Memory Verses - the Entire Bible?
A group of Memverse members, led by SavedbyGrace, have started a new Scripture memory group committing to memorizing the entire Bible in their lifetime! Wow!! What a great goal and use of the mind and life God has given us. It is exciting to see the impact the National Bible Bee is having on so many young people in the USA. May God's blessings be on the group as you get to know the Living God better and better through His Word and as you commit to keeping these Bible Bee memory verses for the rest of your life and even adding more in your pursuit of memorizing the 31,103 verses in the Bible. I have never met anyone who can quote the entire Bible and will be thrilled to be praying for each member of this group as you proceed.
We at Memverse want to encourage you in any way we can. If you want to join this group, please let SavedbyGrace and his friends know through this blog post. This is also the place to make any comments about memorizing the entire Bible, and/or encourage this group.
SavedbyGrace or others in the group will be editing this page in the near future to give more information.
Those (currently 40) with a goal to memorize the whole Bible in their lifetime:
Me, SavedByGrace; Erika Wenzel; Brooke Nicole; Matthew Minica; Simeon; BibleBeeJunior11; Marie Morris;
Rachel; Angela; Joshua Harrell; God's little child; Josiah DeGraaf; Sarah Stelzl; AndrewBibleBeeJunior11;
Heidi Schreiber; Laurel; Sarah; Rachel Crosswhite; Sara Kenyon; Hannah Teeters; Hanah Lanier; Sarah
Grace Mieczkowski; Michelle; Laura Hedstrom; Arthur Roshkovski; Lee Jinks; China Dennington;
GraceandGlory; Clay Dennington; Charity; Zachary Baas; Sydney Reed; Ashley; JAG3; On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
Maddie Pickens; Anna Mieczkowski; AstroLeah; blewis18;
Please let us know if we mistakenly list you twice, or if you no longer want to be on this list.

130 responses to Memory Verses - the Entire Bible?
I am totally joining!!! After the last Bible Bee I'm allowed to be in I'll start this!! Maybe I'll be halfway done already!!!
SavedByGrace, please add me in, thank you.
I'm really back-logged right now, but I'm still adding verses (I love the new feature that automatically adds the new verses in as you memorize the old).
Thank you so much for starting this group. It is such an encouragement to know it is not an impossibility and I look forward to encouraging and being encouraged and seeing more additions to the group.
Thank you Phil for your prayers!
Laurel :)
WOW!!! I can't believe you actually wrote a blog post about this! Anyone confused about this, a while ago a few people joined me in planning to memorizing the entire Bible in their lifetime. This may seem like an impossible goal, but it isn't! To memorize it in 33 years, you just need to memorize a chapter per month. For 90 years (ha ha) just memorize a verse a day. :) It supposedly has been done, but even if not, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," so it can be done! Anyone willing to join, please say so. Also, to make this easier, you can join another group I "formed" a while ago planning to read ten chapters (or two at a minimum) of the Bible per day. To find out more about this, go to the blog post "Managing Your Memorization Schedule" and see the comments there, or go to a link Alex Watt gave: It will explain better than I can. Thank you all for joining! Hopefully this will inspire some of you to tell others about Christ. May God be glorified in anything that comes out of this!!!
SavedbyGrace, please let me know the latest list of everyone who has signed up for this if you want that posted on the main page and I can keep it updated for you. Please also let me know anything else you want on the main page and anytime you want the main page edited.
Thanks, Mr. Walker! There's nothing really you have to put on the post right now, but I'll put the list of people who have joined so far here:
--Me, SavedByGrace
--Erika Wenzel
--Brooke Nicole
--Matthew Minica
--Marie Morris
--Joshua Harrell
--God's little child
--Josiah DeGraaf
--Sarah Stelzl
--Heidi Schreiber
--Sarah (Bible Bee)
--Sara Kenyon
--Hannah Teeters
--Hannah Lanier
--Grace Mieczkowski
--Laura Hedstrom
--Phil Walker (sort of--we're praying that you finish your goal!)
--Arthur Roshkovski
--Lee Jinks (sort of)
--China Dennington
--Clay Dennington
--Zachary Baas
--Sydney Reed
--Maddie Pickens
--Anna Mieczkowski
--Thomas Youngman
--ChosenByHim(Bethany M)
--Courtney B.M.
--Deborah Unruh
You can add this to the post if you want, but you don't have to. You can keep editing it to add whoever else wants to join. Wow, forty-seven volunteers so far!!! This is amazing!!
There are 31,103 verses in the Bible?!? Wow! That's a big goal - I'll be praying for those of you who are doing this!!
oh my ... I want to join...because it's a great goal....and I don't...because it looks so ....well.....overwhelming!!! {{sigh}} Please forgive me. I know that the spirit is willing (sort of) and the flesh is *weak*. Maybe I do it....Not sure. Let me the the Bible Bee and 1 PETER out of the way first, okay? I have 3 more years in the Bible bee...SBG is that "Rachel" in the list me?
{{{{{{{I'm over whelmed}}}}}}}}
@Rachel--no, that Rachel is not you. :) I would have put "Rachel Crosswhite" there if it were you, to avoid confusion. Believe me, it overwhelms me to think about it as well. But when you think of the rewards of it... it's just as overwhelming. You can get those things out of the way first, but I'd encourage you to commit to doing it in your lifetime at least. A lifetime can be a long time, and if you die before your goal is reached, nobody will blame you. ;) So could you commit to at least attempting to memorize three or four verses a day? Right now, from the Bible Bee and 1 Peter? I'll understand if you don't, but you can just think about it.
you just make me feel more memorize the whole Bible....would I have to do 3-4 verses a day?
EDITED: SavedByGrace...a good overwhelmed...not a mean one =)
Well, you wouldn't have to do that. If you do it three to four verses a day, then you'll get done in around twenty years. I just was thinking, in terms of the BB, how small that is compared to the eight verses a day we Juniors have to do in the summer, let alone the thirteen for the Seniors. But if you want to go at a slower pace, that's fine. No pressure.
Remember I'm not memorizing until I am completely done with the Bible Bee (I'm 10 now so... how many years will that be?) And by then I'll probablly have more then half the Bible memorized! : ) I'm still praying about this for strength....
Well, BBJ11 and Rachel, I'm putting anyone on the list who says that they will attempt to memorize the Bible in their lifetime. So it doesn't matter when you start--as long as you DO start. :)
Dear SavedByGrace,
I would love to be doing this, but this is only my 1st year of Junior so I will just pray for your team members and practice for it
Thank you, Hannah, for your prayers. I understand why you aren't comfortable joining just yet--it IS a huge task. But if you are ever wanting to join (remember, all you have to do is memorize the Bible in your lifetime, not in a year! ;) ), you can say so here.
Thanks SBG, Maybe through the Bible Bee, which could take a lot of time, and it would be good to do if we ever went overseas Oh and by the way, will you put me on the list? I think it would be wonderful to memorize the Bible in a lifetime. I guess the sooner started, the better;)
Hey, BBJ11! I was wondering if you would ever put your picture up! Now I'm really wanting to put my picture up, but I'm not allowed. I guess the only way any of you will ever see me is if we both make it to the Nationals. :)
On the topic of the post, is anyone else willing to take up the gigantic, but rewarding challenge of memorizing the entire Bible? There will be eternal rewards... just think about that!
I would love to take up this challenge- I have been working on memorizing all of Psalms, and memorizing the entire Bible is such a bigger goal that I would appreciate being a part of. Thanks for starting this up, SavedByGrace! It will help a lot to know others who are committed to it as well are there for support. :-)
I'm in!!! I would LOVE to be a part of the challenge. I used to actually have my goal to memorize the New Testament before I was out of High-School (I'm now a sophomore in Highschool), but I got too busy. But I would love to memorize the Bible in my lifetime!! Thank you!
I am not going to wait until I am too old for the Bible Bee. I will start on book and chapter memorization throughout the New Testament, and then I will start memorizing the Old Testament. However, I must remind myself that the goal in memorization is not to have as much of the bible memorized as possible, and to know the bible like the back of your hand, but it is to grow closer to God. Although memorization is the first step, this cannot be achieved simply by memorizing the Word, but by studying and meditating on it and applying it to our everyday lives. The ultimate goal in life is to glorify God, and this is done best if we have a close walk with him.
Exactly, Joshua Harrell! That's exactly why we are doing this. I, too, am not waiting until I'm done with the Bible Bee, because the Bible Bee, as much as it teaches us the Bible through the verses and Sword Study, does not give us all the verses we will ever need from the Bible. Yes, it gives us a lot, but what about all those empty days in between Bible Bees? Can't we memorize then as well? Yes, school gets in the way for many of us, especially those of us in high school, but is it so much that we can't make the time to memorize God's Word? I'm not going to force anyone to do anything, but I think you should reconsider what you're deciding to do. You can still do it that way, but I think the most beneficial thing to us and the glory of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is to memorize as much as we can whenever we can. And as Joshua Harrell said, this isn't just memorization either. It's meditation and study of the words of the Creator of the universe! Think about the amazingness (?) of that! If we want to get as close as we can to God, we must study what he has given us as much as he gives us time to.
P.S. Don't get discouraged if you get lazy when you don't want to be! I struggle very hard with laziness myself, believe me!
I am so glad to be working together with you guys. Let us encourage one another I don't know you but I hope to meet someday. Let us strengthen one another and let us press forward one with another. And Amen the main goal in life is to deepen our relationship with God the Bible God's word just helps us do that.
I actually made this my goal a few months ago, and I'm so glad to hear of a Memverse group! It's such an awesome opportunity, to meet the Creator of the Heavens through his word!
Personally, I plan to work on the New Testament and maybe Psalms in between Bible Bees. Let's keep encouraging one another in this life-long task!
I'm so glad so many people are joining me! But we always must remember that this is for the glory of God alone and we should be using this knowledge to be better tools in the hand of God to change sinners' hearts. Thank you all for joining this gargantuan goal!
Great to see the enthusiasm and awesome focus of the group. I would think the main goal of Scripture memory is to deeply know God and through knowing God to change OUR hearts and, Lord willing, the heart and mindset of our churches and Christian culture as we share and live out the value and joy of Scripture and knowing the true, Biblical God. I pray that some truly authentic, "JOHN 15:7-8 Christians" are produced in this group and in others of us who are inspired by what you are doing to memorize more Scripture and reach our own Scripture memory goals.
My goal is MATTHEW, JOHN - REVELATION plus 500 verses (inc. all the unique verses out of MARK and LUKE); PSALMS, PROVERBS, 5,000 other Old Testament verses including a key verse from each chapter of the OT. I would love your prayers for this 44 year old mind to be renewed in sharpness.
Thank-you to Alex for sharing with us Prof. Grant Horner's Bible Reading Plan. I started it yesterday and look forward to using it daily and telling others about it.
Also, please add me to the list of pursuing this exciting goal.
you know.....we are only 3 verses away from having as many verses on Memverse memorized as there are in the Bible!!! Now THAT'S something!!! :)
Mr Walker...I'll pray :) That is an amazing goal you have :)
You can add me. I don't have a direct goal of memorizing the entire bible, but the rewards have been so great in my memorization of Romans that I don't expect I will ever stop.
Lee, thanks for checking in with us. Very cool to hear that you memorized all of ROMANS. What book or passages are you memorizing next?
this is awesome. My sister [laura hedstrom] is kind of doing it, but i don't know if I could. that is SO BIG!!!
only book of the bible that I have memorized is colosians, which isen't very big.
But I will be praying for ya'll!
Praying for everybody who is doing this! I am making it my personal goal to memorize at least 1,000 verses a year, which will make it 31 years or less to complete. A thousand verses a year sounds like a lot, but in reality it is less than 3 verses per day. During my Bible Bee years I will probably do more like 1500 to 2000 verses, on account of learning so much in just three months. I am excited about this!
I'm so glad so many people are joining this! I never imagined that this would grow to be so big. May God bless you all as you, with His help, memorize all of his Word. But may you not only do this, but apply it to your lives and grow closer to the Savior--remember, He died for you! The best thing we can do for Him is to dig as deeply as possible into what He has told us, glorify Him in every area of our lives, and serve Him with all we are, telling others about His amazing grace. Jesus is the only One who can save us, and He did! Give Him all the glory in whatever we accomplish--great and small. God bless!!
I am not sure if I want to memorize the whole Bible, but I am planning to memorize the New Testament. After that I might start working on the Old Testament... I'll see how much I can do.
note: If you're joining this you should probably join the 1 Peter memory group to start you off. I'm doing this by reading the Bible then memorizing it. Reading it helps me understand it better because i'm only 10 but a pastor's daughter.
Clay, China, and GraceandGlory, great to have the 3 of you joining this big endeavor. May God richly bless you as you get to know Him better and better through His Word!!
I am so in love with this community! It brings me to tears to see such a united front here. Young and Old wanting to memorize so much scripture just warms my heart and helps me forget about the Ugliness in the World. I would love to memorize the whole bible. I don't even know if it's possible. I have a terrible memory but, I work so hard at this and am finally at 151 verses memorized. I get a little discouraged when a memorized one comes back around and I can't get it right. Ok, I will confess a lot discouraged. But, just last night I tried to quote a verse to my husband that answered a question we were talking about (of the bible) and I couldn't get it right. But, he was so excited that I pulled that out of nowhere with the meaning in tact even if I didn't have it just right. And I think he's right. It's for our benefit to know what to do and how to answer problems even if I get the Thees and Thous wrong. I am in it for the long haul and if the Good Lord doesn't come back before I get it all memorized. I am sure when he makes us whole and perfect we will have it memorized with every t crossed and i dotted! God Bless all your efforts. I know their will be a special blessing in heaven for all of us who wish to know the Lord so well! God Bless Y'all!
@Joshua Harrell, I don't know how old you are (still in the Bible Bee) but it sounds like you have wisdom beyond your years and I wish you lived near by to spend quality time with my Boys. What a strong influence you must be to Younger ones around you. I say this not to puff up your ego. But, to encourage you. With Great Knowledge, Comes Great Responsibility! :) God Bless You!
I've decided to join whole-heartedly. I was hesitant at first because it is such a huge commitment!
I have an idea- probably a pretty crazy idea, but see what you think. I'm wondering if those that have joined to memorize the Bible could make declarations each week on the verses we have memorized- just as a way to encourage us to keep working at our goal. It would be sort of like making declarations on our Bible Bee verses. Does anyone like that idea? As I said before, this is probably just a crazy idea, but I thought I'd just throw it out there.
Charity--Actually, it's not that bad of an idea. It would put a little more pressure on us to keep going, and we would have somewhat of a friendly competition going on. Maybe we could start something like that after the Bible Bee on this post--with permission, of course. :) Thanks for joining! I'll add you to my list of now thirty-three volunteers! Thank you all!
Nikki, thanks so much for your encouraging posts. I agree with an excitement for what God will do in and through this enthusiastic group of Scripture memorizers.
Charity, great to see you whole-heartedly joining in. Praise God!! I love the idea of regular declarations. In order for it not to be a burden, I would suggest a minimum of a "Once a month declaration" with a sharing of what you memorized. It could be specific, listing every reference or generic, (for example, "I memorized `10 verses from ROMANS 6 and 15 scattered verses from PROVERBS"); I would encourage the declaration to also include a sentence or two of commentary including verses that were enjoyable and/or challenging to memorize; insights or devotional thoughts on memorized passages; or next passage on your goal; or memorizing tip or testimony; etc. Of course, anyone who wanted to could post more often than once a week.
SavedByGrace, if you like this idea, I could keep track of those who declare in September and then on October 1st, send out a friendly post, listing and encouraging those who have not yet posted to keep going and to consider declaring once in October. I don't think a chart would be good at this time, as memverse already has the leaderboard that can act as a chart to record everyone's progress. Wow!! To think of 30+ young people to pass me up on the leaderboard in the next few years!! It gives me chills! May God get all the glory and may more and more join you (especially as you hit the college campuses and maybe fill the void the modern Navigators have left.). Jacky and I will be praying for each and every one of you that God may empower and encourage you as you discover more and more the treasure of His awesome Word!! (The declarations will help us know how you are doing and spur us and others on to pray more consistently and accurately)
People in the group who want to make sure they see the monthly encouragement to declare and keep going could also send their email to me at and I can send them the monthly encouragement update by email. (My constant contact account will let me send to the group without listing or giving out everyone's email address.)
Mr. Walker--Yes, I think it's a great idea to do this! (Thanks for the idea, Charity!) So, do you want us to declare our monthly declarations on the first day of each month, or the last? Either way, I'm in!
BTW--In the months after this BB and before the next one, I'm going to be memorizing 1 Peter and... Romans! My dad gave me the idea to memorize a verse a day from it, and in sixteen months, it will be done. I might even try two verses a day and get it done in 8 months. Anyone who wants to join in this Romans challenge, you can finish by the end of 2012 if you start at the beginning of September. I can't wait to start declaring! I like the idea of putting a personal touch to your memorized verses by adding some commentary with it or your future memorizing goals.
P.S. Thanks for making my crazy idea of memorizing the 66 books, 1,189 chapters, and 31,103 verses of the Bible such a big thing by making a blog post about it! I had no idea it would get this big. :)
SavedByGrace, my thought was for people to have the freedome to declare whenever in the month and how many times in a month that they want to. We would just encourage everyone to declare at least once at some point in the month each month.
Then on the first of each month starting on Oct 1st, 2011 we will give a friendly reminder post listing everyone in the group who did not declare the previous month.
However, this is your program, and you can tweak my ideas however you want or come up with your own declaring guidelines.
I love the goal your Dad gave you of memorizing ROMANS. Is your brother memorizing this with you? I will join you with memorizing all of ROMANS before the next Bible Bee. Am I right in remembering that you are memorizing in the 1984 NIV as I will be? If you are interested, I would like to try something and do a "Once a month grace filled phone encouragement" where I call you on skype (it's free for me even from the Philippines and/or Indonesia) once a month and we encourage each other and quote some 1 PETER and ROMANS to each other. I once started memorizing ROMANS with a former student at the pace of a verse per day and we were very sharp through Chapter 8, but I am now somewhat fuzzy on all except for 6, 8, 12, and the first half of 5.
My dad created a schedule for him, Nicolas, and me, and anyone else who wants to join, to memorize Romans--a chapter a month--from September 2011 to December 2012. I don't think we'll end up memorizing the whole book before the next Bible Bee. Nicolas has memorized Chapter 1, and I've memorized Chapter 13, so we're both well on our way.
I'm sure my dad would love to hear that you're interested in joining us. I'll see if I can maybe get the schedule from him, because he's worked out a long calendar of memorizing days and review days. Then maybe we can post it here and have a bunch of people join us! That would be really fun.
Memorizing Romans is such an awesome idea! Mr. Walker, I plan on joining the accountability chart. However, if I make it to Nashville, then I probably won't start until after the national contest--at the end of November. But I hope to memorize enough to catch up with the group. :)
Oh yeah, SavedByGrace, you can go ahead and put me as "commited" to memorizing the whole Bible. I don't know why it says "sort of." :)
- Laura
Memorizing Romans sounds wonderful!! I'd love to do it!! It's just...well...seems like i'm taking up to much at once! 1 Peter, The entire Bible, and now Romans? =D Anyway...memorizing Romans and 1 Peter will help me get closer to my goal of the entire Bible :) Is the 16 months a time limit? or can I go as fast or slow as I want?
Laura, we will not have an accountability chart, just a declaration system where people post what they have memorized that month or since their last post. For all National qualifiers, for September they can declare the extra Bible Bee verses they have memorized. In October, if they already finished all the Bible Bee verses in September they can declare "No new verses. Just studying 1 PETER and reviewing the 350 or 700 or 1,100 Bible Bee verses to be ready for Nationals." or to be extra sharp at Nationals, if they have the time, they may want to memorize 1 PETER in October. Then they can declare that.
Rachel Crosswhite--I think you can go as slow or fast as you want; but you know, sixteen months is longer than it seems and Romans is shorter than it seems. You can certainly do whatever you want with this, since you are also memorizing 1 Peter. But my personal opinion is that one verse a day from 1 Peter and Romans isn't way too much, at least. But, like I said, that's just my opinion. :)
Phil Walker--I never thought of how much the memorization of 1 Peter would affect one's score at the BB, but that's a great idea. If I make it to the Nationals, I'll be memorizing as much as I can from that book. Right now, I'm trying to half-memorize the Greek words and cross-references from the Sword Study, so that will probably help as well.
P.S. Be ready for me to say something about memorizing Revelation--but probably sometime in 2013. ;) Not to overwhelm you or anything... ;P jk
I am listed twice on your post of people that have joined. It's my fault- I commented twice, once to say that I would 'sort of' join, and the next to say that I would join whole-heartedly.
@ Mr. Walker: My dad should be sending you the e-mail today with the calendar for all sixteen months of Romans-memorizing. It's very intricate and well-thought-out, so I hope it can be of help to you. Plus, if you think it would be a good idea, you could post it here in a blog post so that others can easily join us.
We have a lot of people in our church who want to do it along with us, so, hopefully, we'll be getting a lot of new members on memverse soon. Our church is Heritage Reformed Baptist Church. We had seven members, but my dad just got an account last night, making it eight, so we're excited to see it keep growing.
Thanks for your interest in memorizing Romans with us! You might be one of the only others memorizing it in NIV with us. Most of the people in our church will be memorizing in ESV or NKJV, so it's good to have someone else doing it with the same version as SBG and me.
I would like to be added to the list, please. I will be memorizing it in NIV
have fun everyone!
Hi everyone! Christian & Nicolas's Dad here. I am indeed a wretched man, though saved by grace.
The 16-month schedule in memorizing Romans coincides with Romans being 16 chapters. The pace of one verse per day should be an easy pace, particularly for any adults who may have been out of the memorization process for several years. There are many review days (at least 2 per month) with the ultimate goal being that by the final four days of December 2012, you will be able to recite the entire book from memory in one sitting.
While I don't think there are many people who would actually want to sit through a recitation of the entire book of Romans at one time, you will hopefully find more practical applications where having Romans (and its myriad of doctrinal passages) readily available in your recall will allow you to possess the heightened ability to edify, refute, correct, and/or instruct others during witnessing, preaching, and teaching occasions/opportunities.
I can't think of another Biblical book to have in our recall more readily than Romans if you desire a comprehensive coverage of essential doctrines of the faith. Well, maybe Hebrews, too, which could be next. These two books are heavy on fundamental doctrines of theology, and would be wonderful to have available at the touch of a figurative "button" in our minds.
I'm excited about the fruits to come, Lord willing, from this 16-month adventure; but also presently scared about what seems to be an overwhelming task that lies ahead.......
"One verse at a time. One verse at a time."
Wow, there are other people with this goal? :D That excites me to no end.
I would like to be added to the list as well :) I'll be memorizing in NIV.
At the moment I am working on memorizing Romans. I did chapter 1 last week, and I'm close to having chapter 2 memorized. My goal is to memorize one chapter a week. Which, when I think about it, probably sounds rather crazy... but hey, I'm a Rebelutionary. I love it. Memverse is extremely helpful, and now that I'm memorizing so much Scripture, I'm finding it easier to work on it every day.
Thanks for posting this!!
Hey I do think that Romans is a great book and I will be doing my very best to memorize with my Lord's help but I think that we must have a balanced view remember that the Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament and that the New testament has its foundation in the old. It grieves my heart to think of all the New testaments out there without the Old the two MUST be inseperable.
Wretched Man - Thanks for sharing the schedule; we uploaded it and linked to it from the post called "Post Bible Bee".
God's Bondslave - I do agree with you and I don't like the idea of giving people just the New Testament... That said, of any one Bible book, Romans does the best job of giving us the whole picture, I think, such that if you wanted to learn one book of the Bible that would help you get a much better grasp on the whole, you should go to Romans... Back to what you're saying, though, the Old Testament is extremely precious and it does hurt when people study the New Testament at the expense of studying the Old.
Thanks to both of you!
Sydney and Ashley, great to see you both joining the group. I noticed that you both will be using the NIV. Are you aware of the MATTHEW and ACTS word for word visual Bible DVDs. Max McLean also has a whole Bible DVD where you can read and listen at the same time. Ashley, do you think other Rebelutionaries would also be excited about using memverse for passionate Scripture memory as well as for mutual encouragement and inspiration?
God's Bondslave - you make a great point. I know I am guilty of favoring the NT to the (non PSALMS or PROVERBS) OT, especially when it comes to memorizing. If you have ways to lead us or inspire us in memorizing the OT, that would be very helpful. I don't want to pronounce a curse, but I would predict that anyone who memorizes less than 1,000 verses of the non PSALMS or PROVERBS OT by the time they memorize over 6,000 of the NT, will never get around to memorizing the other hard to memorize, and hard to stay focused with 18,000 OT verses they left for last. I would encourage anyone serious about wanting to memorize the whole Bible to go about it in at least a somewhat balanced approach.
God's Bondslave, I have a desire to memorize PSALMS, PROVERBS, the Elijah and Elisha accounts from 1 and 2 KINGS, EXODUS 1-20, DANIEL, ECCLESIASTES, JONAH and about a third of GENESIS, ISAIAH, JEREMIAH, 1 and 2 SAMUEL, 2 CHRON, and at most about 1/10 of the rest of the OT. How can you inspire, encourage me or help me to want to memorize more and/or to accomplish the above goals which I know much less than my NT goals.
@ God's Bondslave,
You couldn't be more correct. The OT & NT are inseparable!
It is a shame that so many churches tend to neglect most of the OT, and mostly preach from or speak about the NT. The great irony is that none of the apostles or members of the 1st century church even had the NT as we have it today. Nearly all of them grew up in and/or drew from the OT for their Scriptures. Furthermore, even Christ Himself preached from the OT during His entire earthly ministry, and exposited "Moses and the Prophets" with the two travelers on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection.
For those committed to memorizing the entire Bible, the OT books of Deuteronomy (called by some the Romans or Hebrews of the OT), Isaiah (called by many the Gospel of the OT), and Proverbs & Ecclesiastes (which have no equivalent to their treasury of Wisdom and Instruction in the NT, except maybe James) would be great books with which to start. However, EVERY book of the OT has rich content. There are some that will be more difficult to memorize, such as some chapters in Leviticus, with its intricate details about various forms of animal sacrifices, some chapters in Numbers, which are full of neverending tribal numbers, and I Chronicles, which spends, I believe, the first 9 or 10 chapters dedicated to Israel's tribal genealogies; but even these passages have rich, meaningful value when set in the context of the entire OT story of God's dealings with ethnic Israel.
I would dare argue that no one can fully understand the NT, particularly why Christ had to come and why He had to suffer, without some basic knowledge and understanding of the OT. It is critical to all major doctrines of God, the Trinity, Sin, Scripture, and Salvation, as well as the institutions of Human Origins, Language, Marriage (and divorce), Capital Punishment, Sciences and the Environment, etc.
You are so right: the OT and NT are inseparable!
I'm not really sure Phil how I can help you memorize I have trouble myself but as your younger brother in Christ I would love to work on it with you I seriously want to Memorize Romans and 1 Peter. And also catch up on Memverse I am so behind I will be praying for you too. Prayer is the pulse of life. I also am trying to keep up my memorizing through Genesis and Matthew although I haven't been doing very well at it. For inspiring I'm not very good at that either but I guess that like Wretched Man said Jesus rebuked Satan with quotes from the Old Testemant and the book he quoted out of most was Deuteronomy. I am so glad to be able to study the scripture with you guys ! Thank you so much !
@God's Bondslave: I do agree with that. I've memorized both OT and NT verses through AWANA, and although I started with the NT, I will be trying to read and memorize the OT more. I must admit I don't spend as much time reading there.
@Phil: I think someone has posted a link to memverse over there a few times when memorizing Scripture is mentioned. I know there are at least two threads: Romans, and 1 Peter (IIRC).
Wow, I would love to join! I probably will focus on Bible bee till its over though since I qualified for nationals! Thank you for doing this. Encouragement will be awesome.
JAG3, great to have you joining the group. Do we have you listed as one of the Bible Bee Finalists on memverse?
Zachary, I don't know why the bottom line is darker. I tried to fix it, but could not. It is not listed as bold. Plus, do you know JAG3? If you or he gives me his name and the age group, I will add him.
I fixed the dark font for you guys. I checked the source (HTML), and apparently it had gotten wrapped in some special formatting somehow.
Phil Walker - is not the the name "GraceandChina" on the memorize the entire bible list supposed to be "GraceandGlory?
Romans Memorization Check: How is everyone doing on memorizing Romans and with following the 16-month schedule?
If you're doing a verse a day, today verse to memorize is: Romans 1:15.
Tomorrow is the first REVIEW date, where you can meditate on the first 15 verses you've memorized, or play catch up.
Since it is, for some of us, just a verse a day, I encourage you to not only memorize each verse, but seek out a commentary, or two, or three, to go more in-depth with the verses, getting a fuller understanding of each chapter's and verse's meaning and impact, especially as you go further into Romans and its rich theology.
Many cite the first 15 verses as introductory, which they mostly are. Starting Saturday, the real meat and potatoes begin and don't stop until chapter 16.
Buckle up, and get ready for the ride!
I have been doing this I am thinking about doing the commentary of Martin Lloyd-Jones on Romans but have not. I have been looking up the Greek words though and cross references in order to gain deeper insight through this HOLY book.
I have a special fondness for Martin Lloyd-Jones and Romans. I became a Christian in college after being invited to a year-long Bible study on Romans. I joined halfway through and someone recommended reading MLJ's commentary on Romans to catch up (!). I opted instead for his commentary on the Sermon on the Mount and became a believer towards the end of the chapters on the Beatitudes in my reading and about Romans chapter 4 in the study.
Fifteen years later the first substantial memory passage I tackled was the Sermon on the Mount. A few months ago I started on Romans.
I downloaded one of MLJ's sermons where he used a phrase on 'fortifying the inner citadel of the soul'. Well worth listening to if you can find it. I often think that memorizing is one way in which we fortify our citadels.
Lord willing, once we're in Romans 7 in March, I'd especially recommend scanning commentaries from Martin Lloyd Jones, John Gill, and Matthew Henry, while seeking out what John Owen had to say as well, particularly on the section, I believe, from verses 14 to 25. You'll find some interesting differences, specifically between MLJ and the others on whether Paul is describing his current condition as a Christian, or as either an unregenerate man or someone in-between.
Any consulting of these volumes would further enrich the memorization process. Thank God for these great men and the hours they poured into composing these excellent resources!
Phil Walker--please add On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand to the list in the blog post. He said in the new post "100,000 Scripture Memory Verses" that he would like to join. Thanks!
Phil, is this how I am supposed to declare verses monthly?
September Declaration
200 National Bible Bee verses = 200, 83 of which I already knew
2 Peter 1 = 21, 7 of which I already knew
Total: 117+14=131 new verses this month
I was like to join this as well.... it's daunting, but hey, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
For those of you on the schedule to memorize Romans through the rest of 2011 & 2012, today is the first day of chapter 2: "Therefore, you are inexcusable, O man ..."
What a glorious feat to have already absorbed chapter 1 in the mind! It is invaluable to have its riches available in being able to point out God's "invisible attributes" in creation that are "clearly seen" or how God, over time, removes His restaining grace in various cultures as they move away from acknowledging His existence and "worship the creature, rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever. Amen." Is it any wonder why the American culture is in such moral decline and perversion? Romans 1 explains it clearly.
Stay with it! Persevere! Apply it as you memorize it.
I'm glad that so many of you are making the goal to
memorize the whole Bible,but I just don't have the time to do
it right now.If I had the time, I most likely would have made the
God's Maiden of Virture - You should join it! Every verse you memorize gets you closer to this goal! :)
@Rachel--I'll try to convince her, as I already have. :) She, along with a few others I've talked to, don't feel comfortable joining because of the genealogies and such that are in the Bible. But, though it may not bring much benefit to memorize those, it will be very satisfying to say that you have memorized the entire Bible and endured to the end (but of course, only by God's grace). That may not convince anyone, but that's one of the reasons I'm doing it. Anyone else want to join?? :)
P.S. If you didn't already hear, GMOV is my sister. :)
@JPIA- I would REALLY like to join, but I'm busy with a lot of things this
week. I'm also memorizing the book of Romans which is already overwhelming.
I might join later on, just not at the moment. Thanks for your encouragment though.
Nicolas - Yes, I understand :) I think all the genealogies and such will be the last things on my list to memorize :D not that they are bad or anything, but well, you know :D It would be AMAZING if one of us DOES memorize the entire bible. I want to do at least the new testament ;)
SavedByGrace and Alex, I can't get in to edit the blog and add Maddie Pickens and Anna Mieczkowski to the list.
Phil - That's a little bug that hasn't been fixed, but I was able to edit the post and now it's working again. Thanks.
I would like to be added to this list. It is encouraging that people are planning on memorizing the entire Bible! I can't promise that I will memorize all of the Bible, but it is certainly a goal that I have! :) Psalm 119:160
AstroLeah, I added you to the list. I don't think any of the 39 names can promise to memorize the entire Bible, so you are in good company. It would be super cool if some could and were a Godly witness, encouragement, and inspiration as they did it!! However, it is not an all or nothing challenge. I would be thrilled if half of the 39 memorized and kept sharp a high % of 10,000 verses (1/3 of the total) in the Bible.
I spend most of my time off the internet interacting in Christian circles with people who look at me like I am crazy for suggesting that the Bible is actually worth memorizing.
May God bless all of you as you memorize, meditate on, trust and obey Scripture on your way to deeply knowing trusting, and loving the true Biblical God!!
Thanks for the encouragement you guys are, and I trust, will continue to be, to me. I look forward to celebrating all 39 of you passing me up on memverse in the days ahead.
Welcome to Romans, chapter 3, to all those who are following along with the Romans Memorization Calendar!
I've been looking forward to this chapter for a while, one, because I've known a few of its verses since childhood, so I look forward to those days when I can dedicate more time to reviewing chapters 1 & 2 some more. Two, it is also a great chapter for evangelism when helping someone see how he/she is afflicted with the terminal illness of sin & total depravity. "There is NONE righteous; no, not one" & "ALL have sinned..." [emphases mine].
It's an inescapable fact of life, no matter how much the world and watered-down gospel presentations try to suppress, or gloss over, it, respectively: We all have a deceitful, desperately wicked heart, incurably sick with sin (Jeremiah 17:9). There is nothing we can do to escape the "wages of [our] sin," which is eternal death in the lake of fire of God's wrath.
No gospel presentation should be without this fundamental premise: we all have sinned, fall short of God's glory, and need a Savior to rescue us from our justly deserved eternal destination of hell; because, we have committed "cosmic treason" against the infinite God of the universe.
Keep up the hard work! The meat only gets tastier and more delightful from here!
As usual I love calculating numbers. So I did some calculating on this Memorize the Bible well at first the thought of 31,103 verses was very overwhelming but if you were to memorize a little under three verses a day for thirty years you could complete this task. Or a little over four verses a day for twenty years. Finally about eight and a half verses a day if you wanted to complete it in ten years. Now obviously it isn't the number of verses. Because I have seen little kids memorize three verses a day but the reviewing would be key. Although I don't even think memverse could do it without having to put in a lot of time and review at long segments. It would be great to be able to have a lot of the Bible filling my life. Don't you agree ? Again Good luck to everyone. ( even though I don't believe in luck :)
Hey, Ohioans! What're you doing?! We've been tops on the State Leaderboard for quite a while, but have you noticed that those Wolverines up North, likely feeling overly confident from their recent, and, might I add, rare, football win over our Buckeyes, are creeping up on us!?
This cannot happen! Let's get some more verses memorized! Add some more members! We can't be overtaken! Next thing you know, Mr. Walker will have Indonesia & the Philippines passing the U.S. up soon!
Have I ever mentioned that I'm a sad, sad, Wretched man?!
Welcome to Romans 4! (Those of you following the Romans Memorization Schedule.)
Welcome to the chapter that separates works from faith, to the chapter that shows Abraham to be all Christians' spiritual father and not just Israel's physical father. Before the Mosaic law was given and before circumcision was instituted, Abraham believed on God, and God's righteousness, through the promise of Christ in Genesis 3:15, was imputed to him, just as it is to us when God grants us faith to believe. However, unlike Abraham and all other OT saints, we no longer believe on the promise of Christ to come, but on the reality of Christ already come, Who lived the required sinless life, died the required substitutionary death, and rose the required justifying resurrection.
Let us all enjoy this rich, meaty chapter as we work to put it to lifelong memory!
Wretched Man - Thanks for posting thoughts on Romans 4! I'm just now beginning the Romans memorization project at 1:1... Romans is such a powerful book and I am looking forward to digging in and memorizing it with everyone doing the project.
@ Wretched Man: I just started Romans last week, now up to 1:7. Hopefully I will catch up to you guys in chapter 4 sometime. :) Since I'm in both the Romans and Elijah projects, I've decided to keep my group as Bible Bee. Thanks for organizing this and posting encouragements!
@God's Bondslave: thanks for crunching those numbers! Memorizing the entire Bible doesn't seem so far away, if only 10-20 years. Mr. Walker is still going strong at 44, and I am 28 years behind him.
Laura, great to hear of you memorizing ROMANS. I am 45 now and am finding it much harder to memorize with my 45 year old mind than it was 15-20 years ago. I started memorizing for Life at age 23. How I would have loved to have memverse or a group of fellow memorizers around back then.
May all of you continue memorizing Scripture in your youth and dream big God size dreams of how He may want to use you and your friends in bringing the USA church back to the Bible. Being here in the Philippines and in Indonesia it saddens and sometimes sickens me to see the Scripture trivializing, "new and improved" modern "gospel" much of the USA is spending millions of dollars to export to poison the church in the rest of the world.
There is so much talk about having a "Biblical worldview" on everything. I would love to see the Church desire to have a Biblical view of the Bible and the true Scripture giving Biblical God!!
I and my wife are praying for you and trusting that God will raise up many Scripture loving servants from among you who will use your early start, the help of Memverse, and the support of your friends to far surpass the impact Jacky and I will (Lord willing, enabling and leading) have in our lifetime.
Excellent entry, Mr. Walker! After memorizing so many books and chapters of the Bible in my youth, I have wasted so many years not keeping up with retaining them as well as I should've, and now I find myself at 41 y.o. struggling to hold on to a verse or two per day. So, yes, all you whipper-snappers out there, take advantage of your less cluttered minds, memorize a ton, and keep it actively hidden in your heart--before the clutter of life begins to consume vast portions of your mind with useless cares and mindless information. God will use your dedication to do great and wonderful things in the lives of others, even if it's doing the unnoticed, but all too magnificent, job of pouring it into your own children someday.
As for the export of that "new and improved" modern "gospel," sharpen yourselves, everyone, in knowing how to identify, target, and cast down the strongholds of this false gospel that is being propagated. Don't back down, just like our forefathers of old (i.e., Huss, Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Knox, Spurgeon, and so many others); they stood up against the popular religious rulers of their day, knowing that death was a likelihood. If we don't defend the truth, regardless of whether people turn from falsehood, they will simply go on believing the lies, because no seed of competing thought has been sown into their minds. Your defense will sink in, like a seed, even if you never see the fruit in your lifetime.
Memorize, study, and apply the Word--and then get out there and sow those seeds! Let God take care of the reaping.
Wow!! That is such a neat goal!! I am working on memorizing Revelation right now... I will pray about joining:) The Lord bless all of you who are starting!
After coming off our scheduled Review Break day yesterday in Romans 4 (our only break for the whole chapter!), what verse awaits us but, I believe, the longest verse in all of Romans--Romans 4:16, which is 50 words long?!? Followed by 40 more words in 4:17! It's going to be a tough two days during this post-Christmas week! Hang in there, fellow Jews! (Romans 2:28-29)
Welcome, all of you who are memorizing Romans, to the first scheduled break of 2012!
Those of you who are keeping pace, we just finished chapter 4 yesterday, and I don't know about you, but after doing the four chapters of review today, I found myself quite rusty on verses in chapters 1 & 2 that were so easy 2-3 months ago. Amazing how the mind deteriorates so quickly after so little time and not being kept fresh! (Note to wretched self: maybe you should review the verses more than just every 3-4 weeks?)
Anyway, we start the short, but powerful, chapter 5 tomorrow! I greatly look forward to it, one, because I'm pretty sure I already know 10-20% of it from childhood, and, two, because it has some of the most beloved and meaty verses in all of Scripture: "we have peace with God," "the love of God has been poured out in our hearts," "while we were still sinners, Christ died for us," "where sin abounded, grace abounded much more"!!!! What words of comfort! We were enemies of God, and Christ made peace between us, while we were still sinners! "Amazing love! How can it be! That Thou, My God, shouldst die for me!"
If the verses in this chapter do not make you get goose bumps or get teary-eyed, then go directly to 2 Corinthians 13:5, and take "the test" to see why these things don't move you very much!
Press on in capturing this next chapter to memory!
That's wonderful that you all are staring on Romans 5 tomorrow! I memorized Romans 5:1-10 for the Bible Bee this past summer and was greatly blessed by it!
After I finish all the books in the NT that are 6 chapters and less, I might start memorizing Romans...and Mark too, but that is long way off :) I've finished Philippians and am now on 1 Thessalonians and Colossians.
Keep up the good work everyone!
SavedByGrace, I would like to join this group. I would like to encourage everyone in it as well! I look forward to joining all of you in a life long goal. I am very excited to meet others with the same goal!
Psalm 119:11
blewis18, great to see your interest in memorizing the entire Bible. Praise God!! I am curious what you are memorizing right now.
Congratulations on being the 40th person to join the group!! I look forward to all 40 of you, Lord willing, passing me up on the Leaderboard, and more importantly, authentically devoting yourself to knowing, serving, praising, loving, trusting, and obeying Jesus Christ more and more through His Word.
I pray that all of you will inspire many others as you treasure God's Word, love and devote yourself wholeheartedly to God, and love people God brings in your life.
Phil, right now I am in the process of memorable verses throughout my life. Once those are done I think I will start the book of James.
SavedByGrace, add me to your list too, please!! This really sounded like a huge project at first (which it is) but having just joined the NT One Year Challenge, I am very much motivated to memorize more! If I can do the Bible Bee at some time, those verses can all count toward the entire Bible!
You can add me in - my long term goal is to memorize the entire Bible, first New, then Old. I am praying that in a few years, we will have many, many people memorizing the entire Bible. But I have a question: what are all of us going to do afterwards?
Hey everyone! I just found memverse randomly a couple days ago and am so blessed by it. When I was in high school (now a college senior), I was involved with Bible Quizzing through the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Since then I have continued to memorize as regularly as possible, though I sometimes get lazy for a month or two at a time. I have most of the NT committed to memory and am working more in the OT now. As time permits, I want to start adding these verses to memverse. I think the software is going to make it SO much easier - keeping track of what I should review when was getting hard, lol. For a long time, I have been toying with the idea of memorizing the whole Bible, but have not met anyone else ever who has the same vision. Could you please add me to the group? I am so encouraged to see how many of you have a heart for God's Word and living for Him. Very few people, even among my friends, see the value in memorizing, so I'm really excited to find this site of like-minded people.
@ Courtney B.M. - you asked what all of us are going to do afterwards? haha, I don't know. It would sure feel different, hey? I would like to throw out a thought/challenge for what you would like to do with it right now as you learn it, though!
God's Word, taken as a whole, has many powerful messages in it. However, so many people, even among Christians, read very little of their Bibles. Some books, like the epistles, are not really meant to be read in pieces (though that's okay as well). They were written as a letter and are meant to be read that way. By now, I bet that almost all of you in this "entire Bible" group have at least 1 whole book memorized. I would encourage you to ask your pastors if they would like you to share it as a "sermon." Depending on the length of your church's sermons and on the Bible chapters, most of the books which have 3-7 chapters are an ideal length for reciting in place of a Sunday morning sermon. Ask your pastors if, for one Sunday, the sermon could be God's Word all alone, allowing it to speak into hearts, as it is living and active. I would have never thought of this on my own, but several years ago my pastor asked me to recite Ephesians to our congregation and I have done it occasionally ever since, in various churches, with various books as requested. Every time, many people have been blessed through it and sometimes convicted to deepen their own study of God's Word.
Anyway, that is just one thought. Obviously, there is much we can do to change lives with the Scripture in our hearts and I would love to hear what some of you are doing/have done with the Scripture you are learning. What opportunities have you seen to minister to and encourage others?
@Courtney B.M.--Afterwards, hmm... I've been thinking about possibly memorizing some more literature (though of course, the Bible is not just literature!). Maybe I could memorize some commentaries. But of course, I will probably have the Bible memorized by the time I'm forty or so, so I'll have plenty more time to think about it if I live that long!
@Deborah Unruh--I, too, was not sure if anyone would want to join me in my life-long quest, but when I mentioned it, look what happened--a blog post and forty-seven volunteers!! That idea about sharing a book of the Bible for a sermon sounds like a great idea, but I think I'll wait a while. First, I actually don't have an entire book memorized yet (though all the verses I have memorized together could make up a few), and I think it would be a better idea if I wait until I am a little older, since I am only thirteen. :D
To your thought/challenge, I haven't really had a chance yet to actually use the Scripture I've memorized, but I know that God will probably come up with some situation--I don't think He'll let me memorize all that I have for nothing!
I'm so glad for the encouragement of so many people as I continue to memorize at my snail's pace. May God bless you all!
@Deborah Unruh - You have most of the New Testament memorized?!? Wow, that is so neat! About sharing Scripture in church, my brother and I had a chance to recite 1 Corinthians 13 after church one Sunday, and I am praying that I will have the chance to recite again. I havn't memorized an entire book yet, or many chapters.
@SavedByGrace - Can I ask, are you and your family doing Bible Bee this year?
@SavedBy Grace - yeah, it is cool to see how many have joined your quest! and you're only 13, eh? I'm really encouraged to hear that you're making God's Word a priority so early in your life. you're right, you might want to wait a couple years on the sermon idea, but you're right that God will use it for His glory in some way or another. keep up the good work!
@ChosenByHim - yeah, I've been memorizing off and on for almost a decade (I'm 22 now) and it sure adds up quick. I want to start adding those verses to my account here, but not all at once so that it's not overwhelming. I need to get some into the memorized phase first. Anyway, that is neat that you and your brother had that opportunity. Don't worry about the whole book thing, just keep working on whatever verses and chapters you can and in a few years you will be almost shocked to realize how much of an overall picture of the Bible you have stored in your head and heart :)
@ChosenByHim--As far as I know, my family and I are certainly participating in the 2012 Bible Bee. :)
@Deborah Unruh--Thanks for the encouragement (of your last sentence in the first paragraph)! Also, it seems that you started memorizing at about my age as well, since you say that you are 22 and have been doing it for about a decade. :) I pray that I will have as many verses memorized as you do when I reach your age! May God continue to bless your passion for him! (Of course, this statement is applicable for all forty-seven people who have dared to join the entire-Bible-memorization group!)
@All doing Romans -- How's it's going in Romans? How far are you all in it?
@Erika Wenzel -- I'm amazed at how much you've memorized here on Memverse...keep up the good work? Question do you keep it all reviewed? Do you practice it a lot off Memverse? Keep living for Jesus!
@Bethany--At the moment, I have reached Romans 5:12, which is quite a bit behind what the calendar says right now. I don't know if I'll ever catch up with it, but I will certainly be memorizing that great book in the near future. If you're doing it, how far are you?
@Nicolas -- Glad to hear that you're still working on Romans! I'm sure it's been wonderful. No, I'm not doing it but I'm planning on memorizing it one day! Right now, I'm working on 2 Thessalonians (kind of slow going because of school and other things going on in our family).
I'm really excited about the Bible Bee starting up again in June, and look forward to seeing what verses we have to learn for that :) How many in your family will be participating?
I am currently working on 2 Corinthians. Just so you all know for those doing NIV all of 2 Corinthians is inputted into memverse now!!
After I finish 2 Corinthians I hope to do 1 Corinthians.
Glad to hear 2 Corinthians is inputted. I want to add it to my verses in the next few months, so that'll be a lot easier for me now!
This is an awesome thing you guys are trying to accomplish...that is a lofty goal.I would love to join,but i am busy memorizing my own verses on memverse,and preparing for the bible quizzing rallies that my church participates in..adding this would be overload!=) but keep this up,this is a great conversation starter and witnessing tool as well as an epic goal for God.
Well, I guess if you just keep adding verses to Memverse, after a while you will have the whole Bible memorized! :D (That's what I'm hoping I can do, anyway!)
Just would like to thanks the Saints (believers) who make this site possible, I got to know this site through this blog when I was finding resources to help me memorize the bible, I think I googled 'entire bible memorize blog'. Actually I asked first some friends to have a buddy to memorize but I just cant find someone with the same strong desire and so glad to find you guys, after weeks of using the tools of this site I find myself always encouraged, as I am constantly updated some other believers just memorized something. I also realized my previus manual system was really tedius, (sorting verses according to bible sorting, tracking last and next review, etc) which are now handled by this site Wow! Awesome! Amazing! Its feasible to memorize the entire bible with such a system - truly Mat 7:7, 'ask, find, knock' helps (i havent 'knocked' yet, 'ask' may had not worked, 'find' does) Thanks Phil Walker, thanks SavedByGrace and all of you, Glory to God, may He continue to give grace to enable us to remain in His word, be vessels for His good works and live the life according to His will :-)
SavedbyGrace, please feel free to let me know either on a memverse blog or by email to what you want to include and how you would like to run this page.