right column it should say "Editable". Click that and you should be able to figure it out from there. :)
Okay, so this has nothing to do with verifying verses, but when I try to add Romans 8:17 in the KJV, it adds Romans 8:1. Help!
vburk - I've had the same problem. Here's the answer:
"The reason for this is that as you type the reference, the JavaScript on the page starts looking up the verse. You might be pausing ever so slightly before adding the 7 in "Romans 8:17" and the script looks up the reference without the last "7" giving you Romans 8:1. So, if you type it in again and still get Romans 8:1, try taking away the 7, let it look up 8:1, then add the 7 and it should work. :) You'll know it worked partly because the "Available Translations" should be different and the little "three bar"/thinking graphic will be visible as it looks up the new reference. It is a small bug... "
Thanks, Alex, for this answer!
Super401 - In answer to your question, all verses saved in two or more accounts undergo the verification process, regardless of whether their status (Learning, Pending, or Memorized). Thanks. :) Also, we have a support forum which I encourage you to check out: see the Help & Support page under the Contact section.
I use NKJ and NAS, and would love to help verify the NAS, but only the NKJ verses come up on the verification page.