Memorized 25, 100, 250, 500 verses?
Hi. My name is Phil Walker. I live in the Philipppines. I have not been active here on Memverse for a while, but it is so cool to see the website still working well. I would love to hear from anyone on memverse who could quote 25 or more verses as we are documenting this around the world, mainly focusing on students in Preschool - Seminary and homeschool families, but also including people, like me, who are not in school. You can reach me through this blog or or WhatsApp +6281219657095..
I would especially love to hear from anyone interested in promoting Bible memory around the world.
Bible Memory on YouTube
Hi. I have discovered my by far favorite channel on YouTube for memorizing God's Word. It is called "Bible Memory Goal". They have a new exciting video each week! Can I encourage you to check it out, subscribe and share with others you know who love Scripture memory so they can also subscribe. There is also a website called
I am still committed to figuring out how to open up this Blog so others can post as well.
Still Active
Hi. My name is Phil Walker. For several reasons I have not been on Memverse for a few years, but still love memorizing the Bible and promoting Scripture memory and Scripture songs more than ever. We live in Indonesia. I would love to hear from anyone else who loves memorizing the Bible or Scripture songs. My email is My WhatsApp is +6281291752984 Is anyone still active? Where are you from?
Celebrate 1,000 Verses
Everyone around the world who can quote 1,000 verses from the Bible are invited to join 7-15+ young Indonesians January 5-8 at a simple, but nice hotel or beach cottage on the world famous surfing Sorake beach in South Nias within walking distance from arguably the 2 most active Bible memorizing schools in the world. (I would love to hear of other Bible memorizing schools around the world)
Those who cannot quote 1,000 verses but who would enjoy a beach retreat meeting and hearing people quote a lot of Scripture and learning first hand about God's Word spreading throughout Indonesia and possibly other countries MAY ALSO ATTEND!!
NEED YOUR HELP: My goal is that everyone in the world who can quote 1,000 verses, or who might want to push themselves to be able to quote 1,000 verses would hear about this opportunity. Those on Facebook can easily help spread the word to people I can't reach through our group "Celebrate 1,000 Verses"
Will you help me contact members and almost members of "The Memverse 1,000 Verse club": Milton, Kaitlyn V., Twilah, Josiah, Chelsea, Deborah U, Rosie, Nicole J., Andrew J. Neufeld, Hannah Himes, Leah Jessie, Catleya Redeemed by Christ, Conrad Neufeld, In Solo Christo, Alex Watt, Sony Neufeld, Elaina Garcia, Crystal, Cyanworth, Linda J., Hedgie, Grannyjo, Naomi Nunn, Adopted by Christ, Tami, MarcWMills, Joyce, Stormi, Pammy B, Lynn F, 1 John, Wendy Watts, Katherine Neufeld, Sarah Neufeld, Alisa Simms and let them know about the FREE RETREAT offer described below.
Please also spread the word to Bible Bee, Bible Quizzing, Bible Bowl and Fighter Verses particpants and alumni; old school Navigators; AWANA enthusiasts; Scripture Typer and Memverse friends; Seminaries, Bible schools, and Christian schools who might have professors, teachers or students who would want to attend. Bible loving home school families, missionaries and other Christians overseas who might know of Scripture strongholds in their areas; Bible loving pastors who might want to challenge their congregation and/or be inspired by the Scripture movement in Indonesia,
In the USA, can someone let John Piper, John McArthur, Chuck Swindol, Howard Hendricks, and the 2 Steve Greens (singer and DC Bible Museum) and others I have not heard of with clear testimonies as lovers of the Bible know.
I believe there are 200+ plus people in the USA who with a little prep time, could qualify to quote 1,000 verses with us due to the influences listed above plus the ministry of my friends Scripture Memory Fellowship, Piercing Word (never met personally), and Marquis Laughlin,
Overseas, I believe there are dozens in Canada, India and South Korea who could qualify to quote 1,000 verses. Will you help me reach them? I don't know of any other countries historically strong in God's Word, but would love to hear of individuals or groups or churches or maybe schools from around the world committed to God's Word and support/encourage them moving forward..
History/Present Situation/ Future of God's Word in Indonesia: In asking around I have been told of Dr. Gustaf Momor, a seminary professor who passed away in 2011 who people believe could quote over 1,000 verses. I have not heard of any other Indonesians outside our group with the same reputation, but hope to communicate with hundreds of churches and schools this month to both find those who could qualify now as well as hear stories of previous saints committed to God's Word.
In January, 2014, Aniwarlina Zai quoted over 1,000 verses (over 500 of them in Scripture songs.).
In June, 2016, Mr. Marinus Gulo, founder and director of the South Nias Setia branch high school and Bible school and oversear of 10 other Setia branch high schools and junior high schools asked me to send him my best candidate for spreading a love of God's Word through his schools. I sent Aniwarlina.
January 5th - 8th, you are invited to witness 7-15+ young Indonesians quoting 1,000 verses in the historic 1st annual "Celebrate 1,000" Indonesia (4 to 7+ are students of Aniwarlina!! An 8th grader from a Nias branch school may also qualify!)
Due to the commitment of the Nias students, the many open doors and plans of most, if not all, of these 1,000 verse quoters and many others to actively inspire and equip others to know God's Word in Public schools, orphanages, Bible and other Christian schools and churches throughout Indonesia we expect, Lord willing, within 2-5 years, to have 100 Indonesians (plus Lord willing, many from the USA and other countries) at future Celebrate 1,000 events.
We are praying and trusting that one day there may be 1,000 Indonesians who can quote 1,000+ verses to deeply impact and inspire the currently, mostly Biblically illiterate Christian culture in Indonesia and beyond.
Schedule: Friday the 5th will have presentations, introductions, games and free time to relax and rest. The 6th - 8th, 1/3 of the quoters will quote 1,000 verses with the others watching and/or enjoying the beach and fellowshipping. There will also be short morning and evening group gatherings and possibly some organized games. The official retreat begins with checking into the hotel on Thursday, Jan 4th and checking out Tuesday morning Jan 9th. People who wish to come early or stay later may with extra charges paid directly to the hotel. People who cannot stay for the entire time may arrive late or leave early as needed.
Costs: In addition to airfare to the Gunungsitoli Airport in Nias, the cost of the retreat including travel to and from airport, food, lodging, etc. is: Adults = US$600; (spouse = $300); Age 12-17 = $300; Age 4-11 = $200; Infant - age 3 = $100. Those who qualify as 1,000 verse quoters and their immediate family members come at 50%! FREE RETREAT for anyone currently at 1,000+ verses on memverse and those who can get there before January 5th, 2018, PROVIDED you are confident you will be able to quote 1,000 verses from memory with just a list of references before you (no first words, or even first letters of words). Immediate family members are still 50%.
Those who can get a good price directly to and from Gunungsitoli airport should do that. For those who cannot, and/or want to see Jakarta can get cheap round trip tickets to Jakarta, stay at a very nice hotel in Jakarta featuring travel to and from airport and an included wonderful breakfast at $60 a night, see the Setia campus and where we live on campus and meet some of our key people if interested, and then fly out with us Thursday morning, January 4th. Round trip from Jakarta to Nias will probably be between $250-350 and should be booked using (We will have friends ready at the hotel in Nias and travel to and from the Nias airport several days before the retreat for early arrivals or whenever you need it.)
EXTRA TOUR: If there is interest, we will take a group on a 2-3 day tour of orphanages and schools in Nias that are powerful Scripture strongholds, and then, again if there is interest, we will fly with a group to the island of Rote on the other side of Indonesia for about 5 days where we have powerful Scripture strongholds in 30+ PUBLIC schools and even more churches. Details about these potential extra tours are still being worked out. However, it will help me to know in advance if people are interested.
CELEBRATE 1,000 in the USA?: I would love to see (and Lord willing attend) Celebrate 1,000 verses gatherings in the USA and other countries. Our friend Jim Woychuk of Scripture Memory Fellowship based in Dallas TX (3rd place on the Memverse Group Leaderboard behind "Entire Bible" and "IBLP") is very interested in seeing these happen in the USA. Please get in touch with him if you might want to attend such an event. Or you can let me know if there are, or you would like to see such gatherings in other countries.

Singing God's Word
Edited Oct 27th to include the NEW USA RECORD of 133 by Pam Banks True and the contest for English Scripture songs with guaranteed prizes of $50 - $500 for the top 25 finishers.
Does anyone use Scripture songs for memorizing? Or perhaps you remember some Scripture songs from when you were young that you would like to refresh. We are documenting everyone who can sing 10 or more verses in English or Indonesian and everyone who can sing at least one verse in any other language. We would love for you to join us!! We would love to receive your video or live singing of Scripture songs, whether you just enjoy Scripture songs casually, or you want to push yourself to rank high nationally or worldwide. You give give us a link to your video here or email or put the video on Facebook at our group or page "Singing the Bible Worldwide". You can also sing live at the Setia Bible school in Jakarta or by contacting Scripture Memory Fellowship at their Dallas headquarters or at SMF events throughout the country.
This program is meant to encourage and inspire all ages and all abilities. There are no legalistic requirements. Those who wish may sing Scripture songs looking at texts or getting help or with friends or anyway they want. General guidelines for those who would like to follow are: No texts or help other than looking at a list of references. Here is an example of Bende, who holds 2nd place silver among Indonesians who can sing the most verses in English.
We are holding a contest for those who can sing the most verses in English Scripture Memory songs. The expected final date is April 28th, 2018 or possibly as late as July 7th, 2018. Guaranteed minimum prizes: (these may go up, especially in regards to number of cash prizes given if sponsors get involved, but we are committed to the top prize not going above $1,000.) 1st place = $500; 2nd place = $300; 3rd place = $200; 4th - 10th place = $100; 11th - 25th = $50; top 5 where English is not your mother tongue = $40; next 5 = $30; top 5 Asians living in Asia = $25; next 5 = $20; Top 10 Indonesians living in Indonesia = 200,000 rupiahs; next 10 = 150,000 rupiahs; 3rd 10 = 100,000. Each person can only win one cash prize and will receive the highest ammount he/she qualifies for. We are hoping many other non-cash prizes will also be given out either at local Scripture song events, or possibly sent in the mail by sponsors.
More details, including how to participate and how to host a local event where people can participate (both free) are coming soon as its own Blog post, on the Forum, and on Facebook.
The WORLD RECORD Book (as we know it. We are sure there are people who have broken these records. Please let us know so we can update.) We trust there are thousands of people who could enter this record book with a little effort. May we inspire, motivate and encourage you to invest in something eternal that can bless you and countless others.
English World Record: Gold = Jacky Walker (Philippines) with 221; Silver = Christian Juat (Philippines) with 155; Bronze = Grace Juat (Philippines) with 142
Indonesia record: Gold = Diana Ledoh from Rote with 140; Silver = Bende from Alor with 95; Bronze = Diana Lontorin from Alor with 88
USA record: Gold = Pam Banks True, a 60 year old Bible Bee grandmother from KY with 133 !! Silver = Kristy Richman from KS with 28; Bronze = Nancy Liston from GA with 28; 4th = Dakota Lynch of Scripture Memory Fellowship based in Dallas TX with 19; Bronze = Stephen Westfall from TX = 19.
Trusting many more entries coming soon.
Will you represent your country to inspire and encourage others?
Indonesian World Record: Gold = Dian (Central Sulawesi) with 633; Silver = Aniwarlina (West Nias) with 553; Bronze = Elpin (South Nias) = 450
Nias language World Record: Gold = AniWarlina with 10; Silver = Aliran with 4
Javanese World Record: Gold = Septi with 2
What other languages have Scripture songs? We would love to document and list here anyone who can sing one or more Scripture song in any language throughout the world.
Any language or combination of languages with verses sung in more than one language counted multiple times
GRAND WORLD RECORD: Gold = Dian (Indonesia) = 720; Silver = AniWarlina (Indonesia) with 577; Bronze = Mona (Indonesia) with 511
Philippines Record: Gold = Jacky Walker with 322; Silver = Christian Juat with 155; Bronze = Grace Juat with 142
USA record: Gold = Pam Banks True, a 60 year old Bible Bee grandmother from KY with 133 !! Silver = Kristy Richman from KS with 28; Bronze = Nancy Liston from GA with 28; 4th = Dakota Lynch of Scripture Memory Fellowship based in Dallas TX with 19; Bronze = Stephen Westfall from TX = 19

2016 Live Bible Bee Quizzes
I dislike the term "technical difficulties." It seems like that's what they all say when one of their "COMING SOON!" promises doesn't happen soon. So I'll start by saying that I probably should have prepared for these quizzes earlier than I did, so I would have had time to fix the technical difficulties we had--such as the quiz maker first not working, and then the blog. But even though this is happening later this year than usual, the point is that it IS happening again! You have permission to be excited now!
Question submissions are appreciated. Remember to inlucde to the words "Bible Bee" in the question, so I'll see it! I won't lie; they're not absolutely necessary to make this work, because Cory and his writing squad have sent me questions as they come in for the upcoming practice tests. But ideally, we should have questions being submitting from all of you, so we don't have to use all the practice test questions before the release of those tests! So please, do your part! If everyone submits even just one or two questions per week, we'll easily have enough. I've noticed in past years that we have three or four select people who submit most of the questions, and I can't fairly make a quiz in which the questions are divided up like that. Shoutout to Zachary Baas, Bethany Meckle, and Hannah Wright for being so diligent in this. They are clearly the most spiritual--just kidding! But anyway, I would like to ask that no one submit more than three questions per week, and if we don't have enough submitted questions, we can fill in using the practice test questions. This should give us a reasonable balance.
And remember, you don't have to be in the Bee to participate! (You just might not know as much, but the fellowship on the chat will be worth it!)
The new quizzes will be at 4:00 pm EST on Thursday, and reruns will be at 8:00 pm on Friday and 12:00 pm on Tuesday. Effective immediately! See ya then!
I recommend checking the comments at least once a week in case I have any updates to give.

Introducing Microblades!
One of the most important elements of a successful Scripture memory routine is to make it a group effort. Besides the benefit of God’s Word being hidden in more hearts, memorizing as a group creates a sense of accountability that helps keep everyone motivated.
Scripture Memory Fellowship is a big promoter of systemized group memorization, and their brand new Microblade program is a great way to join a community of memorizers just like yourself. It’s also a good way to get back in the habit of memorizing.
The Microblade community memorizes 1-3 weekly verses on topics like Worship, Purity, and Marriage. Each Microblader receives email devotionals for the memory verses and is invited to join the Microblade forum. The forum is a special place where you are able to interact with a growing community of memorizers, answer study questions, and discuss God's Word together.
Each month's Microblade costs just $1.99 and is available in the SMF Bible memory app or via PDF download. Renew your commitment to Scripture memory and sign up for Microblades today!

Memverse Mobile App for iOS
We're very excited to announce that Memverse is now available for iPhones and iPads. It took us much longer than expected but lots of the groundwork has now been laid and we'll keep adding more features over time.
You can download it via iTunes.
We're also looking for a volunteer to build an Android app.

The 2015 Bible Bee Video!
Last year, my brother and I created a video about the Bible Bee study every other week. This year, due to all the changes and a crazy schedule, we almost decided not to do a video this year - but surprise, surprise, here it is! Thanks to a fellow Memverse family, we have a five minute video full of great tips and resources.
If you want more tips for last minute studying and test taking, here are two links you can check out:
1. The Sweeter Than Honey Blog
2. Last year's Bible Bee tip video
This video is not endorsed by the National Bible Bee or the Shelby Kennedy Foundation.

John 1-6 Practice Tests
Matthew and his loyal team of question-writing minions have once again worked hard to crank out practice tests! Not all of them are complete, but they will be added as they are finished. Since we can't look ahead in the study guide, not all the questions can be in the same place this time.
PDF Practice Tests
Here is the sheet of 200 bubbles.
Answer Key (for all three tests) Practice Tests

Cross References
If you're in Bible Bee, you probably know that the amazing amount of cross references can be one of the most challenging parts of the study. As I've been working through my study this week, I started making a list of all of the cross references (and the categories they fall under) with both the reference and the text. So, I'm going to share the lists here as I get them done each week - just in case they might help a few of my fellow Bible Bee-ers as well.
The list is from the Senior study, so if you're a Junior or Primary you probably have different CRs (or at least fewer ones), but maybe the list will still help!
One word of warning: I copied the verses from the NKJV, so if you use a different version you might want to copy the list into a word processor and either remove the verse texts or replace them with the version of your choice.
Weeks 3-6 are now avaliable with text (in KJV) thanks to Emily H!!!
How do you study cross references?
Leave your tips in the comments below!

2015 Bible Bee Live Quizzes
On one of the recent weekly quizzes, I asked everyone if they wanted live Bible Bee quizzes for this year. The answer was a unanimous "Yes", with more or less capitals and a wide variety of exclamation point counts. Remember, we don't fence the quizzes, so you don't even have to be in the Bible Bee do to these!
EDIT--Well, no one seems to use the PDFs much, so unless I get requests to the contrary, I'll just stop copying the questions and leave the ones that have already been made.
The schedule, which is weekly, will have one more rerun! Otherwise, it is the same. Each new quiz will premiere at 4:00 pm EST on Thursday. I've noticed that many Memverses don't get a change come on until late in the evening--in fact, that is usually when the forums are most active. So there will be a rerun of the quiz at 8:00 pm EST the same Thursday. Of course, we'll keep our Teusday rerun at noon EST.
PLEASE SUMBIT QUESTIONS, starting anytime, over what you've learned. Make sure to be the words "Bible Bee:" at the beginning of each question, so it will be filtered and I'll know which questions to approve for the Bible Bee quizzes. If a question is not approved, it was probably an essential duplicate or something irrelevantly simple, eg. "What was made through Him?".
Thank you ALL for your submissions! We do appreciate it! But please be careful to make sure your questions are not translation dependent or ambiguous. I cannot be responsible for making sure all the questions are right.
NOTE: Please proofread your questions. I don't have time to go through every single one, so please make sure not only the answers, but the questions, are correct.
PDFs of finished quizzes:

Windows Phone App
One of our users, Kayle Hinkle, has created an app for those of you who use Windows Phone 8.1. It has a few limitations but I imagine Kayle is going to keep adding functionality with future releases.
The app will download your existing verses when you first login and will synchronize your progress with Memverse. At the moment it doesn't automatically synchronize new verses that you add/delete on the main website.
This is a great tool for those of you who want to memorize on the go!
Try it out and give us feedback.

Synchronized Sections
Today we have released an early version of a feature that I envisioned over three years ago. Those of you who memorize extended passages of the Bible might have noticed that there is sometimes a lack of context and continuity as verses which should appear contiguously unfortunately are reviewed haphazardly over the weeks.
This is most acute in chapters such as Matthew 5-7 (the Sermon on the Mount). I think most would agree that the following verses form a logical unit and should be grouped together during review:
“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
I had always hoped that as people added passages it would gradually become clear which verses should be grouped together within a passage. It turns out that is, indeed, the case. Enough users who have a heart for fasting - but less for prayer and giving - have added the above verses and not the surrounding verses and it is possible to infer that Matt 6:16-18 belong together.
Clearly this works best in sections of the Bible that are heavily memorized and less well in the minor prophets (I always think it will be awkward when we meet Obadiah one day and he asks us what we thought of his book!).
This feature is still a work in progress and I am currently the only one using it. If you like living on the edge, you can enable Synchronize Subsections on your Update Profile page. This will ensure that over time, related verses will be reviewed on the same day and the review interval will be synchronized. Please leave feedback or comments by clicking the black 'Feedback' tab on the right. We will be refining this feature over the coming months so feel free to wait if you want.
One of the disadvantages of this feature is that if you forget one verse in a subsection, the whole subsection will reset and appear to be unmemorized. If you'd like to see how your passages have been subsectioned, you can navigate to this secret page and click on the relevant passage. The last number in the list that appears shows the various subpassages.
We highly recommend that most of you wait for a few months before enabling this feature.
I hope you all have a blessed 2015.