Memory Verses - Various Projects
I can still remember when God first used Galatians 2:20 to open my eyes to my sinfulness and need of an authentic transforming saving faith and new Life in Jesus Christ. Immediately God also gave me a conviction that the Bible truly was His Word for us and worth devoting ourselves to in our pursuit of knowing, pleasing, loving, serving, worshipping, trusting, and obeying Him. I couldn't wait to connect with other Christians whose eyes had also been supernaturally opened and who shared my passion for the Scripture.
Rather than running into many other mature Christians who had already been passionately diving into Scripture who could inspire and guide me, it almost seemed like NO ONE else was interested in knowing the Bible more than they already did, or much less, even considering memorizing or deeply diving into Scripture. Where was Memverse back in 1990 when I needed some encouragement and wanted to know I was not the only one in the world who thought the Bible was worth memorizing?
I absolutely love how we on Memverse can get instant encouragement, support, inspiration and often practical tips to help us with whatever we are memorizing or want to memorize. Currently there are people on Memverse memorizing ROMANS, 1 PETER, 2 PETER, "Elijah", and the One Year New Testament Challenge of one key verse from every chapter in the NT.
There is also a growing group who has committed to trying to memorize the entire Bible in their lifetime.
This blog is devoted to those who have other Scripture memory projects going on, are considering Scripture memory projects or goals they want encouragement for, or would like more information about other Scripture memory groups available.
Please do not use Memverse or this blog as a substitute for the joy and reward of finding or praying for face to face Scripture memory partners. Why not pray for the best of both!! To have a face to face group memorizing and discussing with you while inspiring, encouraging and being encouraged and inspired by other individuals and maybe even other face to face groups around the world who are memorizing the same Scripture you are.
With our "Our God has Spoken" Scripture ministries representative Angie Metran and Fountain of Life both promoting Scripture memory big in the Philippines; I and my wife Jacky now promoting a passion for Scripture in Indonesia; and our good friend Hannah Garcia promoting a love for Scripture (though not yet on Memverse) in Zambia, I am more excited than ever in seeing God get all the glory and His Word being honored around the world. Will anyone pray with me that one day we will have passionate, Scripture loving partners in every country of the world?
I heard a rumor that a Memverse member is considering memorizing PSALMS. What are you memorizing, or wanting to memorize?

285 responses to Memory Verses - Various Projects
I am working on memorizing or have memorized several psalms. They're the only complete chapters I have so far.
I am planing to memorize 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John, hopefully by the end of this year. Who wants to join me? I'm starting March 1! I'll be making a group called 1-3 Johns for me and whoever else wants to join me!
Proverbs, anyone? Starting on March 1st, I intend to being memorizing one chapter of Proverbs every two weeks. At this rate, I will, LORD willing, have the book of Proverbs memorized in about one year.
Is anyone up for joining me? I will start a Proverbs Project on March 1st. Simply memorize one chapter every two weeks, and sometime early in March next year you will have engraved the book of Proverbs on the tablet of your heart!
Proverbs is God's wisdom handbook. It will be difficult to memorize, because Solomon often places random little wise sayings throughout the chapters, but memorizing this book would be a tremendous help to us in our life - probably more than we know. I'm praying that many of you will except this challenge!
Christian, never tremble!
Never be downcast!
Gird thee for the battle;
Watch and pray and fast.
~John M. Neale, 1862
OCTSRIS....hmm...tempting. But I think I'll go with your sis: 1-3 Johns. I have memorized random (well, not really random, but you know) verses from Proverbs and have a really hard time remembering the addresses, so it might just turn into frustration for me if I tried to memorize the whole thing.
May the blessing of God rest upon you as you memorize the wonderful book of Proverbs!
Great to hear of the projects of memorizing PROVERBS, 1 - 3 JOHN, and PSALMS. 1 JOHN is an awesome book to memorize. What an intense reality check for anyone really serious about their faith. The wisdom of PROVERBS is incredible. My wife and I choose a verse to memorize every time we read a chapter of PROVERBS. Our pace is a little slower than what you are planning, but is still very enjoyable and rewarding.
I spent my years from 15 - 22 not knowing God, going to a famous Christian high school and famous Christian college, being told I was a Christian (and by many standards a model Christian), not knowing much Scripture, not encouraged to memorize much Scripture (but I praise God that GALATIANS 2:20 stuck) and losing my previous interest in Scripture my Godly Scripture loving and God loving parents had helped me develop as a child. Josiah, I praise God for your commitment and pray that it will be powerful and rewarding in your life.
I've been planning on doing a "sampling" of verses from the Old Testament prophets. Here they are:
Isaiah 9; 11; 40; 55
Jeremiah 1:4-10; 5:1-6, 9-31; 12
Lamentations 5:1-10, 12-22
Ezekiel 15; 17; 37:23-27
Daniel 6:26-27; 7:9-10, 13-14; 8:24-25; 12:13
Hosea 4:1-9
Joel 2:15-19
Amos 7:1-9
Obadiah 1:15-17
Jonah 2:5-9
Micah 5
Nahum 1:2-8
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Zephaniah 3:5-7, 14-17
Haggai 1:4-9
Zechariah 9:9-12; 11:17
Malachi 4
They add up to a total of 293 verses.
I think "young" kids maybe should not do this project. But, just in case, I have omitted Jeremiah 5:7-8 and Lamentations 5:11. If you are older, go ahead and do these verses. (I'll be memorizing them.)
The prophets had a very powerful message! I have included verses of judgment, and of salvation.
So... does anyone feel up to it?
Didn't think so.
I am memorizing Titus, and once I'm finished with that I would like to try to memorize Colossians before 2013. The Proverbs project sounds really good, although I probably wouldn't be able to memorize at that pace since I will probably be working full time at the Creation Museum this summer. It is encouraging to see so many people memorizing so much!
These projects sound great. I'd love to join all of them, actually have wanted to memorize them for a while, but I my memory list is very full at the moment. As soon as I am finished with all my other memory work, or as it grows lighter, I'll consider joining some of these :)
@Rosie Alexander - Did I hear somewhere that your memorize 8 to 18 verses a day????!!!!! How long does it take you to memorize that amount? Just wondering.
I'm preparing to teach the book of James, so I have been reading through it almost daily for several weeks. I've discovered this is a very helpful way to prepare to memorize larger portions of Scripture.
I would like to memorize Hebrews, James and 1-3 John eventually. Probably Hebrews first. I'm not working on it yet though. I have Hebrews 1 pending, but I'm trying to add all the 2010 Bible Bee verses first.
I'm attempting to memorize the Gospel of John, at the pace of about one verse a day (It's a very long-term goal). If anyone would like to join me, the group name is "John Project". It's such an encouragement to hear about everyone else's goals and projects! Keep up the good work!
My personal goal for this year is to reach 600 verses and learn complete: Colossians 3, Romans 12 , Matthew 5 and Matthew 6.
My personal goal for this year is to reach 600 verses and learn complete: Colossians 3, Romans 12 , Matthew 5 and Matthew 6.
This sounds wonderful! Lord willing, I would like to memorize all of Romans before the Bible Bee in June plus the Bible quizzing I am currently doing, so I have my projects mapped out for now. Lord's blessing to whoever is undertaking this!
Since I had pretty much quit learning new memory verses and simply worked on maintaining my current verses, my goal for this year was to memorize at least 75 Scriptures. At my current pace, however, I should be able to double that number. I would also like to return to my efforts to memorize James, resuming where I left off at the 2nd chapter.
I want to memorize all thirty verses have, but when i am done, perhaps memorizing a verse from every book of the Bible would be a good goal.
I'm finishing Colossians, then I'm working on the book of James and 2 Samuel 7, Psalm 147, Psalm 148, Psalm 150, Jeremiah 10, Jeremiah 17 and Jeremiah 24.
After that, I'll be working on in memorizing the short epistles, key NT verses, selected verses from the Gospels and the 2009 Bible Bee passages.
Keep up the good work everyone!
My goal for memory is memorizing: Colossians, 2 Thessalonians (I have already done 1 Thessalonians), James, Jude, Psalm 148, Psalm 150, 2 Samuel 22, Jeremiah 12, Jeremiah 18, and Jeremiah 24.
After that if I would like to do the senior nationals verses from 2011 (maybe even senior locals), Galatians and Ephesians.
Keep hiding God's Word in your heart!!!!!!!
I am memorizing Ephesians, and I've started on 1 John and Psalms. My main focus for right now is Ephesians, though. There is so much good stuff in that book!
@Mommy's Helper-I'll try memorizing 1-3 Johns with you! I'm making a big leap into the unknown because I am not very familiar with the passages, if I am at all. Have you made the group yet?
I'm planning to memorize the book of Ephesians staring the beginning of March. My sister ans I are going to do it together.
Reading everyone's comments has been so encouraging - keep up the good work memorizing everybody!
By the way, I was wondering, is there is a way to be on multiple group leaderboards?
Maybe we can get enough people to start an "Ephesians Project" :-)
I'd like to memorize the entire book of Psalms soon. I'll probably add them when I'm done memorizing the rest of the verses in my account. I already have Psalm 1, Psalm 117, the first 8 verses of 119 ( hoping to memorize that chapter this year) and other random Psalm verses from Bible Bee last year.
@Lorewen - aw......where did you get that beaver? I love Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. :)
I want to memorize the entire book of Ruth this month but I'm not very successfull..yet. Next month is Esther, i think.
I was just thinking as I brought up the memverse website this morning that it was such an encouragement to me to see the board where this person has memorized this chapter of the Bible and that person has memorized so many verses... just like Phil says above... outside of my small family circle, it quite often feels like we're the only people who truly love to memorize God's word. But here is a wonderful website that has brought together believers who love to memorize from all over the world! Wow - what a blessing!! (Thank you Andy!)
@Sara (not sure why people put an @ sign but everyone seems to do that so I will try it too) I am also memorizing the gospel of John at approximately one verse per day - but I am taking a short break between chapters. So far I have just completed the first two chapters. So you will have one sister in Christ who is committed to the same thing you are also committed to :-)
Hey, I'm sorta new to memorizing scripture and wanted to start memorizing sections (chapters or books ) of the bible, I wandered if there was a book of the bible you would suggest starting with? I was thinking about joining the 1-3 Johns group. I'm not sure how well I'm at memorizing though....and if you just start memorizing the scriptures or if people discuss the books as they memorize them?
@ BibleBeeJunior12 The picture that my avatar comes from is on I don't think that's where I got it, but it is the same picture.
Does anyone want to copy the book of proverbs with me? All you need is a notebook, pencil and Bible and you're set! :)
Nikki - We're glad you want to memorize Scripture; welcome to Memverse! I would say that you should memorize a chapter or book that has been helpful to you in the past or that you want to learn from now. I think it is wise to learn a whole chapter or book so that you get more context than if you learned just one verse or a shorter passage.
One of the first books I worked on (before using Memverse) was Philippians -- a great gem! I know I need to add it to Memverse so I can review it, but I still remember key parts of it.
I also must say that while I did the 1 John Project, I never quite finished 1 John. While I may know the verses, I still haven't got them all linked together in my mind. I need to take some extra time to work on it. 1 John may be one of the trickiest New Testament books with so much repetition throughout....
So again, I would recommend picking whatever you feel would be most helpful. If you want to memorize 1-3 John, go for it! If you're not sure, maybe read through some chapters that other memorizers have greatly benefited from (such as Romans 8, Matthew 5-7, Philippians 2, Psalm 1) and see if you would like to work on one of those....
Again, welcome to Memverse! Maybe some other users have recommendations for you on what they would memorize....
@Rachel: my 8-year-old brother Philip has been copying the book of Proverbs for several weeks now as part of his schoolwork. He is currently in chapter 6.
@Nikki: Welcome to Memverse! If you want to memorize a book of the Bible, my recommendation is 1 Peter. It was the study book for last year's local Bible Bee. There is a 1 Peter group here: It may be a bit easier to memorize than 1 John because, as Alex said, 1 John is a book with a lot of repetition. It is a great book and was the first whole book of the Bible I ever memorized!
Rachel- I would like to copy the book of Proverbs with you. Wait, do you mean copy it down on paper? If so, then I would love to join! I not only can get better in writing print (which I am not very good at), but I also will learn a lot from Proverbs along the way. How exciting! Thanks for doing this, Rachel! Right now I am copying Psalm 119 in my schoolwork. I guess I could copy Proverbs during my freetime.
Carissa (Bible Bee)- Thank you!
Rosie - Yes, I mean on paper :)
Matthew - my 11 year old brother is writing it down for school too :)
@Nikki -- Welcome to Memverse! The suggestions that Alex and Matthew gave, are great ones! I have memorized both Philippians and 1 Peter and have been greatly blessed by them! I just finished Colossians, and that's a great one too!
@Rachel -- I started writing out Mark before the Bible Bee, but then stopped. I think I'll join you, but once I've finished Mark :) I've been studying in Proverbs a little, and it is a really great book!
@Nikki - welcome to the fun! :) I love memverse - hope you will too! :)
@Rachel - I started 1 Peter...but I never got it finished! :)
@ Nikki - yes, welcome to memverse. Looks like you have gotten some great advice up above. I think the chapters that have already been suggested for memory work are definitely ones that anyone would be an encouragement & help to anyone. I will also throw in that when I started memorizing I started with smaller chunks of verses -- those verses that when I read them in my morning devotions were ones I didn't want to forget they were so good! I remember one of the early groups of verse I memorized were from Matthew 5:3-12 from the sermon on the mount. Then I went through the Navigators program and memorized 60 verses from their recommended list of verses. This helped me commit the plan of salvation in Romans to memory (such as Romans 3:10, 3:23, 6:23, 10: 9-10) and then confirmation of salvation in 1 John 5:12-13 as well as many other helpful verses.
I think some of the groups such as the ones Phil Walker has started do have a place to make comments about what you are memorizing - I'm not sure about the other groups. If you have time to read through the blog titles on memverse from the last couple of years you will find some blogs that give some very good tips on ways to memorize better - including repetition, repetition, repetition - whether you write out the verses - say them out loud 10 or 20 times until you can say them without looking at the verses or use visual cues to help you remember your verses. I hope memverse also gives you a great way to "cement" the verses in your mind -- it definitely will help you if you use it consistently. Gods blessings to you.
I agree with Rebecca's idea. Starting with 5-10 verse passages is a great way to get started. Even if you're going to memorize 1 Peter, start by memorizing the key verses or passages in each section. That way you capture the structure of the book in your head and you can fill in the gaps over time.
Here's a blog post from a while ago that explains this approach:
Rachel- I would like to join you in copying Proverbs! I have a couple questions: When are you planning on starting? How many verses were you planning on copying each day? Or were you just planning on everyone going at there own pace? I am looking forward to learning so much from this!!
Christ's Handmaiden ... I have already began! I will be doing at least 5 verses a day, but do far I've been doing 10!! :) you may go at your own pace, it doesn't matter. :) BTW ... What is your real name, if I may ask?
Does anyone want to guess how many verses are in the book of Proverbs?
Rachel- My real name is Rachel :-) What is your middle name? My middle name is Joy.
I am hoping to start today!
Is there around 911 verses in Proverbs?
@JPIA/Rachel - I also would love to join you in copying Proverbs! I may not go completely in order, but instead I'll probably go along with my daily reading. Thanks for suggesting this!
Rachel- Then I would be very glad to join! I will probably write 5-10 verses everyday too. Thank you for your encouragement, Rachel!
BBJ12- I know! I'm not that far. I only started a little while ago. Today I will be writing Psalm 119:57-64. Are you going to write Proverbs too?
OCTSRIS- I would love to memorize Proverbs, but I am having my own trouble with Romans. I might be able to join after I finish Romans (which will be at the end of the year). Thanks for the offer though. That is a great goal!
Christ's Handmaiden- I know. You can learn so much from Proverbs, and it is such a wonderful book of the Bible. It is full of wisdom, instruction, knowledge and warnings. Proverbs is one of my most favorite books of the Bible. I'm so glad to know that somebody from my church wants to copy it too! Oh, and, guess what? Miss Danielle Sobie might be joining Memverse soon!!! I told her about last night, and she said that she would look into it! I might be able to pass level 5 very soon.
I just memorized my 500th verse!!!
As I already mentioned, I'm starting a Proverbs project on March 1st, so I'll copy it down. It should help a lot.
@Christ's Handmaiden and Jesus-Paid-It-All~ Will you be joining my Proverbs Project? (Well, Christ's Handmaiden, I know you are in the Romans project.) Just wondered.
@JPIA(Rachel) - I want to join you too! This will be fun and it will be a big help with the verses I am memorizing from Proverbs. BTW, my little brother is also copying Proverbs for his schoolwork! :-D
Thank you all for all the advice!! I think I will start with the book of Philippians, I'll probably start in march. I was thinking about writing the verses on note cards and setting them in places I'll see them!! ( Like my dresser and bathroom mirror) Thanks again!
I don't know, maybe if I finish all my other projects, I might try working on Revelation chapters 1-3 about the seven churches.
@ Rachel C.
Wow, that sounds really neat! I might just join you in writing Proverbs!
@OCTSRIS--As I say with probably every new project... I wish I could join you!! But I don't have the ability to do so at the moment, what with memorizing Romans and 1 and 2 Peter, the 2012 BB coming up soon, my plans for memorizing the 2009 and '10 BB verses and the Elijah project. I said I would try to memorize more from the Gospels, and definitely more from the OT. I think I'm starting to know what overcommitment is like...
@ALL WHO ARE COPYING PROVERBS~ Scratch my personal Proverbs Project idea. I just created a Proverbs Copying Project for all who are doing this. That, hopefully, will bring us all together! Anyone wanna join???
@SavedByGrace~ I understand.
OCTSRIS- So you are turning memorizing Proverbs into writing Proverbs?
That is a great idea! I would like to join (even though I started writing it yesterday).
Rachel- You have a pretty middle name! My middle name is Faye. And Rosie is just my nick name. My full name is Rosamond Faye. I have the same first name as one of my great grandmas (but everyone called her Rosie; which is why I am called Rosie. Plus, I prefer to be called by my nick name) and the same middle name as my other great grandma.
@OCTSRIS--er, I mean, John Mark. Thank you for the offer to join your group, but I think I will stick with my commitment to the Romans Project Group. I mean, Proverbs will still be there in 2013; so I'll just stay on this missionary journey until it's over (in this case, at the end of 2012).
@GVOM--my, my, my! I'm a little confused. You reject our offer to join the Romans Project, which only has about 10 more months and 10 more chapters left, out of loyalty to Breight Leights; yet you're jumping ship to join a "writing Proverbs" group? Am I understanding this correctly? Or am I missing something here?
Octo--You've gotta' have a little romance in your novel to increase your female reading audience. Maybe a girl goblin begins to court a princely dwarf? Or a troll with a giant?
@InSoloChristo: Are you feeling better today? We missed you at HRBC last night. We wouldn't want to see poor health debilitate your memorization progress. Get better!
Wretched Man- I'm confused too. I didn't know that there was a group for it. And even if, I didn't say I was going to join it, I only said that I was going to copy Proverbs. Do you understand my point now?
Sorry if I confused you. I certainly did not mean to.
@GMOV - is Wretched man (wow, that seems so rude to call him that!) your dad? I'll join the proverbs team.
@Wretched Man: Nah, I'm feeling worse, but that's a good thing 'cause it means I can read more books.
Try to keep comments on topic. Or is the chat post to "outdated"? When will we post a new one??????
@OCTSRIS: I might be joining the project you just started. My rating does not change the position of the Romans Project and when I joined the Proverbs project ( just to see what would happen) the group got on the leader board. I still have not decided for sure. Right now I am still with the Romans project.
So I guess it depends on if Sir Wretched would feel like I was betraying his group or not :-) I'll see.
@OCTSRIS - I would really like to join your group (especially so that you can get on the group leaderboard!), but that would really move the MO Bible Bee down...we'll see. I'm considering joining...I hope that other people join though!
@OCTSRIS and JPIA(Rachel) I'll write Proverbs with you, but I think I'll stay in my group because of how drastically low it would drop if I left. :) Sorry. I too hope other people are able to join.
BBJ12- Yes, he is.
Emily Hamilton- That's completely fine. I'm writing Proverbs also, but I am not joining the group.
@Christ's Handmaiden, Bethany Pentimone, and Emily Hamilton~ No pressure. I understand what you about about being unsure of which group to join because this is my 3rd project!
Christ's Handmaiden, I didn't realize it was you that got us on the leaderboard! I will assume any responsibility if you get into "trouble" with Sir Wretched.
@Sir Wretched~ Why do you keep calling me John Mark? He doesn't have a MemVerse account.
@GMOV~ Well, I'll memorize if I can, but since I'm already doing two different projects, my main focus for Proverbs will be to copy it.
OCTSRIS- Wretched Man only wanted you to respond back. He does that to me all the time.
The only reason I can't join is because I am in the middle of so many projects. But, only one of them is
a memorizing project. I might actually join at the beginning of 2013.
@ JPIA(R): I will TRY to write Proverbs, but I won't leave my group right now 'cause it wouldn't be on the leaderboard if I did.
Not sure if anyone answered the question about how many verses there are in Proverbs but per this web page there are 915 in one version of the Bible.
Oh! I changed my mind, I'll join the Proverbs Copying Project. It's not like I can't switch back over when I'm done! :D
There, that moved you up a little bit.
My brother joined the Proverbs Copying Project yesterday!
@Emily Hamilton - Wow, that really moved us up! Thanks! LOL
I'd love to join the copying Proverbs group! I've already been working on it somewhat sporadically since the start of the new year; I'm on ch. 6 right now.
By the way, does anyone know what the "Navigators" group of verses is? I think I saw someone mention it several comments ago.
The Wretched Balladeer: yea, sumthin' like that would probably work. Thank's for the inspiration.
All you Proverbs Copiers: It's great to see the beginnings of a new group! I copied Proverbs a few years ago, and I know that none of you will have regrets for having chosen to do this, even if you had to leave your former group to join this new one (like GMOV, for instance).
Octavius- Yo nunca dije que se unan al grupo, yo s`olo le dije que iba a copiar los Proverbios.
Or did you say that on purpose?
Hooray!!! We're number 10!!! With 2,108 verses and seven members!
@ChosenByHim(BethanyM) Your welcome. :)
@OCTSRIS - Yes, he does have a Memverse account. His name is Landon Meckle. He has a smiley face at the end of his Memverse name. He is pretty excited about joining the Proverbs group on Memverse!
Rosie - Bien! Estoy bien, un poco enfermo. :(
Acerca de los Proverbios, estoy en el capítulo 2 ! ¿Dónde estás?
Supongo que lo que hice ayer? Me aprendí de memoria la mayoría de los versos que he memorizar en un día .... 14! Estoy practicando para la abeja de la Biblia :)
This is Spanish :)
Estar enfermo no es divertido, sobre todo en domingo! No pude ir ala iglesia hoy endia porque estoy enfermo. Tengo fiebre y me fir`o ayer por la noche!
Ayer me escribio` Proverbios 2:1-10. Hoy, voy a tratar de escribir 2:11-22. !Buen trabajo! Memorizaci`on de 14 versos en un dia es un mont`on! Eso es una gran ventaja para el Concurso de la Biblia.
Tengo un par de preguntas. Uno: ?C`omo se pone el acento marca justo encima de la carta, y dos: ?C`omo poner signos de interrogaci`on y de exclamaci`on al rev`es? Gracias, Rachel (or in Spanish, Raquel)!
(This is Spanish too.)
Yo sé lo que quieres decir! Tuve que quedarme en casa de la iglesia también. ¿Qué programa se utiliza para aprender español? Hemos tenido algunas clases hechas por la gente en nuestra comunidad, y tenemos la piedra de Rosetta.
Could you translate the last part of your message? The question part? I can't quite make it out....even with Google translate.
@Rebecca King: Thanks so much for the encouragement! Because of a quizzing program at my church, I started with chapters 10-15, but I have worked on chapters 1-5 before, so some of it is skipping around. If you (or anyone else!) would like to join the group, it's "John Project." However, I think I'm the only one in it right now, so I'm not sure it would really accomplish much, since we already found each other. Press on, and God Bless!
Sorry!! I think the reason you couldn't understand my comment has something to do with my questions.
One: How do you put the accent mark right above the letter?
Two: How do you put the question mark and exclamation point upside down? I can't figure it out!
Sorry about that, Rachel. (you might have a little trouble translating my Spanish)
Lo que estaban en fermos de (si se puede saber)? Te sientes mejor ahora? Me siento mucho mejor! Alabado sea el Senor! Que rece por ti?
I didn't understand the last part of your comment either. It had something to do with a Spanish program called Rosetta Stone.
sorry am kinda new to this and do not now how to start a blog here so I started one on the,whoever wants to memorize the psalms with me can just click on this link and let me know there. or If you want you can put down psalms as your group.
Hopefully it will work.
Why are you guys talking in Spanish?just curious:)
I made a group entitled 'Memorizing the Psalms Project' for us who are working on doing that to join
@Everyone else writing Proverbs: I'm probably going to be kinda behind you all because I'm not going to be able to start till tomorrow.
@Rachel: Is there a date by which you plan to finish writing Proverbs?
@Grace Mieczkowski and Bethany Pentimone: Thanks for joining!!! (I hope it's okay for me to say that sense it was Rachel's idea and not mine! :D)
I can't wait to get started!!!
@ Emily - that is fine! Take your time ;) and, about dates, i don't have a set date to finish, please, feel free to go as slow or as fast as you wish! Since there are 915 verses in Proverbs, it would take you about 3 years if you wrote one verse day :) I'm doing about 5 per day.
Grace and Bethany - yes! Thanks for joining! (Emily, it was fine to welcome them )
So the list of us copying Proverbs is:
Me :)
God's Maiden Of Virture (Rosie)
ChosenByHim (BethanyM)
Christ's Handmaiden
Grace Mieczkowski
Mommy's Helper
Emily Hamilton
Sarah Eddy
Bethany Pentimone
= 11 people !!!
I will be adding people to the list as the join the Project :)
Did I miss anyone? :D Does anyone else want to join? ;)
Everyone who is doing Proverbs- How is everyone doing in their copying? :)
I just started chapter 3 yesterday (I'm doing 10-14 verses a day).
Rachel- Wow! Ten people already?! It is great to see so many people joining!
Josiah DeGraaf- Wow; the entire book of Psalms!! That is a lot to memorize. Although I am unable to join, I'm happy for everyone else who does.
BBJ12- My Bright Lights leader joined Memverse!!!! Now she just has to become active, and then I can move up to level 6!!
Rachel- are you using Rosetta Stone to learn Spanish? I am using it too. I think it is a good program but I still have a hard time speaking Spanish :-)
@Rosie- I did not know you knew that much Spanish! Did you use a dictionary or something on the internet? I started Proverbs 2 today!
Rosie - I don't know how to make the ? upside down. When I write in Spanish, I write what I can, bt then use Google Translate and they turn it upside down for me :)
wrote myself
Hola ! Como estas? Estoy Bien. ( I haven't reviewed my Spanish in a bit so I'm rusty :(
With help from Google Translate :)
¿Quién está haciendo el Concurso de la Biblia este año?
I have a prayer request :) Can you please pray that a Local contest will be in our area? the closest one currently is 5 hours away, not a possibility. I would love to do the BB this year, but can't if there isn't a Bee near me. Please pray that the Lord will provide one.
@Rachel - I will be praying! Actually, my family is praying for the same thing. :D We have never done Bible Bee before but I really want to. About the Proverbs Project - I just finished chapter 1 today.
Rachel- Lo estoy haciendo bien. :)
Eso está muy bien. Mi hermano me explicó cómo hacerlo. ¿Puede usted decir? :)
¡Buen trabajo! Usted está bastante lejos en Proverbios también.
Yo estaré orando por ti, Rachel. No se. Voy a tener que preguntar.
(This should make sense now.)
Christ's Handmaiden- I actually don't know that much Spanish. I used Google Translate for most of it.
Great job! How many verses do you do everyday?
Miss Danielle Sobie joined Memverse! I will be able to pass level 5 now! What level are you on?
Thanks, Emily Hamilton!
@Rachel Crosswhite - I'm joining too! You can add me to the list, if you don't mind :) I haven't started yet, but I hope to soon...
@ Bethany Pentimone: Your welcome! I'm going to start as soon as I'm done here on Memverse. (I'll have to write a lot if I want to catch up!) :D
@ Rachel: Haha!!! No, I'll probably want to be done sooner than in three years! 5 or 10 verses sounds WAY better! ;)
@ChosenByHim(BethanyM) & Rachel: Wow, that's so sad! I'll be praying!
@GMOV- That is so exciting that Dani joined! Now you can jump all the way up to my level! I am on level 9, and I have to refer two people. I know some girls I can refer, but I have not done it yet.
Christ's Handmaiden- I know! But, I can't get to level 6 until she becomes active. When you first start Memverse, you don't become active until you add some verses and complete at least one memorization session. I hope you will be able to refer someone soon. I'm also thinking about referring my Bright Lights assistant, Miss Hannah Fisher. She is coming over today at lunchtime to give us dinner. So then I will have an opportunity to tell her about Memverse.
How are you doing in Proverbs? Today I will be finishing chapter 3.
Rosie - I started Chapter 3 today :) I forgot to write yesterday :(
Thanks for praying everyone! and BethanyM, I'll be praying for your request too :)
Bethany Pentimone - I watch the Nationals live (all 3) and your little brother did really good!!!! :) How old is he? Is he on memverse?
@Emily Hamilton -- OK, at the National Bible Bee, there was someone named Emily Hamilton who made it to Junior Semi-finals....are you her? :) Same here...all the others are so far ahead of me too. Actually, I haven't started yet. School has been keeping me quite busy these days.
@Rachel Crosswhite - David is 10 (soon to be 11 in April :P) And yes, he is on Memverse...just recently memorized his 200th verse =)
@ Bethany Pentimone: No, I was the 'other' Emily Hamilton (there were two Emily H's, but they announced it so many times, you probably know that already!). :) It was my third year doing it but my first year going and I was pretty nervous! I came in somewhere in the 80's (I forgot the exact place). Did you watch the Junior Semi-Finals? Our friend, Phillip, who went to the same Bible Bee as us, was in Semi-Finals. Anyway, I had an AWESOME time at Nationals. My family still talks about it ALL the time. :)
Oh, I wish I watched the Primary Finals! I actually didn't watch any of the finals, one of the 'problems' of being there...there's SO much to do!!! I had to hear from other people who won and what happened. And the only Semi-Finals I watched was the Juniors. I heard that the top four Primaries never made any mistakes and the judges had to go back to the previous scores. That's...amazing! I'd be so nervous that I'm sure I'd mess up even on my name! I'm so glad I'm able to do the Bible Bee. It's been an amazing adventure...and I've learned so much from it!
Yeah, we've been busy too, so I'm only on like Proverbs 1:11. =D I'll hopefully be able to write some more tonight.
@Emily Hamilton -- I did watch the Junior Semi-finals. Actually, I watched all the Semi-finals and finals, but when you do that, you can't go and listen to the speakers :) All the Primary finalists did a wonderful job! Yup, our family still talks about the Bible Bee all the time, too =)
Are you going to be participating this year again? Also, how old are you...are you going to be a Senior or Junior this year?
@Bethany Pentimone: Yeah, we listened to the speakers and only watched Junior Semi-Finals because Phillip was in them! :)
YES!!! I'm going to participate again!!! I can't wait. =D Are you? I'm sorry, I can't say how old I am because this is kind of a public blog. People can see it without actually having a Memverse account and someone could even make a false account.
Have you started yet on Proverbs? I hope I'll be able to finish by the Bible Bee!
@Emily Hamilton -- Yes, Lord willing, we are going to participate again this year (I'm really looking forward to it!). I understand completely about not sharing your age.
No, I have not started yet. I need to finish Mark before I start on it, and I wrote some more, so I'm getting closer =) How is it going for you?
(I would prefer, if possible, not to continue this conversation on here. If you would like to keep talking about this all, you could send me an e-mail [found on my account], and we could continue that way. I'm trying to keep my commenting down these days. Thanks!)
@ Bethany Pentimone:
Sure, I'll email you. And I don't want to bog down the system with frivolous remarks. :)
Sorry if I have been doing that, Memverse HQ!
Hello everyone! I am pretty new to memverse.. don't have a lot of verses memorized yet..
@Josiah DeGraaf: As soon as I am done memorizing Genesis 1 and 1 Corinthians 13, I would like to join the Psalms Project :) I already have Psalms 1 memorized, so I have a start!
Yes, welcome to Memverse! 1 Corinthians 13 is a great chapter to be learning. That was the first passage that I memorized on Memverse when my brother and I were learning it for our Sunday School class.
Rachel C, What chapter are you on now? I haven't been able to write much lately, so I'm only to 2. Hopefully I'll be able to write more this week!
Oh! Rachel C. and Bethany M.,Have any Bible Bee hosts signed up closer to you?
I'm in chapter 4. I haven't been able to writ much either, so it's slow going.
The closest Local Contest right now is 140 miles away, alot closer than the 260 miles before. I've asked Dad if he'll drive, and he's not sure. Please keep praying that another alot closer will pop up. (or that Daddy will drive that distance :) )
Rachel- well, your still far beyond me. :) Yes, 140 is WAY better than 260, but that still is a long ways away. I'll keep praying. So, the person who hosted your BB last year isn't doing it again? Maybe you could talk someone at your church into doing it. :D
The closest is still 227 miles away, but Dad and Mom said that we'd still do it. (Lord willing, of course) I can't wait to sign up!!!
Emily Hamilton - Our church couldn't really do it because we don't have our own building...we are renting a community building and praying for our own :) And so far, Last year's Local Host hasn't signed up again :(
Bethany - That's great! I hope you can go :) I'm curious, what state do you live in? (you don't have to say)
I'm also wondering... Can you all click on "says:" name? or did his/her account get deleted?
@JPIA - You can't click on "says:" because whoever it is hasn't entered their name yet so it is just blank where you can usually click on the name.
@Rachel - I live in North Dakota. I would really like it if our church could host a Local Bible Bee, but we also rent our building from another church that uses it on Saturdays. I'll pray that both of our churches can someday, Lord willing, have buildings of our own! :D
@ Rachel C and Bethany M- oh, yes, one of the churches we 'visit' frequently rents a building too. The first year's Bible Bee, several churches (which we weren't going to) said that we could use their building for the Bee. I will continue to pray that hosts will sign up closer to you both.
HI, God bless you. I was wondering if there is a list of groups to choose from?
Or is the group leader-board the list ?
And if there are other groups that have not yet met the 3 person criteria, how do we find out about them?
Alas ! One last question, If I wanted to start a group project how do I do that?
Thank you!
@ John project: The Group leaderboard is kind of like the list. I don't have an answer to your second question, but I can answer the last. Just go to your profile, go to where it says group, and put in whatever name you'd like your group to be named.
@ Everyone who's in the Proverbs Copying Project: How is everyone doing? I'm going to type up Proverbs now, because my hand gets kinda tired...
@ 1-3 John people: Keep up the good work!
@Mommy's Helper -- I haven't started has been keeping me very busy these last weeks, as well as other chores and such around the house. I do think it would be a lot easier to type than to write...I'll consider doing that. How far are you?
@ Bethany P: Well... I hate to say, but I haven't started typing yet, but before I thought about typing, I had started writing, and I kinda forgot most of the time, so I've only got like 8 verses done (in writing). Hmm... Maybe you could make a Proverbs Typing project, and when I'm done with 1-3 Johns, I'll join it.
@ Everybody Copying Proverbs: Who else might consider typing?
Mommy's Helper- If we had started the project that way I would have joined, but since I already have 3 chapters of Proverbs written down, I think I'll stick with writing it. It is a great idea though! Maybe if we start another copying project, we could type instead of writing it (just a suggestion).
Bethany Pentimone- I have had a similar problem. I've been very busy with school, chores, company and other things. But I still enjoy copying Proverbs. Everytime I do it, I learn so much. I think it is such a blessing to have our own personal copy of God's Word to be able to do this.
ChosenByHim- My mom told me that the closest local Bible Bee for us is in Ashland, Ohio; which is an hour away from where I live.
Mommy's Helper- I'm with GMOV and Bethany P. I've been pretty busy too.
Typing is a very good idea! If I ever write out another book of the Bible, I'll probably do that. But as for Proverbs, I'm almost to chapter two (I've been 'almost to chapter two' for a very long time!), and if I started typing it, I'd have to start at the beginning again because I'm somewhat of a perfectionist. :) That is a very good idea though! I wish I had started out typing it!
@ GMOV and Emily Hamilton: Thanks! (For saying it was a good idea.) GMOV: I have three chapters of Proverbs typed down! When did you start? I started typing on March 27.
Mommy's Helper- I really wish I had started out typing, that would be so much faster. Thanks for such a good idea! :)
@ Emily Hamilton: You're welcome! It is much easier.
@ GMOV: Yes, I am typing a chapter a day, sometimes two when I forgot to do it.
Mommy's Helper- Okay, that's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I'm having so much trouble keeping up in writing it, that I'm actually considering typing. I know I said a couple comments ago that I might in another project, but I think I might change my mind. :) How far are you anyway?
@ GMOV: I up to chapter 9. :D You'll be glad if you change your mind. :)
@ Emily Hamilton: When did you start?
Mommy's Helper- Well, after I got off MemVerse yesterday, I changed my mind! Oh, and I realized that I was wrong. I am actually on chapter 6. So I did chapter 5 yesterday. I decided to do a chapter a day as well. It really is a lot easier! Thanks for the great idea!
Mommy's Helper- I am happy to say, yes! I am typing now! I'm going to be typing chapter 8 today. What about you?
So you all are typing now? Okay... But.... Im going to keep writing it. Because I think it will be neat to have proverbs written in my handwriting. :)
Mommy's Helper- I started shortly after Rachel started the project. I don't remember the exact date. I haven't written in a long time though...
Rachel- I'm still going to write it! :)
I'm probably going to have to start trying to write one chapter a day too, if I want to finish before Bible Bee starts!
@ GMOV: I will be typing chapter 10 today. Are you starting typing where you left off in writing? (I can't imagine that you'd be that far already if you just started typing...) :)
@ Emily Hamilton: Just so you know, your last comment was posted 2 times, and you misspelled chapter. Just thought you might want to change that...
Mommy's Helper- Yes, I did start typing where I left off in writing. I should be typing chapter 10 today as well. I wanted to catch up, so I was typing two chapters for a few days. Oh, and congratulations on memorizing your 300th verse! You are doing really well. :)
I think typing Proverbs would be a lot faster, but I'm going to continue writing Proverbs by hand.
Like Rachel said, it will be neat to have all of Proverbs written in your own handwriting :-)
@ GMOV: Who did you want to catch up with? Me? ('Cause I'm sure not everybody's that far yet.) Also, thank you! I would have memorized it quicker if there hadn't been a problem (Check the feedback, "Potential Bug: I can't skip verses".)
@ CH: I would be cool to have Proverbs written in my own handwriting, but since I know cursive now, I love it so much that I almost can't do print, and cursive makes my hand tired.
Do you play harp, or are you just doing that for the picture (which I doubt)?
Mommy's Helper- I wanted to catch up with you because I thought that was where I should have been (If I hadn't fallen behind).
I have the same problem. I can do cursive well, but I can't do print as nicely. It doesn't make my hand tired though.
Mommy's Helper- Thanks, I did not notice that. :) I also left out the space between "started" and "the". Yikes! :D
I think I'll try to finish hand-writing Proverbs through chapter 15 or 16, and type the rest. That should be a lot easier, but it will be nice to have at least half of Proverbs in my own handwriting.
@ GMOV: Well, if you had been doing a chapter a day, that's probably where you'd be (depending on when you started).
@ Emily Hamilton: You're welcome! When does the Bible Bee start? (I don't do it; just wanted to know.) How old are you?
@ CBH(BM): Good idea! I'd maybe do that if I didn't already have 11 (soon to be 12) verses to do. It will be a lot easier once you start typing! How old are you? 17? 18?
Yes, my picture is me. I'm probably going to change my picture pretty soon, though - maybe to a more recent picture of me? Or maybe something totally different. By the way, I really like your picture!
Mommy's Helper- I'm a Junior in the Bible Bee. I believe we are supposed to receive our Bible Bee study materials June 1st. Aw! You should do it. :) It's really fun, you learn a LOT and this year, you won't even be overwhelmed with verses! I've done it all three years now, and I've really been blessed the years I study hard!
@ Emily Hamilton: Well, we probably would do it, but there isn't one close enough. I sure I'd like it if we did do it!
@ ChosenByHim: Thank you! I like my picture too! You're pretty!
@Mommy's Helper, that's sad there isn't one close enough. You can still memorize the verses though... :D
@ Emily Hamilton: What verses are the Bible Bee people doing? Maybe a Bible Bee will show up near our area. When do they stop signing up people for the Bible Bee?
Here's a poem:
Even though near us there isn't a Bee,
I can still memorize the verses they are -- Yippee!
It'd be cool if we could go though,
But maybe one will come up, and we'd go!
If one shows up, that would be very neat,
I tell you, it'd be quite a treat!
@ Emily: Sure!
@ People Copying Proverbs: Two times while I was typing up Proverbs, after I had finished a verse, I accidentally rated it 4! Has anyone else done that?
@ 1-3 John-ers: I also recorded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John with my voice! You don't have to, just telling you that I did...
What about those people who just randomly jump into memorizing chapter and then having it convert to books. Like erratically going through the book of Romans (right now I'm up to 5 chapters learning, but might add more if i don't meet my quota of 60 mins/day) started with 8 then 1 then 10 then 3 then 6 I'm all over the place on there.
But on a side note, I think that every follower of Christ should at least memorized Romans 8. This chapter is so full of things that can help you on your spiritual walk and strengthen you in His will for you.
May God continue to be blessing you all as you continue to be in His word.
All- I was wondering if anyone wanted to start memorizing Psalm 139. I've been working on it for a little while in my Bright Lights group, and thought maybe some of you would want to memorize it as well. It has 24 verses and is about God's three omnis: Omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.
I won't be making a group on the group leaderboard though (just to let you know).
Here are a few verses from Psalm 139.
"O Lord, You have searched me and known me."(Psalm 139:1)
"For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether."(Psalm 139:4)
"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?" (Psalm 139:7)
"I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." (Psalm 139:14)
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; " (Psalm 139:23)
I had memorized Psalm 139 memorized when i was about 6-7 but have lost it from not reviewing it! :( Rosie, I'd be happy to join you in memorizing Psalm 139!!!! I've actually been thinking of doing it yes..... :)
Great, Rachel! You can start whenever you would like, and go at your own pace.
I don't know how many people will join, but I'm going to start a list of those who do.
Here is the list of people memorizing Psalm 139
Jesus-Paid-It-All (Rachel)
Emily Hamilton
= three people
I'll be adding to this as others join
Rosie - I have not. I am trying to finish 1 Peter before June 1st, but it's slow going. I might work on it during BB season or after.... What about you?
Rosie, I'll think about it! I've recently added a few verses from Psalm 139, I might try the whole thing. I'll tell you in a day or two if you should add me to your list, okay? :)
That's fine, Rachel. I started memorizing a while ago, and kind of got really far ahead of my BL group. I'm going to be memorizing verse 19 today or tomorrow. I want to slow down a little so that I don't finish too soon. I think I'll start memorizing a verse or two in Psalm 139 a week so that I can focus on other verses.
Emily Hamilton- Good! I hope you'll be able to join! I'll add you to the list if you join.
@ Rosie: I might do Psalm 139 after I'm done with Proverbs, which hopefully will be soon. :) I'm in chapter 22, but I might take a break. (I've been kind of busy the last few days. (Well, actually, maybe weeks. (But not months. (At least I don't think months.))))
@ All: I'm the same person as Mommy's Helper. I just changed my account.
Okay, Rosie, please add me to your list. I don't know how long it will take me to get it done, but I'll try. :) I'll have the goal of getting it done before Bible Bee, but we'll see... Thank you for sharing your idea!
JIC (Hannah)- Great! It sounds like you are making good progress in copying Proverbs. Well, hopefully when you are done you'll be able to join.
Emily Hamilton- I'm glad you could join! It's fine if it takes you a while to memorize Psalm 139. You can go at whatever pace fits you best. I'm going to try to finish before the Bible Bee as well. (I just added you to the list.)
@ Rachel: I'm copying it. (Well, typing it.) =D
@ Rosie: I'm not trying to be prideful, but I am making good progress! I probably will join when I'm done. I'm taking a little break from 1-3 Johns, and I like to have at least one group that I'm doing all the time. Well, okay, add me to your list. I won't yet, but after I'm finished with Proverbs I'll do it. BTW, that was a great idea to memorize Psalm 139! Have you made a group yet? Oh, I see now no you didn't, will you?
@ Everyone who does Bible Bee: What is Bible Bee like? (I don't have any particular reason to know, I'm just nosy.) =P
Hannah- the Bible Bee is awesome. :) It's challenging, but incredibly fun. You learn so much, and because of the time limit, you actually surprise you're self with how much you can actually do. It is so encouraging to meet other kids your age who believe the same things you do and have been doing the same thing as you for months!
Rosie- thank you. I'll have to start adding it. I'm not really working on any projects now, except for Proverbs, but I'm not memorizing it. I have a lot of Psalm 139 already, so hopefully it won't be too hard. :)
@ Emily Hamilton: That sounds like fun! When you recite your verses, do you go up on some sort of stage and recite them, or what? What are the prizes?
@ Rachel: I like your username! When did you start doing MemVerse? I started October 1st. (2011)
@ All: Here's a little poem:
It's so very, very fun,
to be on MemVerse -- you learn a ton!
With other people I will memorize God's Holy Word,
I have many Christian friends -- Praise the LORD!
I don't want to do Bible Bee for prizes,
I don't want to do Bible Bee to be on TV,
Even though there might be surprises,
I don't think one will show up near me!
So you don't have to worry about me wanting to be on TV,
Actually, in front of many people, I'm shy! Yes, believe it or not, that's me!
Here's an acrostic poem:
Memverse is so
Entertaining and fun, when you're bored, just sit down and
Memorize! Taking a little ride in the
Van, or sitting down to watch your favorite movie, it may
Entertain you, but it won't bless you! Being able to
Remember things is fun, but when you remember Bible verses, it's
So fun and so helpful and so
Entertaining because you get so absorbed into it, you don't think about being bored!
JIC (Hannah)- I just added you. Thank you! No, I will not be making a group. Well, only because I don't know how. Plus, that would mean leaving Bright Lights; and I don't really want to do that. Sorry!
Emily Hamilton- That's good!
@ Rosie: Could I make a group? You wouldn't have to join it if you don't want to. Oh, if you want to know how to make a group, just go to your profile, and type in the 'Group' section whatever you want your group to be named. Then, press 'Enter' or click 'Update Profile' and you're finished!
@ Rachel: Cool! How old are you? How many verses do you have memorized?
JIC (Hannah)- Well, I 've thought about this a lot since I wrote my last comment, and I decided to make a group. As soon as we finish Psalm 139, I'll go right back to Bright Lights. Thank you for offering to though.
Everyone in the Bright Lights group: I'm really sorry everyone for leaving the group. I know it put you all really far down. I'll come right back after the Bible Bee or less (I promise!!).
@ Emily Hamilton: Thanks!
@ Rosie: You don't have to say (it's a start!) anymore. It's more than a start! When It started, there was only two people. That was a start. Now it's four people. That might (hopefully not) be a finish, 'cause all the people who regularly look at this post have already joined! :(
Here's ANOTHER poem:
Only four people are doing Psalm 139. Boohoo!
But at least it's a little better than two.
There was only two when it started, they were JPIA (R) and GMOV,
But then there was four. Don't forget, before I joined there was three!
EDIT: This is the 180th comment! When will we get to 200? I'm guessing on May 2.
ANOTHER EDIT: So... how many people have joined Psalm 139? It's not on the group leaderboard yet.
@ GMOV: Actually, I changed my mind. I just joined the Proverbs Copying Project, because that's the group I'm doing right now. As soon as I'm done, I'll join it. Yes, the poem is kinda funny. I just made it up right then, I didn't think about it very long.
@ 1-3 John-ers: Sorry. I know your group went down a lot. But I like to be in the group that I'm doing right then. After I'm done with Proverbs and Psalm 139, I'll join again. But I talked to Octavius at HRBC, and he said when he's done with memorizing Elijah, he will join your group.
@ Proverbs Copying Project People: I'll be doing chapter 25 today! How far along is everybody else?
@ GMOV: Congratulations! I've calculated that I'll be done with Proverbs by May 4th if I keep up at my normal pace. So I'll be ready soon.
@ JPIA(R): How far along are you in Proverbs?
Yippee! Next time I review John 1:2, John 1:3, Psalm 23:3, Exodus 20:9, Psalm 23:2, Psalm 1:4, and Psalm 23:5, I'll probably memorize them! and next time I review Psalm 23:6, Psalm 100:5, Exodus 20:14, Exodus 14:14, Proverbs 3:6, and Psalm 23:4, I'll probably get them ready to memorize!
Hannah - I am near the end of chapter 5 (I think I am!) I'm writing it that's why it's taking longer.
@ JPIA: That's okay. I'd be surprised if anyone (besides me) was past chapter 11! How many verses are you doing a day? Proverbs is one of my favorite books of the Bible. Isn't it so good?
May God bless all of you as you read and write (or type) his holy Word!
BTW, How old are you? How many verses do you have memorized?
@ GMOV: I'd actually be done with Proverbs if I had kept up at my normal pace! but I took a break last week 'cause I was pretty busy and I was 10 chapters (or more) ahead of everyone else!
Good for you, Hannah! I agree! Proverbs is such a wonderful book of God's Word! It is full of wisdom and instruction for us to follow. I can probably guess your favorite chapter- 31. Well, that one's my favorite.
I've been busy lately too! I still haven't reached chapter 10. I'm going to work on it today.
Rachel- That's still good.
@JoyfulInChrist (Hannah): Wow! I didn't know you were going that slowly. I finished chapter 31 last week, but I didn't want to brag about being ahead and all that. By the way, have you seen @Mommy'sHelper anywhere? She used to go to my church, but now some girl with glasses has been coming with her family. It's really weird to not see her anymore.
@ Rosie: You guessed it! My two favorite verses in Proverbs are Proverbs 11:22 (Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.) and Proverbs 31:30 (Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.). Just so you know, I might be done a little later than I thought. I forgot to write yesterday, and I only did half of chapter 27 the day before yesterday. BTW, happy late May Fool's Day! LOL
@ Wretched Man: Then why are you bragging now? Anyway, I'm not going slowly. Yes, I have seen Mommy's Helper. I see her every time I look into a mirror. And she still does come to your church. She is the one who you see with glasses going to church with her family. Wait, why am I telling you all this? You already know. Just look at the chat post! BTW, how come the only person you've been commenting to recently is me?
Yippee! I just got my first referral! (My mother.) =D Now I won't have to wait FOREVER to get off level 5 when I get to it!
Ohhhhhhhhh! That's you with the glasses, @Mommy'sHelper?!? You look so different!
I see that you're already on Proverbs 27. Do you remember how verse 2 goes? That one is always a tough one for me to apply. Is it ever tough for you, too?
Glad to know who you are now.
What do you mean you're the only one I commenting to?! Have you not visited the forums anytime recently? I'm an Equal Opportunity Commentator!
Boohoo! My guess about us getting to 200 comments was wrong! Now I'm guessing May 12th. What is everyone else's guess?
@ Wretched Man: Yes, I do look different with my glasses. You should see me with my patch, though. I have a lazy eye! I'm actually in Proverbs 30 now. No, I do not remember verse two of chapter 27. I'll look it up. Oh, I see now! Yes, it is tough. Read this one though: (Proverbs 27:1) Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. I like this one too: (Proverbs 16:18) Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 27:1 is always hard for me. Is it hard for you? BTW, I guess you have been commenting to other people.
Here's an acrostic:
Do not brag to
Other people,
Not of tomorrow, today, or any day,
'Cause Proverbs chapter
Twenty-seven verse one says not to.
Bragging and boasting is not good. Do you
Remember Proverbs 27:1? It says, "Do not boast
About tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring." Now you know why bragging is not
Did you see the two words the acrostic spells? It spells, DON'T BRAG.
@ Rosie: I will probably be done with Proverbs tomorrow, okay? But done or not done, I'm starting Psalm 139 tomorrow. So you can add me to your list tomorrow.
Great, Hannah! I'll be looking forward to that. But I'm not sure that I'll be on tomorrow. I will add you as soon as possible. Great job in Proverbs!
@Mommy'sHelper/@JoyfulInChrist(Hannah): You're slowly getting my point, very slowly. If you'd just stop hitting me on the side of my head with that log you've got there, I think you'll see my point (or my speck).
Proverbs 27:1 is very helpful to just concern myself with today. But 27:2 is good ALL the time. I call it the "Don't toot your own horn" verse. It's always good to let others praise us, and praise for ourselves should never cross our lips (unless you're doing it sarcastically to try to get someone else's attention about their own problem with it).
Are you done with Proverbs yet?
@ Wretched Man: Maybe I am. I think all verses in Proverbs are helpful all the time. Well, I see your point though. No, I'm not done with Proverbs. But I promise, I mean PROMISE, that I'll be done by 9:00 tomorrow night. You can comment at precisely 9:00 and ask me if I'm done. See if I can keep my promise. BTW, can you PLEEEEAAAAAAAAASE do (and join) Psalm 139? Then maybe when I join the group, it'll already be high. PLEEEEAAAAAAAAASE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
@ Rosie: Thank you! BTW, I actually might not have time today to start Psalm 139. I usually do MemVerse as soon as I get up from bed, so I'm still half asleep and don't remember everything I want to do. But tomorrow I'll try to remember to start it when I do MemVerse.
Mr. Alexander, that's almost exactly what I call that verse :D. It is such a good verse to always keep at the front of one's mind, huh?
@ GMOV: I remember to start Psalm 139 today! Now you can add me to your list.
@ Emily Hamilton: Congratulations on your 1,000th verse memorized! BTW, what do you call that verse?
@ Wretched Man: [Read my last comment before you read this unless you already did, or else it won't make any sense at all.] Sorry! I couldn't keep my promise. When I commented the day before yesterday, I forgot that the day after was Sunday, and I didn't have time. I'm never promising anything like that again for a long time!
I just added you, Hannah. I'm glad you could join!
Emily- I know; I still sometimes struggle with it.
Congratulations, ISC!! Keep up the good work!
P.S. I think I will be joining you in the "4-digit demesne" soon... :)
@Rosie, Jackie Chase & SavedByGrace: Thank you!
@Wretched Man: Thank you too. If you consider an ode a "treat" I suppose I will:
The Ode of 1,000:
I allegorize, and jest not besides:
The Great King of the land of land's end
Did this rebellious foe befriend.
And though the devil water pours,
Siphoned from his evil shores,
My King, my God doth oil spill
And keep the fire unquenched still -
Moreover he - the King I know
('Twas nigh 2,000 years ago)
Issued the final version of The Sword
His soldiers go and it record -
They model their own swords after it
Small are theirs, a very small bit:
But a thousand bekas is the weight
Though it has grown much of late.
Moreover it doth oft dull,
So I thank The King for his refuge wall
And for his Memversian grindstone
For to forget we all are prone.
That of the sword - I would tell of the shield -
For by faith my sins were healed
(Though 'twas The Prince who did it)
I would tell of the helmet, and the sword's hilt -
The breastplate I had from my Prince Adored
But by beloved's voice is in The SWORD!
@ Rosie: So am I! Thank you for adding me!
P.S. I'm having trouble ALREADY!
@ Wretched Man: You still haven't answered my question. Can you PLEEEEAAAAAAAAASE do (and join) Psalm 139? Then maybe when I join the group, it'll already be high. PLEEEEAAAAAAAAASE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
What are you having trouble with, Hannah (if I may ask)? I had some trouble memorizing Psalm 139:11-16. Hopefully it will get easier for you.
"O Lord, You have searched me, and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are aquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether. You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it." (Psalm 139:1-6)
I love these first six verses so much! They show the wonderful Omniscience of our God. I like all the verses in Psalm 139 though. These ones just really stand out to me.
InSoloChristo- Nice ode.
@InSoloChristo: You just have to go showing off with your hyrogliffix and fancy language for your Ode, while I'm still trying to comprise mine for the Wretched Wramblings forum. Thanks a lot! No pressure or anything. (Oh, yeah! Nice job!)
@Mommy'sHelper/JoyfulInChrist(Hannah): I'm sorry that I cannot join your group until the end of 2012 (at the earliest), due to my founding commitment to the Romans Project this year.
@HRBCers: If VMGO & SBG can clear just a few more verses, we'll have FIVE MemVersers over 1,000! Wow!
@ GMOV: You may ask. I was having trouble with the first three verses, but now only the second one. I don't add everything all at once; just like three verses, then when I've memorized them, three more, and so on. BTW, I FINALLY finished Proverbs today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE! Now Wretched Man cannot say I'm going slow anymore! I know I've already said it, but I'll say it again, YIPPEE! Oh, what is your translation? Mine is ESV, that's probably why Psalm 139 1-6 seemed kinda weird.
@ Wretched Man: That's okay. Well, couldn't you take a little break, like I did? Oh, also, congrats on memorizing your 1,500th verse! Oh, also, if you didn't read what I said to Rosie, I'm putting it here: I FINALLY finished Proverbs today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE! Now Wretched Man cannot say I'm going slow anymore! I know I've already said it, but I'll say it again, YIPPEE! Oh, also, what would five HRBCer's over 1,000 do? We're already 1 on the leaderboard! I mean, we can't get any higher than we are right now! Oh, also, What is your translation? Oh, also, . . . Okay, I'll stop.
@ SBG: He was counting just the people in HRBC. By the way, congrats on reaching level 21 and 22!
@ ISC: I like your ode! MUCH better than Wretched Man's proud, stuck-up ones. LOL
@Rosie: Thank you. See you at prayer meeting...
@Wretched Man: I wasn't trying to show off - should I have used bad grammar, perhaps?
(Oh yeah! Thank you!)
@Mommy'sHelper/JoyfulInChrist(Hannah): I ain't the most kwik at lernin', so fergiv me if I cain't figer out wut you wuz sayin', but did you finnish Proverbs yit or knot? Is you still goin' slowe like you wuz befo?
@SBG: Really? REALLY?!? Seriously?!
@InSoloChristo: Yes, you may have better served yourself using improper grammatical structures and vocabularical inefficiencies in your homage for those present in the audience who may not have possessed the adequate capacity to entirely comprehend your treatise.
@Proverbs Copying Group - I just finished copying Proverbs 5, but I'm switching over to typing now. I want to finish before Bible Bee, and - my hand hurts!! :) I like writing it, but typing will be a lot faster.
I'm the same as JoyfulInChrist (Hannah). I just changed my name 'cause before I changed my account, my mom joined, and she made her name Mommy's Helper's Mommy after OCTSRIS suggested it. It seems so normal now to see "Welcome Mommy's Helper (Logout)" 'cause I still wasn't used to "Welcome JoyfulInChrist (Hannah) (Logout)"
@ Reched Mann: I did finnish Proverbs. I wain't goin' slowe! If u won't finish Romans til a' leest da end of da yeer, then it'z U goin' slowe! PLEESE stop mispeling wordz! I kin bairly reed 'em!
@ RejoicingAlways(BethanyM): Wow! You're that far in writing... ALREADY? WOW! I probably would have been still in chapter 1 if I had been writing! I don't blame you for deciding to type. My hand got tired too before I started typing, even though I wrote only 8 verses! BTW, is the girl in your picture you? So cute!
@ SBG: Why don't you make your picture to you wearing your glasses? I think you look nicer that way... How are you coming along in the Romans Project?
@ GMOV: I forgot to join Psalm 139 yesterday... I will right now.
@Wretched Man: Well, recently I have been studying biblical (Koine) Greek, (hence the elaborate name of the ode) and have discovered that English has simplified way too much. So if anybody can't take a bit of old English - forget the whole thing!
@Mommy's Helper - yes, that's me. :) and my little brother. (Wait, did I say little? Oops - I should say younger brother - he's not that little anymore! :))
Mommy's Helper- Good for you! I'm sure you enjoyed typing the last chapter.
I'm using NKJV. It's fine if you forgot. Psalm 139 is a kind of short chapter, so it shouldn't take too long. I have been taking a break from it so that I don't finish too quickly.
Wretched Man- I'm looking forward to reaching 1,000. I most likely will get there after the Bible Bee is over.
@ GMOV: Guess what!?!?!? My family is considering doing the Bible Bee with your family this year! I'll tell you if we are when we decide if we are or not. If so, then OCTSRIS, InSoloChristo, and I will be doing it. I did have a lot of fun typing the last chapter! Especially the last verse... knowing that I wouldn't have to try to remember every day to do it and try to make the time for it. Why don't you want to finish Psalm 139 too quickly? How many verses do you have memorized?
@ RejoicingAlways(BethanyM): How old is your younger (not little) brother? How many siblings do you have? How old is your younger (not little) brother? Is he on MemVerse? Is he on MemVerse?
@ Reched Mann: Hou manee verrsez do ya hav memorisedd? Ausow, iff u kin spel "rili" an' "seeriyasli" ta SaveddBiGrac, hou com ya kan't spel "wut" ta mi?
Mommy's Helper- I'm so glad!! I was really hoping you might do the Bible Bee! If you do, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
I only need 10 more memorized verses to reach 900!
Well, I have memorized verses 1-20. I only have 4 more to go. So I'm slowing down a bit. I think I may have already said this, but, Psalm 139 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. A couple others would be 1 Corinthians 13 and Proverbs 31 (there are a bunch more).
@Mommy's Helper - My younger (not little) brother is my only sibling. He is eleven, two years younger than me. He is on Memverse, and his username is Musician For Christ. BTW, that's great that you're doing Bible Bee! It's my first year too. Maybe if we both make it to Nationals I'll actually be able to meet you! And all the other Memversers doing Bible Bee. :)
@ RA(BM): I'm actually not sure I'm doing Bible Bee. We might though. Even if we do it, there's only like 10% that any of my family will make it to Nationals. Well, maybe OCTSRIS. He's a year older than you. But if you are going to the Cleveland one in OH, then if we go maybe I could meet you! That'd be so cool, but how would we know who everyone is?
@ GMOV: WHAT????? You've memorized Psalm 139 verses 1-20... ALREADY? NO WAY!!!! Oh, by the way, I'm also typing up Psalm 139. I'll probably be done today. LOL
@ Reched Mann: U stil havn't anserd mi qeschon; kin u plees stopp spelin' yar wordz ron? It'z drivin' mi outta mi mynd!
Mommy's Helper- Well, I've been doing since before I came up with the idea on Memverse.
Oh, and, I only really suggested the idea for Psalm 139 so that we could memorize it, not type it (I hope I don't sound mean). I thought it would be fun to memorize (it IS pretty short), and so that we could learn from it. Typing Proverbs is fine since it is so long (not that we shouldn't memorize it), but Psalm 139 is short, and easy to do. And, I was only putting those who were memorizing it on the list (sorry!). It's okay if you want to type, but I'd like to have the list for those who are memorizing. So if you are only typing, please let me know. Thanks!
I REALLY hope you do the Bible Bee. If not, then, oh well...
@ GMOV: Oh, that's why you have so many memorized already! I'm memorizing it too. I REALLY hope that I can do it too! But, as you say, if not, then, oh well...
@ Emily Hamilton: That's really close to what Reched Mann calls it! Only two words are different!
@Rosie: If I were to do the Bible Bee, how many verses would I have to memorize? (I'm your age, by the way.) And why do want us to do it so much?
@Wretched Man, (that is, if you're still here): Did you "forget the whole thing", or are you showing self control by not commenting?
@InSoloChristo: Option C (I've actually been busy! Who'da thought?!?) By the way, I'll answer for Rosie about the Bible Bee (or at least before she gets a chance to answer):
1. In year's past, the 3 Bible Bee divisions (Primary, Junior & Senior) had to memorize hundreds of verses in 12-13 weeks during the summer. It was something like-- 250 for Primary, 500 for Juniors, and 800 for Seniors.
This year? 100 FOR EVERYONE!! (That's about 8-9 verses a week). Amazing!
2. Why do we want you to join? Well, we've wanted you and the Waters and the Detwilers and others to join in the past, but we're pushing even harder this summer because of the reduced amount and because of the prowess you've demonstrated on MemVerse. There's a good likelihood that one of you (if not more) could qualify for Nationals, and that would be cool!
On top of that, you get to meet like-minded families you never would've met otherwise. We have developed some really good friendships between families as a result.
(I've actually heard that friendship with other genuine believers is a good thing to pursue.)
@JoyfulinChrist(Hannah)Mommy'sHelper: Did choo gets yo baybee yit? Us Ahlixanderr boyz wanna sea if choo gets ah BOYZ! GO BOYZ!!
InSoloChristo- Like Dad said, everyone only has 100 verses to memorize over the summer. So if you were to do it, that is how many you'd have.
I really hope your family joins because I think it would be nice to have a family that we know from church doing it. And, like Dad said (again), we want the Waters and the Detwilers to do the Bible Bee as well.
Hannah- I'll be praying for your mom (I hope you have a girl!). It must be very exciting to be getting a new baby brother or sister!
We saw the Jackson's at church today; I heard they had been staying at your house.
@ Everyone: Please pray for my mother. She has been pregnant for almost nine months, and is in labor. The labor is not intense at all, but still please pray... :D I'm so excited! I'll update when the baby is delivered and whether it's a boy or girl if I'm allowed.
@ Reched Mann: Noo, wee didd nott. I wantz a girll 'cuus thenn wenn itt groz upp itll hav a berthda onn Motherr's Daa an' hopfulee shee'l b a motherr soo that'dd b perrtee coll. Us Rit girlz wanne sea if wee getz a GIRLZ! GO GIRLZ!!
@ Rosie: Yes, they had been. It is very exciting! I hope it is a girl too!
@Mommy'sHelper: Kungrajoolashuns! Itz uh GOIL! Uh GOIL?!? O NOE! KNOTT UHNUTHR GOIL!!
Ewe dew reel-eyes dat Muhdder's Deigh b uh diphrint deigh eech yeer, reight? Duh knextt tighm Mae 13 b Muhdder's Deigh ahgin b 2018. Aphter dat b lighk 2029.
@InSoloChristo & @OCTIRIS: Congratulations on the new sib, even if it is a girl. Your numbers are even now. You can borrow some boys from our house if you need a majority on any upcoming house votes.
@ Everyone: IT'S A... GIRL! GO GIRLS!
@ Reched Mann: Haha! Noww Iv gott u! ITZ A GIRL! GO GIRLZ! Hehe! Yess, I do reel-eyes thatt. Bbut somtim if shee beecoms uh mom herr birthdayy wil b onn Muthirrs Daa! Noww letts stopp mispelin' wordz an' spel 'em rite forr wonc!
Haa! Thattz nott fer! Bbut I kin alwaas barow som girlz frumm othirr famileez att churrch, ewe no.
@Rosie & Wretched Man: I'll postpone a response about the Bible Bee until our family has decided something... (Except I will say that the prizes better be substantial, otherwise learning only 100 verses isn't worth it, in my opinion.)
@Wretched Man: Thanks, and sure - I'll borrow some boys - how about all of them - then you'll have more girls (or rather you'll have more girl) than boys! What's so bad about girls anyway?
InSoloChristo- We just found out this morning that Samuel Elliott and Hannah and Dilia Waters are all participating in the Bible Bee.
Did you just say that memorizing 100 verses isn't worth it!?! You would memorize God's Word during the summer all for a prize?
OCTSRIS, InSoloChristo and Mommy's Helper- Congratulations on your new baby sister!! Two questions: Do you have a name yet? And, what is the weight and length of the baby? Again, congratulations!
@InSoloChristo: The prize(s) for memorizing 100 verses is/are:
1) Of course, learning God's Word and storing it in your heart;
2) Qualifying for the final 100 at Nationals (and with the Local competition being much more difficult this year with only having to learn 100 and having to perform well on the accompanying written test, it'll mean even more to qualify this time around);
3) There are local prizes to be had as well, which vary depending on the Local Bee in which you enroll. Our's had trophies, medals, and brand new cars (well, okay, the car thing might be a little bit of an exaggeration, a little bit).
4) The friendships you develop with other like-minded participants and their families should not be undervalued. These could be lifelong ties, both on the Local and National Levels.
So, those are just a few "prizes" to be had.
@Mommy'sHelper: Eye halve benn tawkin' two ewe naumelly. Itz duh uddah wae eye b reightin' dats abbnaumel fo mee.
SBG- I wasn't serious either when I said that.
Update: I just found out that the Detwiler family and all of the Water's girls are participating in the Bible Bee! The deadline to receive your package by June 1st ends tomorrow.
Wretched Man- Dad, seriously, you can stop with the misspelling.
Mommy's Helper- I wonder if you stop, Wretched Man will stop? Try it!
Congrats on the sister, Mommy's Helper!! Our family, unlike many on here that seem to be male-dominated, is made of four guys and nine girls (including my parents) so I have lots of sisters. There was, however, a time in my life when I actually wished I had all brothers and no sisters. I'm glad I don't wish that anymore!
@ Jackie Chase: Thank you! You really wished that once? I have only 2 sisters, so I guess I don't really understand. Sorry.
@ Rosie: Thanks for the idea! I'll try it.
@ Wretched Man: I'm very sorry I couldn't understand what you were trying to say. Seriously, let's stop.
@ Wretched Man: Good! Now you can start spelling things right for a change! Well, actually, I just looked at you other comment again, and I can kind of understand it but you still could... =D
@ Rosie: We're doing Bible Bee with you guys! I'm so excited I could pop! Oh, really the Waters girls and the Detwilers are doing it too?!?!?! NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S SO COOL THAT EVERYONE THAT YOU WANT TO DO BIBLE BEE FROM CHURCH IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!
@ Jackie Chase: I'm allowed to tell the name of our baby now! It's... Moriah Grace! She weighs 8 lbs. and is 20 inches long. She's so cute! Now our family is even! (3 girls, 3 boys).
Mommy's Helper- I love the name of your new baby sister; I saw a picture of her, and she is adorable!
I am very excited that everyone we wanted from our church to join, joined! But, I was wondering, how did you decide to use KJV? I thought you used ESV?
@Mommy's Helper - That's a sweet name! 8 lbs? That's smaller than the smallest baby in our family! We're just abnormally large as babies, I think....... :)
Congrats again!
@Rosie: While I wasn't entirely serious when I said that, I did add the crucial word only. I quote myself, "Except I will say that the prizes better be substantial, otherwise learning only 100 verses isn't worth it, in my opinion." (Emphasis added.) Only 100? Why the bumbled bee herself could remember more! I'll be memorizing either way; I do have other projects I'm working on. So it would be kind of nice to know that if I work hard enough on a small project (e.g. 100??) initiated by someone else, I may get a prize. (E.g. $10M??) Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad to be doing the Bible Bee, especially if your family, the Detwilers and the Waters are.
EDIT: @Romans Projectors: Should we disband? (That is, on the group leaderboard.) Our commanding position has been usurped, and the majority of us are doing the Bible Bee anyway. (I might add that if we join that group we'll be at the top again... but that's trivial.)
@InSoloChristo: Can we please wait until the 100 verses are revealed on June 1 before we speak of dismembering?! You sure are quick to abandon ship. Makes me wonder how you would've behaved 100 years ago last month. Hmmmm?
Believe it or not, I'd actually be okay with Bible Beepers disbanding from the Romans Project for the 3 months (and possibly beyond for the national qualifiers); you know, so long as everyone's back by December 2012 for the final push.
Wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be cool if like 10 HRBC'ers qualified for Nationals?!
YAY! I JUST MEMORIZED MY FIRST TWO VERSES! YAY! BTW, if anyone wants to call me Hannah, like you did, I don't have any problem with it.
@ Rosie: Thank you! The reasons I used KJV is because it's the only version that isn't changing. I get so confused with the ESV original, ESV 2007, ESV 2009, ESV 2011, ESV... SO CONFUSING! Also, they will probably quiz me on John 3:16, and I'm so used to it in KJV that I'll probably totally mes up if I use ESV. Also, I know most of my verses in KJV and ESV, so... I was wondering, how did you know that I am using KJV? BTW, I think I'm going to switch from Psalm 139 to Bible Bee for now...
@ Jackie Chase: Thank you! Really, all of you were bigger than that!?!?!? WOW! Some of us were smaller than that when we were born! BTW, how old are you?
@ Wretched Man: That would be cool! Or how about all of them? :D
@Mommy'sHelper: Which KJV version are you using? The first, fourth or sixth edition (or another in between)? Maybe the 1611 version would be best.??
Yes, it would be great if all HBCRer's qualified for Nationals! It would be phenomenal! But that's wishful thinking. I used to think Christian and Nicolas were the best because of all their past success in Bible Quizzing. Then, you go to Nationals, and you see the Laura Hedstroms, Alex Watts, and others of the world; and then you realize that there are a lot of profoundly strong Bible memorizers in the U.S. It's a beautiful thing to behold, but it also makes you fear, tremble, and revere just how special it is to qualify for Nationals.
And with this year's reduced verse load, it'll be even more special for those who qualify. Let's hope HRBC rises to the occasion!
@Wretched Man: I'm not jumping ship, I'm thinking of disbanding. Remember? "It's every man for himself."
InSoloChristo- Guilty? I'm confused. Maybe I should've just kept quiet and not said anything.
Hannah- Well...I saw it on the list of people participating in the Bible Bee at Royal Redeemer Church (it was on the Bible Bee website). It showed the versions that all of us HRBCers are using for the Bible Bee. You can switch, that's fine.
I'll see you this evening (Mom and I are bringing dinner to your house) :)
Wretched Man- Question: Why are you picking on Mommy's Helper because of the version she is using for the Bible Bee? You use KJV sometimes too. Which one do you use?
@Rosie: There... I removed that part - I certainly wouldn't want to be guilty of confusing someone!
It was okay that you said that - I was just being... let's say that I was being odd on purpose.
@Mommy's Helper-I'm 15. Yes, the smallest baby in our house was some ounces over eight pounds.; I think the biggest was over ten and a half.
@ Rosie: Oh. You also saw me at prayer meeting. =) How can I change versions? I actually might consider doing it.
@ Wretched Man: I agree with Rosie -- why are you picking on me? I'm using the only KJV version there is. Is that okay with you? Or do you have to pick on me some more?
@ Jackie Chase: WOW! Are any of your siblings on MemVerse? How old is the youngest, and how old is the oldest? Or are you the oldest?
Mommy's Helper, I hope you don't mind that I told the kids which version all the kids from church will be using. We were able to see your choice because we are helping the hosts of our local bee. They gave us access to the list of those participating at our site for the local contest day. I pointed out the kids who they might be able to study with based on who else is using the same version for the Bible Bee. It will be an exciting summer of learning together!
Hannah- I don't really know how to switch version. Sorry; I really am not sure.
Oh, and I was only being silly when I said that to Wretched Man. But I really think I should stop not being serious, because all I'm doing is confusing others and myself.
Jackie Chase- Wow! Over ten and a half! I was the second biggest; I weighed, 9 pounds 2 ounces. Our heaviest was, I think, 9 pounds and 3 ounces.
@Mommy's Helper-Two of my sisters are on Memverse. The youngest is two and the oldest is twenty-two. I'm the fifth oldest.
Mommy's Helper - If you are talking about switching versions in the Bible Bee, I can help you out. :) Is that what you're talking about?
@Mommy'sHelper: Nobody's pickin' on you! I only innocently asked which edition of the KJV you'll be using? You pointed out so astutely all of the different editions of the ESV, and seemed to infer that the KJV has only one edition. I just wanted to point out by my question that there are, at least, 6 editions of the KJV. Do you know which one you're using?
Were you picking on ESV'ers when you asked them what edition they were using? I think not. I have been baselessly and falsely accused of picking. I'm innocent, I tell you. Innocent!
@ Wretched Man: K, if your jes' gonna tawk nonsens ta me, al ignore u. K? (BTW, I'm not spelin' wurds ron, jes' tha wa pepol pronowc 'em.)
@ JPIA: Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
@ Beloved Wretched Woman: Oh, I don't care. I was just wondering. BTW, can YOU try to talk Wretched Man out of picking on me??? PLEASE!?!?!?!? Or maybe you could ground him. :D
@ Jackie Chase: Cool. It sounds like your ages are far apart. How far apart are they, at most and at least? My family's are 4 years down to 1 1/2 years.
@ Rosie: That's fine. Ogh, I forgot to tell you in my last comment, I switched groups again. I'm now in Bible Bee Northern Ohio. It's funny that the only people in it are HRBBC'ers.
@ All: Here's an acrostic poem:
Bible Bee
Is very fun. I've never done it,
But other people have told me that it is very
Likeable and fun,
Even if you don't make it to Nationals. :D
Bible Bee seems to be, from what I've heard,
Entertaining, for many reasons,
Especially 'cause you don't have to do school! LOL
Did you see what it spells out? BIBLE BEE!
@Mommy's Helper-The biggest gap is about three and a third years. The smallest is ten days less than one and a half years (between me and my next older sister).
@Wretched Man: An acrostic poem is a poem where, if you take the first letters of each line, you form a word or sentence that is relevant to the content of the poem. So, if you take the first letters of each line of Mommy's Helper's poem, you get B I B L E B E E !--Bible Bee, which is the subject of her poem.
Mommy's Helper, I LOVE the creativity you used to write that poem! Great job! As for your request, I gave up on "trying" to "control" WM a LONG time ago. He means well! I do hope you think the "bickering" back and forth is fun. I sure enjoy seeing the kids on Memverse because I know the time you spend reviewing and memorizing God's Word can change your life! Kiss that new sweet sister of yours for me! :)
@ Wretched Man: Ask your daughter. She's lots more smarter than you!
@ Jackie Chase: Cool!
@ Josiah Degraaf: Aww, you shouldn't have told him.
@ Beloved Wretched Woman: Thank you! Well, yes, it is fun.
@ All: Here's an acrostic poem written by Isaac Watts when he was seven years old:
I am a vile, polluted lump of earth,
So I have continued ever since my birth.
Although Jehovah grace does daily give me,
Assure this monster, Satan, will deceive me;
Come therefore, Lord, from Satan's claws relieve me.
Wash me in thy blood, O Christ,
And grace divine impart;
Then search and try the corners of my heart
That I in all things may be fit to do
Service to Thee and to sing Thy praises, too.
Wasn't he such a good writer? And he wrote many wonderful hymns, too!
@Hannah - I love that poem by Isaac Watts! What a smart 7-year-old!! I heard that his mom thought he had copied it from someone else until she saw what the acrostic spelled. Then she knew for sure he had written it. :) Yes, he has written many wonderful hymns. A lot of my favorite hymns are by him!!
@ RABM: Yes, he was very smart. She did?!?!?!
How come the Lord has called me
And loved me though I do
Not deserve it, while all around others will
Never hear or read of the truth.
Amazing grace!
How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
Hannah- Not really (at all). He's just being silly; it's kind of his personality. BTW, how are you doing in Psalm 139?
@ Rosie: Oh. Well, yes, it is. I'm doing kinda good, I guess.
@ RABM: Thank you! Could you make an acrostic poem of your name? Are you poetic?
@ RABM: Okay! You can start it. Could you call it... Poems & Acrostics? But please let me put on the acrostic poem by Isaac Watts.
Anybody want to start a "Fighter Verses" group? If you want to, I started the group so all you have to do is join it on your profile.
Great! Now we just need one more user to get on the board. :) (Not that that's the reason to be in a group, but that makes it more fun. :D)
@Eunice Sophia - What part of India are you from (If you don't mind me asking and it's safe for you to post on the Internet)? Soon I'm going on a missions trip to northern India! :D I am very excited! Do you speak Hindi? I am learning it.
@Eunice - Like he said, Fighter verses is John Piper's memory verse program. He uses it with his church, Bethlehem Baptist. It is part of his ministry, Desiring God - They start out with the Foundation Verses for younger kids, and then come the Fighter Verses, which are longer passages.
By the way, @anyone, did you know that John Piper is retiring as Senior pastor at Bethlehem? He is going to be focusing full time on Desiring God Ministries and his writing, I guess.
Hey Crystal and Rebecca we're in nineteenth place on the group leaderboard!!!!! Yayyy! When did you girls join the group because I just noticed today? Are you two sisters?
Not sure if I'm the member you're talking about, but I've been working on memorizing the book of Psalms with a goal of memorizing it by the time I finish college...