Celebrate 1,000 Verses
Everyone around the world who can quote 1,000 verses from the Bible are invited to join 7-15+ young Indonesians January 5-8 at a simple, but nice hotel or beach cottage on the world famous surfing Sorake beach in South Nias within walking distance from arguably the 2 most active Bible memorizing schools in the world. (I would love to hear of other Bible memorizing schools around the world)
Those who cannot quote 1,000 verses but who would enjoy a beach retreat meeting and hearing people quote a lot of Scripture and learning first hand about God's Word spreading throughout Indonesia and possibly other countries MAY ALSO ATTEND!!
NEED YOUR HELP: My goal is that everyone in the world who can quote 1,000 verses, or who might want to push themselves to be able to quote 1,000 verses would hear about this opportunity. Those on Facebook can easily help spread the word to people I can't reach through our group "Celebrate 1,000 Verses"
Will you help me contact members and almost members of "The Memverse 1,000 Verse club": Milton, Kaitlyn V., Twilah, Josiah, Chelsea, Deborah U, Rosie, Nicole J., Andrew J. Neufeld, Hannah Himes, Leah Jessie, Catleya Redeemed by Christ, Conrad Neufeld, In Solo Christo, Alex Watt, Sony Neufeld, Elaina Garcia, Crystal, Cyanworth, Linda J., Hedgie, Grannyjo, Naomi Nunn, Adopted by Christ, Tami, MarcWMills, Joyce, Stormi, Pammy B, Lynn F, 1 John, Wendy Watts, Katherine Neufeld, Sarah Neufeld, Alisa Simms and let them know about the FREE RETREAT offer described below.
Please also spread the word to Bible Bee, Bible Quizzing, Bible Bowl and Fighter Verses particpants and alumni; old school Navigators; AWANA enthusiasts; Scripture Typer and Memverse friends; Seminaries, Bible schools, and Christian schools who might have professors, teachers or students who would want to attend. Bible loving home school families, missionaries and other Christians overseas who might know of Scripture strongholds in their areas; Bible loving pastors who might want to challenge their congregation and/or be inspired by the Scripture movement in Indonesia,
In the USA, can someone let John Piper, John McArthur, Chuck Swindol, Howard Hendricks, and the 2 Steve Greens (singer and DC Bible Museum) and others I have not heard of with clear testimonies as lovers of the Bible know.
I believe there are 200+ plus people in the USA who with a little prep time, could qualify to quote 1,000 verses with us due to the influences listed above plus the ministry of my friends Scripture Memory Fellowship, Piercing Word (never met personally), and Marquis Laughlin,
Overseas, I believe there are dozens in Canada, India and South Korea who could qualify to quote 1,000 verses. Will you help me reach them? I don't know of any other countries historically strong in God's Word, but would love to hear of individuals or groups or churches or maybe schools from around the world committed to God's Word and support/encourage them moving forward..
History/Present Situation/ Future of God's Word in Indonesia: In asking around I have been told of Dr. Gustaf Momor, a seminary professor who passed away in 2011 who people believe could quote over 1,000 verses. I have not heard of any other Indonesians outside our group with the same reputation, but hope to communicate with hundreds of churches and schools this month to both find those who could qualify now as well as hear stories of previous saints committed to God's Word.
In January, 2014, Aniwarlina Zai quoted over 1,000 verses (over 500 of them in Scripture songs.).
In June, 2016, Mr. Marinus Gulo, founder and director of the South Nias Setia branch high school and Bible school and oversear of 10 other Setia branch high schools and junior high schools asked me to send him my best candidate for spreading a love of God's Word through his schools. I sent Aniwarlina.
January 5th - 8th, you are invited to witness 7-15+ young Indonesians quoting 1,000 verses in the historic 1st annual "Celebrate 1,000" Indonesia (4 to 7+ are students of Aniwarlina!! An 8th grader from a Nias branch school may also qualify!)
Due to the commitment of the Nias students, the many open doors and plans of most, if not all, of these 1,000 verse quoters and many others to actively inspire and equip others to know God's Word in Public schools, orphanages, Bible and other Christian schools and churches throughout Indonesia we expect, Lord willing, within 2-5 years, to have 100 Indonesians (plus Lord willing, many from the USA and other countries) at future Celebrate 1,000 events.
We are praying and trusting that one day there may be 1,000 Indonesians who can quote 1,000+ verses to deeply impact and inspire the currently, mostly Biblically illiterate Christian culture in Indonesia and beyond.
Schedule: Friday the 5th will have presentations, introductions, games and free time to relax and rest. The 6th - 8th, 1/3 of the quoters will quote 1,000 verses with the others watching and/or enjoying the beach and fellowshipping. There will also be short morning and evening group gatherings and possibly some organized games. The official retreat begins with checking into the hotel on Thursday, Jan 4th and checking out Tuesday morning Jan 9th. People who wish to come early or stay later may with extra charges paid directly to the hotel. People who cannot stay for the entire time may arrive late or leave early as needed.
Costs: In addition to airfare to the Gunungsitoli Airport in Nias, the cost of the retreat including travel to and from airport, food, lodging, etc. is: Adults = US$600; (spouse = $300); Age 12-17 = $300; Age 4-11 = $200; Infant - age 3 = $100. Those who qualify as 1,000 verse quoters and their immediate family members come at 50%! FREE RETREAT for anyone currently at 1,000+ verses on memverse and those who can get there before January 5th, 2018, PROVIDED you are confident you will be able to quote 1,000 verses from memory with just a list of references before you (no first words, or even first letters of words). Immediate family members are still 50%.
Those who can get a good price directly to and from Gunungsitoli airport should do that. For those who cannot, and/or want to see Jakarta can get cheap round trip tickets to Jakarta, stay at a very nice hotel in Jakarta featuring travel to and from airport and an included wonderful breakfast at $60 a night, see the Setia campus and where we live on campus and meet some of our key people if interested, and then fly out with us Thursday morning, January 4th. Round trip from Jakarta to Nias will probably be between $250-350 and should be booked using Traveloka.com (We will have friends ready at the hotel in Nias and travel to and from the Nias airport several days before the retreat for early arrivals or whenever you need it.)
EXTRA TOUR: If there is interest, we will take a group on a 2-3 day tour of orphanages and schools in Nias that are powerful Scripture strongholds, and then, again if there is interest, we will fly with a group to the island of Rote on the other side of Indonesia for about 5 days where we have powerful Scripture strongholds in 30+ PUBLIC schools and even more churches. Details about these potential extra tours are still being worked out. However, it will help me to know in advance if people are interested.
CELEBRATE 1,000 in the USA?: I would love to see (and Lord willing attend) Celebrate 1,000 verses gatherings in the USA and other countries. Our friend Jim Woychuk of Scripture Memory Fellowship based in Dallas TX (3rd place on the Memverse Group Leaderboard behind "Entire Bible" and "IBLP") is very interested in seeing these happen in the USA. Please get in touch with him if you might want to attend such an event. Or you can let me know if there are, or you would like to see such gatherings in other countries.

10 responses to Celebrate 1,000 Verses
Thanks for checking in Leah Jessie, We hope to, Lord willing, have it every year. Not sure if it will be in Nias every year or possibly move around the country in future years. Of course you could come to Indonesia any other time as well. Where and/or who in Indonesia were you hoping to visit? It is a wonderful place with doors wide open for ministry. We would love to have more and more Scripture lovers come join us here.
If your situation changes and you can join us, we would love to have you and many others take part in our historic first ever "Celebrate 1,000 Verses". You guys could be a huge inspiration and encouragement to our young Indonesian memorizers. Can you help me by spreading the word to others I might not be able to reach?
I forgot to mention our Facebook group "Celebrate 1,000 Verses" which is an easy way to spread the word to others as well as check in with people who will be attending.
Hi, Phil. I am a little confused and others might be, too. You mention the retreat as being Jan 5th to the 8th, but a couple of paragraphs later you refer to a couple of December dates. Are there two different events? Or is the first set of dates, or the second set of dates, a typo? Thought I'd seek a little clarification in case others reading your post were also confused.
Personally, I have just stepped over 400 verses, so I'll be a little while before hitting 1,000+. A great idea and definitely a great inspiration to others to write God's word on the walls of their memory. God bless. AK
A.K. Thanks so much for catching that. I need to work on my proof reading skills or lack thereof. There is only one event Jan 5-8 and I have corrected the dates on the original blog post.
There is however, a Memverse member considering running a similar event in the USA possibly in either February or March, possibly in or around Southern OH using 250 verses the first year to be inclusive and in particular to engage college students, and then asking around to see the interest for a 500 verse event the following year either in addition to the 250, possibly at a different location or maybe to replace the 250. I will keep you posted if this ends up happening.
Would you be able to help me out spreading the word about the Celebrate 1,000 Verses gathering on Nias island in Indonesia, in JANUARY, 2018. so others you know that I would never reach can hear about the event. Also, if you would enjoy a beach retreat while hearing a ton of Scripture quoted and meeting and being inspired by young people knowing God's Word here in Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world, as well as, Lord willing, other countries, you and others you know who might be interested in this are welcome to join us without quoting yourself this year.
Ooooh!!!! This is cool! I probably could quote 1,000 verses. They'd definitely be scattered all around the Bible. xP We couldn't go though.... :(
Thanks for checking in Mommy's Helper. OK. We are hoping to see gatherings like this start in the USA and possibly other places that would be easier for people to attend. We will keep you posted. If something changes, we would love your scattered all around the Bible contribution at our historic event.
As I wrote to others, I would love your help spreading the word about this to others I don't know and probably could never reach, especially if you could think of anyone, or groups who could quote 1,000 verses who might want to join us.
This is cool, Mr. Walker! What a great opportunity, and such an encouragement to hear about other people who are serious about memorizing God's Word. I shared in my little corner of the internet. =)
Thanks Emily for your encouragement and especially for sharing about the event in your "little corner of the internet". I assume that corner has several people that I don't know and possibly would never have heard, or at least not have heard this quickly if not for you. Have you received any feedback? Are any of them considering coming or can you yourself come join us? We are starting a confirmed guest and maybe guest list and would love to add you or your friends if those dates are a possibility for you.
Yes, several people have given me feedback, but I think it's the same for them as for me, than an event in Indonesia is not quite within the realm of possibilities at the moment. The exciting and encouraging thing for me though, is that the 1000 verses part was not at all a problem for any of them. =) I'll definitely be looking out for updates on an event held in the States! God bless your efforts and I hope you have a wonderful and inspiring time!
Thanks for your feedback. It makes a lot of sense and is very helpful. Indonesia is quite a distance. I am working hard to see this become a regular, Lord willing, annual event in the USA, maybe even in different areas of the USA and maybe at different levels.
Currently there is talk about a possible gathering in or around southern OH in either February or March, 2018 of those who can quote 250 verses, with a discussion at the event of having a 2019 event for 500 verses either replacing the 250 or in addition to it. I will keep you posted. Let me know if you have any ideas of what might work best for you and your friends. I will pass your post onto others to encourage them.
Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. Yes, I trust we will have a good event. So far we are expecting 1 young person from the Philippines to fly in joining the 7-15+ young people in Indonesia. We are hopeful of still getting some from the USA, Canada, India, south Korea and possibly other countries to also join us, but I might be overly optimistic especially for a first year.
Wow, this is so awesome!! I would come if I could... I've actually been interested in going to Indonesia recently. I don't think I can come this January, though. I shall definitely pray for this event, and really hope there is another one in the future that I can attend.